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Don@Core 12-24-2020 07:08 AM

Phone Number Verification
Does anyone know if x-cart has a phone number verification module for when customers place orders? This would help avoid cc scammers from placing orders.


memoto 12-28-2020 07:16 AM

Re: Phone Number Verification
Not for the checkout page, but still: https://market.x-cart.com/addons/two-factor-authorization.html

You can disable the anonymous checkout and let only registered users place orders. In this case, all users have to use mobile verification during account creation.

Hope this will be useful.

Don@Core 12-28-2020 07:25 AM

Re: Phone Number Verification
Thank you for the replay. I will give this a try. Where do i find anonymous checkout? I do not see that option under cart and checkout

memoto 12-28-2020 07:31 AM

Re: Phone Number Verification
Forgot to add a link: https://market.x-cart.com/addons/register-on-checkout.html

Don@Core 12-28-2020 08:00 AM

Re: Phone Number Verification
Wow. That is a hefty price. Almost the same cost as the theme i purchased - and still messes up when i upgrade. Will this have the same issues when upgrading? and will it automatically work with Authy?

kevinrm 01-05-2021 11:02 PM

Re: Phone Number Verification
Wish there was some sort of 2-Factor that could use the Google Authenticator app. Make it optional for customers or admin. As it is now, you would lose sales by making customers go through that many hoops...

memoto 02-10-2021 11:56 PM

Re: Phone Number Verification
There is a module that is available for a long time: https://market.x-cart.com/addons/two-factor-authorization.html

If you mean 2-factor verification for the Checkout process - don't think it is a good idea as it will make the whole process much more difficult.

Don@Core 02-11-2021 06:29 AM

Re: Phone Number Verification
Agree that it adds to the process, BUT, Everyone is going 2 factor because CC scams are on the rise and the easiest way to stop them is to add another way to confirm

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