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Joshshift 07-13-2004 11:51 AM

getting pics out of db
this may seem like a dumb question, but i was wondering if i could get a walkthrough on this. i have read all the posts concerning this and couldnt get a real straight answer. i have all my images in my database and want to put them in a "file system" how can i do this, i saw no option in phpmyadmin to do so. am i missing it? i have phpmyadmin version 2.4.0 and mysql version 4.0.20. im really lost on this, any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


rjcbear 07-13-2004 01:38 PM

Re: getting pics out of db

Originally Posted by Joshshift
this may seem like a dumb question, but i was wondering if i could get a walkthrough on this. i have read all the posts concerning this and couldnt get a real straight answer. i have all my images in my database and want to put them in a "file system" how can i do this, i saw no option in phpmyadmin to do so. am i missing it? i have phpmyadmin version 2.4.0 and mysql version 4.0.20. im really lost on this, any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



here, is how to do it.

do not use phpMyadmin.

1.- Login into your store admin section.
2.- Make sure you create the folders on your server for the Thumbnails and the Detail Images and giving the proper permission if you have a UNIX server.
3.- Select "Images location"
Product thumbnails
4.- Store images in "File system"
5.- Type the path of your thumbnails (i.e. ../xcart/files/thumbnails)
Detailed product Images
6.- Store images in "File System"
7.- Type the path of your detail images (i.e. ../xcart/files/details)
8.- Select "Submit" buttom
9.- now create a file name ".htaccess" in the folder that has your Thumbnails and details Images as well.
10.- the htaccess file should have the following line of code

Allow from all
11.- Make sure the file you created does not have any extention if it does rename it.
12.- upload the .htaccess file to both of your folders where your images are.

and that will do it. If you have any question please drop me a line

Kind regards,

Joshshift 07-13-2004 02:35 PM

thank you very much for your insightful walkthrough ricky.


rjcbear 07-13-2004 02:43 PM

Glad it help you. and maybe some other ones will need it too.

Kind regards

Aragorn 08-19-2004 12:43 PM

Re: getting pics out of db
Hi rjc,

This is great... I'm also a "newbie"...

Have tried to do this... but I keep getting the message...

Warning: fopen(_htm/home/maxtarco/public_html/store/files/master/t_3.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/maxtarco/public_html/store/admin/images_location.php on line 136

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/maxtarco/public_html/store/admin/images_location.php:136) in /home/maxtarco/public_html/store/include/func.php on line 181

but I'm not sure what this means or what I'm doing wrong.

All my image files (like 8416.jpg) are located in .../store/files/master

Also... I've uploaded my products in a product file with the .jpg file name in the thumbnail field.

Can you help?


Aragorn :)


Originally Posted by rjcbear

Originally Posted by Joshshift
this may seem like a dumb question, but i was wondering if i could get a walkthrough on this. i have read all the posts concerning this and couldnt get a real straight answer. i have all my images in my database and want to put them in a "file system" how can i do this, i saw no option in phpmyadmin to do so. am i missing it? i have phpmyadmin version 2.4.0 and mysql version 4.0.20. im really lost on this, any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



here, is how to do it.

do not use phpMyadmin.

1.- Login into your store admin section.
2.- Make sure you create the folders on your server for the Thumbnails and the Detail Images and giving the proper permission if you have a UNIX server.
3.- Select "Images location"
Product thumbnails
4.- Store images in "File system"
5.- Type the path of your thumbnails (i.e. ../xcart/files/thumbnails)
Detailed product Images
6.- Store images in "File System"
7.- Type the path of your detail images (i.e. ../xcart/files/details)
8.- Select "Submit" buttom
9.- now create a file name ".htaccess"
10.- the htaccess file should have the following line of code
Allow from all
11.- Make sure the file you created does not have any extention if it does rename it.
12.- upload the .htaccess file to both of your folders where your images are.

and that will do it. If you have any question please drop me a line

Kind regards,

rjcbear 08-19-2004 01:45 PM


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/maxtarco/public_html/store/admin/images_location.php:136) in /home/maxtarco/public_html/store/include/func.php on line 181
I had that occured to me once and the way i was instructed to fix it was to go to the "func.php" file and make sure there was no blank spaces after the las "}" in the line. I took them out and did not have the problem any more.


Warning: fopen(_htm/home/maxtarco/public_html/store/files/master/t_3.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/maxtarco/public_html/store/admin/images_location.php on line 136
with regards of the above are you trying to import your products or your detail images?

kind regards?

Jason @ streetwerke 09-25-2004 02:18 PM

Good tip from rjcbear.

People need to understand that for some reason, X-Cart thought it would be really funny to have the default .htaccess file include the text:


Deny From All

So, you must change it or create a new file. I simply edited it, and copied it to my two image folders (Thumbnails & Detailed Images) that I have created under the .../xcart/files/ directory.

Also, you won't see the .htaccess files on most FTP programs. They are hidden files. I have to use my Control Panel File Manager application (off of my hosted server) to see them.

cotc2001 10-07-2004 08:06 AM

Arggghh this is driveing me crazy!!

I've followed the instructions to the letter.

chmod folders (thumb & full) in files
removed the deny from all .htaccess file
uploaded allow access from all to both the thumb and full folders

set file location to use filesystem

set location to usr/home/xxxxxx/public_html/files/images/full/ (xxx being the account name on my server)

click submit

and I get


LOG CREATED: 2004-10-07 17:06:08
Product detail images
Location: FS

usr/home/xxxxxx/public_html/files/images/full/d_5.jpg - Failed
usr/home/xxxxxx/public_html/files/images/full/d_6.jpg - Failed
usr/home/xxxxxx/public_html/files/images/full/d_7.swf - Failed
usr/home/xxxxxx/public_html/files/images/full/d_10.jpg - Failed

then click on the continue link from the error log and although the same file location is still in the input box the datbase or file selection drop down has reverted back to database

The stupid thing is that i've got it working for the thumbnails (dont ask me how) but not for the detailed images

Following on from the above, i just changed the category icons to filesystem and that worked fine as well, the only problem im having this with is the detailed images

This is on version 4.0.3

rjcbear 10-07-2004 08:52 AM


The stupid thing is that i've got it working for the thumbnails (dont ask me how) but not for the detailed images

Following on from the above, i just changed the category icons to filesystem and that worked fine as well, the only problem im having this with is the detailed images

Did you check your permission codes? I think the BD is having trouble writing to the folder you specify.

Hope this will help.

Kind regards

cotc2001 10-07-2004 09:03 AM

yup checked, doubled checked, triple checked.

deleted the directory

recreated it, chmod 777 using wsftp

still no go :cry:

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