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christindall 05-24-2015 02:42 PM

light responsive category menu
So on the Light Responsive template, when it is viewed on anything where the mobile_header is invoked, the shopping categories are dropped to the very bottom of the page, and there is no category drop down on the mobile header (which i would expect, as a user)

so, I've been playing with it a bunch - I can get it to work if I turn off fancy categories; but I want fancy categories (I have only a handful of categories for this site).

Is there a way to modify the categories.tpl (or .php file, even), so that I can use the non-fancy categories on the mobile_header menu, and use fancy categories on the desktop site? I've tried everything I can think of, and my eyes and brain are going buggy, so I figured I'd toss this out there.

ALSO - in the light responsive template, if you want your images to be responsive, you need to modify the product_thumbnail.tpl - I made the image width into max-width, and before that I placed a width="100%" - which means that it will go to 100%, but not larger than the defined size.

christindall 05-24-2015 08:16 PM

Re: light responsive category menu
Ok - so, figured it out. If anybody else cares, here's what I did:

First, I created a new file in light_responsive -> customer and named it mobile_categories.tpl

The contents of the file look like this:


{if $categories_menu_list ne '' or $fancy_use_cache}
{capture name=menu}

    {foreach from=$categories_menu_list item=c name=categories}
      <li{interline name=categories foreach_iteration="`$smarty.foreach.categories.iteration`" foreach_total="`$smarty.foreach.categories.total`"}><a href="home.php?cat={$c.categoryid}" title="{$c.category|escape}">{$c.category|amp}</a></li>

  {assign var="additional_class" value="menu-categories-list-simple"}




Then, in mobile_header.tpl, I added the following code immediately after the first ul:


    <li class="dropdown">
      <a id="main-menu-toggle" class="dropdown-toggle" href="#">
        <span class="fa fa-th-list"></span>
      <div id="categories-menu-box" class="dropdown-menu">

        {include file="customer/mobile_categories.tpl"}


the span class fa-th-list - I chose that because I liked that it was similar but different to the "list" icon - you can see an entire list of options at http://astronautweb.co/snippet/font-awesome/ - the file that references that class is in skin -> common_files -> css -> font-awesome.min.css

I think that's it. when you "shrink" your desktop screen, or look at it on a phone screen, you'll see the extra dropdown nav full of categories. Now, my site doesn't have that many root categories - I have NO clue how this will work if you have tons of root categories (although I'll know in a few weeks when I upgrade my main site to 4.7.2, as I have like 100 root categories on that site...)

macak49 12-08-2015 12:36 PM

Re: light responsive category menu
To add scrolling to the pop up category menu you can also add this to your changes. This works for if you have a ton of categories, like I do.

To the bottom of mobile_categories.tpl add a new class to the ul, I added "mobile-menu-d" as my new class.


    <ul class="mobile-menu-d">

Then in altskin.css add the following under "@media screen and (max-width933px)" somewhere around line #3230 of altskin.css.


        max-height: 400px;
        overflow-y: scroll;
        overflow-x: hidden;

The height is editable to taste, I found 400px to be a decent height on my phone but it may change later. It works with touch scrolling on iPhone and Android for what I can tell, but I have not tested it on a huge range of devices.

welly 05-11-2016 09:13 AM

Re: light responsive category menu
I've just started working on this template and I agree about the position of the categories list in mobile view, but can you elaborate a little on your comment at the start of the thread regarding responsive images please Chris?


Originally Posted by christindall
ALSO - in the light responsive template, if you want your images to be responsive, you need to modify the product_thumbnail.tpl - I made the image width into max-width, and before that I placed a width="100%" - which means that it will go to 100%, but not larger than the defined size.

I don't understand what is needed.

Many thanks


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