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Old 07-08-2003, 05:51 PM
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groovico groovico is offline

Join Date: Apr 2003
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Originally Posted by genekurtz
I have replied to his solicitation through my PM as "Not a chance". With everything that everyone does on this board to help each other out this made me really chuckle. Thank heaven Shan, Funky, and Boomer (as well as everyone else that gives advice) don't charge to help out or most people on here would be broke by now. Get a life invisible!

You're obviously not in real business making a comment like that. People don't have to give you everything for free on a plate.

What have you done in return for example? He's well within his rights to charge for a service. It's called "business" none of this is a charity.

There's no need to be rude to people over it. He takes time out to figure out how to do the mod, posts it up on the site, then takes time out to contact you.

You make money out of your shop therefore, why should someone give their time for free to enhance your business? It's almost like asking an employee to work for free.

Some people don't have the knowledege to modify the tpl's themselves and risk screwing an important part of their shop so don't ridicule him for making a small charge for his time!
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