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Old 11-02-2005, 12:16 PM
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shan shan is offline

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Originally Posted by cherie
Originally Posted by shan
i really think that ship to address should NOT be saved in customers table and should not be asked for at all during resistration

90% of users want to ship to the billing address so why confuse them

just have an option to ship to a different address at checkout stage and then store that info in the orders table. setting this up during registration just means that if a customer returns they have a ship to address that they may have used once but dont want to again.
I can definitely see your point. It should be optional. And I can see someone wanting just the opposite. For example, during this time of year I buy stuff for family members and when I buy at some major online stores it asks which address I'm sending the item to. It shows all the previous addresses so I can choose who to send it to. This would be very handy.

So maybe it would be nice to have one address, then at checkout have an option to send somewhere else, choose the ship-to address from a list of places I've shipped to before or choose to enter a new address.

for the most part though i would say people buy stuff for themselves. the main point here is to make the checkout as simple as possible for the majority of orders.

how much simpler would it be to have one section that asks for your name, address, email, telephone etc and have a final checkbox that asks if you would like to ship to a different address.

this way you greatly simplify the form they initialy see and still have the option for people who send gifts to others

having an adress book to choose from is a nice addition but the main focus should be on simplicity and getting users through the checkout as painlessly as possible and their money in your account

users can browse your nice new store till the cows come home but if they dont make it through the checkout your wasting your time and theirs
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