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Old 07-09-2006, 08:27 AM
Hunabku Hunabku is offline

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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 47

Default A mod is born...Categories_For_Selected_Product

Categories_For_Selected_Product displays a clickable list of all the categories assigned to
a product in a nested(indented) side menu, with the product's main cat-subcats shown first -
followed by others as sorted by Pos. in admin or alphabet.

The pixel amount to indent, down to no indenting, can be set in a product.php variable.
With indenting on, if a product is assigned to a subcategory but not its parent(s), then the
parent(s) will appear above it as non-hyperlinked place holders. Also in product.php there is
a variable for hiding or showing root (first level) categories.

To do something different with a category depending on whether or not it is available,
test the "avail" element value passed to smarty - see comments in the added template

On a technical note: I am very pleased with the php code here since it is elegantly optimized with

To see it action, check out the right side menu entitled "Copaiba
Categories/Conditions" in this page.

To install open product.php and around line 143 insert the following:

/*This mod - categoriesForSelectedProduct - puts a product's categories into an array so we can access them from the added template: customer/categories_for_selected_product.tpl. */ # Set $rootLevel to 1 for listing 1st(Main) level categories otherwise set to 2 $rootLevel = 1; # Set $indentPixels to the number of pixels to indent nested categories. # If $indentPixels = 0 then no indent and no parent category placeholder names will be listed. $indentPixels = 10; $cat_result = db_query(" SELECT $sql_tbl[products_categories].categoryid,$sql_tbl[products_categories].main,$sql_tbl[categories].category,$sql_tbl[categories].categoryid_path,$sql_tbl[categories].order_by,$sql_tbl[categories].avail FROM $sql_tbl[products_categories],$sql_tbl[categories] WHERE $sql_tbl[products_categories].productid = $productid AND $sql_tbl[categories].categoryid = $sql_tbl[products_categories].categoryid AND $sql_tbl[categories].parentid != ($rootLevel-2) ORDER BY $sql_tbl[categories].categoryid_path"); $cat_result_main = db_query("SELECT $sql_tbl[products_categories].categoryid FROM $sql_tbl[products_categories] WHERE $sql_tbl[products_categories].productid = $productid AND $sql_tbl[products_categories].main = 'Y' "); $categoryMain = db_fetch_row($cat_result_main); $mainCatId = $categoryMain[0]; $i = 0; $oldCatIDs_sortStrings = array(); $parentPlaceHolders = array(); $sortString = ''; while ($category = db_fetch_row($cat_result)) : if ($category) { $productCategories[] = $category; # $productCategories initial assignments: catId[0] main[1] name[2] pathId[3] orderBy[4] avail[5] $catName = $productCategories[$i][2]; $orderBy = $productCategories[$i][4]; $sortStingsRow = $productCategories[$i][3]; $catIDs_sortStrings = explode('/', $sortStingsRow); if ($mainCatId == $catIDs_sortStrings[0]) {$sortPrefix = '!0000';} else {$sortPrefix = '00000';} $totalCatLevels = count($catIDs_sortStrings); $catIDs_sortStrings = array('catIDs' => $catIDs_sortStrings, 'sortStrings' => array_fill(0, $totalCatLevels, '')); for ($j = $totalCatLevels; $j >= 1; $j--): if ($j == $totalCatLevels) { $sortString = substr_replace($sortPrefix, $orderBy, -strlen($orderBy), strlen($orderBy)) . $catName; } else { if ($catIDs_sortStrings[catIDs][$j-1] == $oldCatIDs_sortStrings[catIDs][$j-1]) { $sortString = $oldCatIDs_sortStrings[sortStrings][$j-1]; } else { $searchByCatId = $catIDs_sortStrings[catIDs][$j-1]; $cat_result_parent = db_query("SELECT $sql_tbl[categories].category,$sql_tbl[categories].order_by,$sql_tbl[categories].avail FROM $sql_tbl[categories] WHERE $sql_tbl[categories].categoryid = $searchByCatId"); $categoryParent = db_fetch_row($cat_result_parent); if ($categoryParent) { $sortString = substr_replace($sortPrefix, $categoryParent[1], -strlen($categoryParent[1]), strlen($categoryParent[1])) . $categoryParent[0]; if ($indentPixels > 0 && $j >= $rootLevel) { #Insert 2 rows (name & avail) to build placeholders from if (count($catIDs_sortStrings) < 3) { $catIDs_sortStrings = array('catIDs' => $catIDs_sortStrings[catIDs], 'sortStrings' => $catIDs_sortStrings[sortStrings], 'catNames' => array_fill(0, $totalCatLevels, ''), 'catAvails' => array_fill(0, $totalCatLevels, '')); } $catIDs_sortStrings['catNames'][$j-1] = $categoryParent[0]; $catIDs_sortStrings['catAvails'][$j-1] = $categoryParent[2]; } } } } $catIDs_sortStrings[sortStrings][$j-1] = $sortString; endfor; # $productCategories final assignments: catId[0] indent[1] name[2] pathId[3] sortString[4] avail[5] $productCategories[$i][1] = (($totalCatLevels * $indentPixels ) - ($rootLevel * $indentPixels)); $productCategories[$i][4] = implode('', $catIDs_sortStrings[sortStrings]); if (count($catIDs_sortStrings) > 2) { # Placeholders values were inserted so create them below for ($j = $rootLevel; $j < $totalCatLevels; $j++): if ($catIDs_sortStrings['catNames'][$j-1] != '') { $parentPlaceHolderRow = array('0','0','0','0','0','0'); $parentPlaceHolderRow[1] = (($j * $indentPixels ) - ($rootLevel * $indentPixels)); $parentPlaceHolderRow[2] = $catIDs_sortStrings['catNames'][$j-1]; $parentPlaceHolderRow[4] = implode('', array_slice($catIDs_sortStrings[sortStrings], 0, $j)); $parentPlaceHolderRow[5] = $catIDs_sortStrings[catAvails][$j-1]; $parentPlaceHolders[] = $parentPlaceHolderRow; } endfor; } $oldCatIDs_sortStrings = $catIDs_sortStrings; } $i++; endwhile; if (count($parentPlaceHolders)>0) {$productCategories = array_merge($productCategories, $parentPlaceHolders);} function cmp($a, $b) { return strcmp($a[4], $b[4]); } usort($productCategories, 'cmp'); $smarty->assign('productCategories',$productCategories);
Now create a new template in the customer directory and call it "categories_for_selected_product.tpl" -
this is just a modified "categories.tpl" file from the same directory. Give it the following code:

