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Old 07-03-2006, 01:26 PM
robf robf is offline

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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 61


I find it best doing it balinor's method, with that method you can have any look you want easily. What I did was create a new embedded static page for the main page of the help section, then create a tree of other static pages with the info. Make sure the "Parse Smarty tags in the content of embedded pages" checkbox is checked. It's probably best to use dreamweaver so you can get the look you want easier. Obviously the down side to this method is all the static pages show in the help section, I didn't want this, so you can easily modify the help section, here's what I did.

open up skin1/pages_menu.tpl

This is what you should see

{* $Id: pages_menu.tpl,v 1.5 2005/11/17 06:55:36 max Exp $ *}
{section name=pg loop=$pages_menu}


Change it to something like this.

change the (15) to the number of the static page you want to show up in the help section. Copy that line with
at the beginning for every other static page you still want to show up. You'll also have to change {$lng.lbl_help_center_order_ship} for every line you want to add, this calls the text you want to show up in the help section, you create that in admin area under languages.

On the main static page you create for the help section use the same line to link to other help pages you create.

One other thing you might want to do, not sure how much it helps though, but it may speed up the loading of the static pages. Instead of using the normal html method, load all your text in the languages section and call it using the {$lng.} string, and uss the CSS for the formating.

If anyone knows if that should be done to optimize please let me know, it does take more time doing it that way, but I have a feeling thats the proper way. Any additional comments would be appreciated.

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