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Old 11-02-2005, 12:33 PM
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Stephen Hatton Stephen Hatton is offline

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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 182


Hi All

NuAlpha wrote:
Another nicety would be if stored and encrypted credit card information was accessible by the customer at checkout instead of having to re-enter the information again each visit. This would further streamline the checkout process for everybody's favorite type of customer...the one that comes back for more.

It would be nice to have the credit card number partially masked for repeat customers unless they change it on screen with another card number.

ie. 5353xxxxxxxx4324 (that is credit card type and checksum)

or xxxx xxxx xxx5 4324 (that is one digit of card and checksum)

On my site the masking was easy, but I couldn't get the passing of variables to the javascript happening when they changed the number in the input field (I did ask the forum for some help). I just need some more learning and experience.

But if it could be incorporated into V4.1, it would be more friendlier for the customer.

I would leave the customer to manually enter the ccv number every time as a guarantee that they have the card though.

Ing. Stephen Hatton
Apache Linux V1.3.33
PERL version: 5.8.0
PHP version: 4.3.11
MySQL version: 4.0.22-standard
X-cart V4.0.17: Addons: X-PConfig, X-Giftreg, X-Fancycat, X-AOM