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Old 10-24-2005, 10:40 PM
svowl svowl is offline

X-Cart team
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 937


Thanks to all of you for the feedback! Some of your suggessions will be included in the final release.

As has been mentioned several times on this forum, W3C compatibility does not mean compatibility with different browsers. As you know, not all the producers of web browsers strictly follow these standards in the development of their products (it is enough to have a look at the results of Acid2 test to find that out).

The main point of X-Cart software is a compatibility with different browsers. We will investigate the possibility to redesign the templates for compliance with W3C standards without losing compatibility with specific browsers. If, as a result of investigating this problem, a decision will be made to redesign the templates, the final release will have to be delayed for another two months.
Vladimir Semyonov
Lead Software Engineer