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Old 09-30-2006, 03:09 PM
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groovico groovico is offline

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Default Re: Marketing Manager Pro Newsletter Control Addon

Originally Posted by augustash
I sent out around 15000 emails yesturday and everything went great with no burden on our server but all the bounced emails went to our sales email address. I was wondering if anyone has delt with this software and if there is someway of directing the software to use a specific return address.


If you are on a cpanel server you should set up say "" and create an autoresponder which sends out an email saying "no response from this email address please email us through our contact form on our website" and if you set no forwarder for the server will delete any emails to that address.

We deal with many sites using the routine above, some have newsletter lists as large as 40,000 and email out 20 newsletters a month with no problems.

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