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Old 08-25-2006, 04:13 AM
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Warwick Warwick is offline

Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Somewhere on the web through European connection
Posts: 868

Default Re: Trustlogo not floating

Somehow that's not working:

{* $Id: home.tpl,v 2006/07/19 10:19:35 max Exp $ *} <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> {if $printable ne ''} {include file="customer/home_printable.tpl"} {else} {config_load file="$skin_config"} <html> <head> {literal}<script language="JavaScript" src="" type="text/javascript"> </script>{/literal} <title> {if $config.SEO.page_title_format eq "A"} {section name=position loop=$location} {$location[position].0|strip_tags|escape} {if not %position.last%} :: {/if} {/section} {else} {section name=position loop=$location step=-1} {$location[position].0|strip_tags|escape} {if not %position.last%} :: {/if} {/section} {/if} </title> {include file="meta.tpl" } <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$SkinDir}/{#CSSFile#}" /> </head> <body{$reading_direction_tag}{if $body_onload ne ''} onload="javascript: {$body_onload}"{/if}> {include file="rectangle_top.tpl" } {include file="head_customer.tpl" } {if $active_modules.SnS_connector} {include file="modules/SnS_connector/header.tpl"} {/if} <!-- main area --> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="VertMenuLeftColumn"> {include file="customer/categories.tpl" } {if $main ne "catalog" or $current_category.category ne ""} { include file="customer/menu_cart.tpl" } {if $active_modules.Feature_Comparison ne "" && $comparison_products ne ''} {include file="modules/Feature_Comparison/product_list.tpl" hide_bullets=true} {/if} {if $active_modules.Bestsellers ne "" and $config.Bestsellers.bestsellers_menu eq "Y"} {include file="modules/Bestsellers/menu_bestsellers.tpl" } {/if} {if $active_modules.Users_online ne "" and $users_online} { include file="modules/Users_online/menu_users_online.tpl" } <br /> {/if} {if $active_modules.Manufacturers ne "" and $config.Manufacturers.manufacturers_menu eq "Y"} {include file="modules/Manufacturers/menu_manufacturers.tpl" } {/if} {include file="customer/special.tpl"} {if $active_modules.Survey && $menu_surveys} {assign var="hide_bullets" value=true} {foreach from=$menu_surveys item=menu_survey} {include file="modules/Survey/menu_survey.tpl"} <br /> {/foreach} {assign var="hide_bullets" value=false} {/if} {include file="help.tpl" } {include file="news.tpl"} {if $active_modules.Interneka ne ""} <br /> { include file="modules/Interneka/menu_interneka.tpl" } {/if} {/if} <img src="{$ImagesDir}/spacer.gif" width="180" height="1" alt="" /> </td> <td valign="top"{if $main ne "catalog" or $current_category.category ne ""} class="MainArea"{/if}> <!-- central space --> {if $main ne "catalog" or $current_category.category ne ""} <img src="{$ImagesDir}/spacer.gif" width="100%" height="14" alt="" /> {/if} {include file="dialog_message.tpl"} {if $active_modules.Special_Offers ne ""} <div class="OffersBox"> {include file="modules/Special_Offers/customer/new_offers_message.tpl"} </div> {/if} {include file="customer/home_main.tpl"} <!-- /central space --> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="MainSeparator"><img src="{$ImagesDir}/spacer.gif" alt="" /></div> {if $main eq "catalog" and $current_category.category eq ""} <div class="MainSeparator2"><img src="{$ImagesDir}/customer_images/Line_bg.gif" alt="" /></div> <!--Bottom menu--> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center"> <tr> <td><img src="{$ImagesDir}/spacer.gif" alt="" class="WelcomeSpacer"/></td> <td> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center"> <tr> <td width="180" valign="top" style="padding-right: 18px;"> {if $active_modules.Feature_Comparison ne "" && $comparison_products ne ''} {include file="modules/Feature_Comparison/product_list.tpl" hide_bullets=true} {/if} {if $active_modules.Bestsellers ne "" and $config.Bestsellers.bestsellers_menu eq "Y"} { include file="modules/Bestsellers/menu_bestsellers.tpl" } {/if} {if $active_modules.Users_online ne "" and $users_online} { include file="modules/Users_online/menu_users_online.tpl" } <br /> {/if} {if $active_modules.Manufacturers ne "" and $config.Manufacturers.manufacturers_menu eq "Y"} { include file="modules/Manufacturers/menu_manufacturers.tpl" } {/if} {if $active_modules.XAffiliate ne ""} {include file="partner/menu_affiliate.tpl" } {/if} </td> <td width="168" valign="top"> {include file="customer/special.tpl"} {include file="help.tpl"} </td> <td class="VertSeparator"><img src="{$ImagesDir}/customer_images/spacer_white.gif" alt="" /></td> <td width="177" valign="top"> {include file="news.tpl" } {if $active_modules.Interneka ne ""} {include file="modules/Interneka/menu_interneka.tpl" } {/if} <img src="{$ImagesDir}/spacer.gif" alt="" /> </td> <td class="VertSeparator"><img src="{$ImagesDir}/customer_images/spacer_white.gif" alt="" /></td> <td valign="top"> <br/><br/><br/> <a href="help.php?section=contactus&amp;mode=update"><img src="{$ImagesDir}/customer_images/contact_us.jpg" class="ContactUs" alt="" /></a> <br/><br/><br/> {if $active_modules.SnS_connector && $config.SnS_connector.sns_display_button eq 'Y'} <center> {include file="modules/SnS_connector/button.tpl"} </center> {/if} </td> </tr> </table> {if $f_products ne ""} {include file="customer/main/featured.tpl" f_products=$f_products}<br /> {/if} </td> <td><img src="{$ImagesDir}/spacer.gif" alt="" class="WelcomeSpacer2"/></td> </tr> </table> {/if} <center class="HorizSeparator"><img src="{$ImagesDir}/spacer.gif" class="Spc" alt="" /></center> { include file="poweredby.tpl" } {include file="rectangle_bottom.tpl" } </body> <!-- TrustLogo Html Builder Code: Shows the logo at URL Logo type is ("SC") Floating on the //--> {literal}<script type="text/javascript">TrustLogo("", "SC", "bottomright");</script>{/literal} </html> {/if}

Line 9 and one of the last lines have the javascript code, would you be so kind to take a quick look?
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