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systemedix 09-11-2004 12:25 PM

How To Add Flash
I am trying to add flash and cant get it to work can anyone help???

cotc2001 09-11-2004 12:49 PM

depends on what you want to do but on one of my sites that uses flash as it's navigation (http://www.hom.gb.com/shop/

i just made a php file with the code that usually occurs when you insert flash into a page with dreamweaver, saved that and then used

{include_php file="topnav.php"} to insert it into the head.tpl

other than that there is a module on http://www.cart-lab.com for using flash in x-cart

adpboss 09-11-2004 02:06 PM

Yeah, I use some flash in the product detailed descriptions on my 3.4.14 cart. If you can detail exactly what you need to do, we can provide some better answers I am sure.

cotc2001 09-11-2004 02:14 PM

Yeah have to admit my answer was pretty crap :oops:

systemedix 09-11-2004 02:54 PM

Well I tried just puting the flash movie in the images directory and calling on it but all that was desplayed was a red X

adpboss 09-11-2004 03:30 PM

That's because swf files are not treated the same as image files.

You need B00MER's mod. Visit http://www.cart-lab.com.

enge919 09-28-2004 08:11 AM

How about just how to add a flash banner?

lildawg 09-28-2004 08:17 AM

You do not need to pay for a mod to do this. I have it done on a customers website and is really easy. Visit www.smilecamusa.com to see an example of the flash in the top. All you do is do it as you would in a regualr website. Then copy that piece of the html and put it into the correct .tpl file you need.

cotc2001 09-28-2004 08:31 AM

I think the benefit of using the boomers mod though is that it can be uploaded via the admin of x-cart (i don't know this as i havent purchased it yet so im just guessing here) rather than if the site is to be updated by a client who has no knowledge of ftp, html etc. but i suppose then the question is that if they don't know how to ftp then they arent going to know how to make a flash banner :D

So it think lildawgs answer is fine for doing things like banners but if you were going to use flash in a product item (i.e say you wanted 360 rotation of a product which loaded the jpgs externally) then the mod would be the way to go.

B00MER 10-19-2004 06:44 PM

The flash integration mod of mine, basically adds support for .swf files along with .jpgs,.gifs,etc. It adds support in both the basic thumbnail, and the detailed images module. They are simply treated differently when it comes to time to display them to the user. Its good for those who don't want to fiddle around with multiple .tpl's for some flash movies on a product. I.e. those who have movieclips or audioclips and want a simple way to have people preview them.

Anyhow, I'm all ears for questions regarding it. :wink:

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