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Old 12-14-2005, 11:53 AM
tangodancer tangodancer is offline

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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 32


Ok. Telefirma I have this mod installed. However, I am having a problem with the popup. It does the width but not the height. So I get a real short but wide popup. What do I need to tweak to make this work. I also have SafetyNetWebs Dynamic URLs MOD installed. I also noticed that the main image does not allow me to click and enlarge just the small thumbnail from detailed images. I emailed you a link to an example at our store. Also, how do I add text at the bottom of the image thumbnail, ie color, zoom, enlarge, etc.

Hooter, your input is appreciated as well. I had to comment out a couple of lines you put into the products.tpl and products_t.tpl files to install this mod, so not sure if it affected your mod for dynamic URLБ─≥s. It doesnБ─≥t appear to have, but would like to make sure.


Tango Dancer
X-Cart Gold Version 4.0.14, X-Affiliate, AOM, X-RMA
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