{* $Id: categories_for_selected_product.tpl based on categories.tpl,v 1.23 2004/06/24 09:53:29 max Exp $ *} {*** See product.php for the creation of the $productCategories array used below. Array assignments are: catId[0] indent[1] name[2] pathId[3] sortString[4] avail[5] ***} {capture name=menu} {section name=category loop=$productCategories} <FONT class="CategoriesList"> {if $productCategories[category].1 > 0} {*** Do Indenting ***} <IMG src="{$ImagesDir}/spacer.gif" width={$productCategories[category].1} height="1" border="0" align="top"> {/if} {if $productCategories[category].0 == 0} {*** This a parent place holder category ***} {$productCategories[category].2} {else} <A href="home.php?cat={$productCategories[category].0}" class="VertMenuItems">{$productCategories[category].2}</A> {/if} </FONT> {/section} {/capture} { include file="menu.tpl" dingbats="dingbats_categorie.gif" menu_title=$lng.lbl_categories menu_content=$ }
Script an include for categories_for_selected_product.tpl in customer/main/product.tpl.
Please keep in mind that with the indent values passed to smarty(pants) it shouldn't be too
difficult to create an unordered list css drop menu instead of a side menu.

Thanks goes to jamesc for inspiring me to create this mod.
Version 4.1.3
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