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-   -   Stuck in rebuilding cache 5.1.9 (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=71944)

More-Japan 04-29-2015 12:47 PM

Stuck in rebuilding cache 5.1.9
My site is having issues so I went to rebuild the cache but it is stuck in Step 8... I'm not sure what is going on and I have tried deleting /var/run and .rebuildstarted to restart the rebuild but will always end up stuck on Step 8.

Deploying store [step 8 of 11], please wait...

Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_PaymentMethods" plugin... [0.13sec, 6.9MB (5.2MB)]
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_QuickData" plugin...
ERROR: "0" (code N/A)

Entity was not found.

PHP error log:
<?php die(1); ?>
[29-Apr-2015 16:28:32 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function asString() on a non-object in /home/morejap/public_html/var/run/classes/XLite/Module/XC/ProductVariants/Logic/Export/Step/Products.php on line 182
[29-Apr-2015 16:28:32] Error (code: 1): Call to a member function asString() on a non-object
Server API: apache2handler;
Request method: POST;
URI: /admin.php?target=event_task&action=run&event=expor t;
#0 Includes\ErrorHandler::logInfo(Call to a member function asString() on a non-object, 1) called at [/home/morejap/public_html/Includes/ErrorHandler.php:324]
#1 Includes\ErrorHandler::handleError(Array ([type] => 1,[message] => Call to a member function asString() on a non-object,[file] => /home/morejap/public_html/var/run/classes/XLite/Module/XC/ProductVariants/Logic/Export/Step/Products.php,[line] => 182)) called at [/home/morejap/public_html/Includes/ErrorHandler.php:309]
#2 Includes\ErrorHandler::shutdown()

XLITE error log:
<?php die(1); ?>
Apr 29 00:00:10 XLite [warning] Warning: Division by zero in /home/morejap/public_html/var/run/classes/XLite/Module/Qualiteam/FlyoutSubcategories/View/TopCategories.php on line 94
Server API: apache2handler;
Request method: GET;
URI: /?target=category&category_id=2670;

Decorator log:
<?php die(); ?>
Deploying store [step 1 of 11], please wait...
Cleaning up the cache... 56.12sec, 1.7MB (13kB)
Building classes tree... 11.06sec, 7.2MB (5.6MB)
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_Cache" plugin... 0.00sec, 7.3MB (62kB)
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_DocBlock_FakeEntities" plugin... 0.21sec, 12.9MB (5.6MB)

Deploying store [step 2 of 11], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_ModelGenerator" plugin... 1.92sec, 17.4MB (15.7MB)
Decorate classes... 0.33sec, 24.1MB (6.7MB)
Writing class files to the cache... 3.13sec, 24.1MB (-18,176b)
Run the "StaticRoutines" plugin... 0.03sec, 24.1MB (172b)

Deploying store [step 3 of 11], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_Multilangs" plugin... 1.28sec, 24.6MB (22.9MB)
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_DocBlock_MappedSuperClasses" plugin... 0.15sec, 24.6MB (5kB)
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_DocBlock_ReplaceTopEntity" plugin... 0.38sec, 24.7MB (42kB)
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_Money" plugin... 0.01sec, 24.7MB (21kB)
Run the "PHPCache_Plugin_OPcache" plugin... 0.00sec, 24.7MB (-20b)

Deploying store [step 4 of 11], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_PrepareDBSchema" plugin... 8.71sec, 22.3MB (20.6MB)

Deploying store [step 5 of 11], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_UpdateSchema" plugin... 15.19sec, 3.5MB (1.8MB)

Deploying store [step 6 of 11], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_UpdateModules" plugin... 0.13sec, 2.8MB (1.1MB)
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_ProxyGenerator" plugin... 1.29sec, 20.1MB (17.3MB)

Deploying store [step 7 of 11], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_LoadFixtures" plugin...
0.05sec, 3.5MB (1.8MB)

Deploying store [step 8 of 11], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_PaymentMethods" plugin... 0.21sec, 7.5MB (5.8MB)
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_QuickData" plugin... Deploying store [step 8 of 11], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_PaymentMethods" plugin... 0.14sec, 6.9MB (5.2MB)
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_QuickData" plugin... Deploying store [step 1 of 11], please wait...
Cleaning up the cache... 0.02sec, 1.7MB (13kB)
Building classes tree... 2.79sec, 7.2MB (5.6MB)
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_Cache" plugin... 0.00sec, 7.3MB (62kB)
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_DocBlock_FakeEntities" plugin... 0.21sec, 12.9MB (5.6MB)

Deploying store [step 2 of 11], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_ModelGenerator" plugin... 6.74sec, 17.4MB (15.7MB)
Decorate classes... 0.47sec, 24.1MB (6.7MB)
Writing class files to the cache... 7.69sec, 24.1MB (-18,176b)
Run the "StaticRoutines" plugin... 0.02sec, 24.1MB (172b)

Deploying store [step 3 of 11], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_Multilangs" plugin... 1.30sec, 24.6MB (22.9MB)
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_DocBlock_MappedSuperClasses" plugin... 0.42sec, 24.6MB (5kB)
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_DocBlock_ReplaceTopEntity" plugin... 0.30sec, 24.7MB (42kB)
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_Money" plugin... 0.01sec, 24.7MB (21kB)
Run the "PHPCache_Plugin_OPcache" plugin... 0.00sec, 24.7MB (-20b)

Deploying store [step 4 of 11], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_PrepareDBSchema" plugin... 7.60sec, 22.3MB (20.6MB)

Deploying store [step 5 of 11], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_UpdateSchema" plugin... 13.31sec, 3.5MB (1.8MB)

Deploying store [step 6 of 11], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_UpdateModules" plugin... 0.12sec, 2.8MB (1.1MB)
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_ProxyGenerator" plugin... 1.28sec, 20.1MB (17.3MB)

Deploying store [step 7 of 11], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_LoadFixtures" plugin...
0.13sec, 3.5MB (1.8MB)

Deploying store [step 8 of 11], please wait...
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_PaymentMethods" plugin... 0.16sec, 7.5MB (5.8MB)
Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_QuickData" plugin...

totaltec 04-29-2015 03:53 PM

Re: Stuck in rebuilding cache 5.1.9
Always take a complete backup, files and database before rebuilding cache.

Looks like the log points you directly to the problem: /home/morejap/public_html/var/run/classes/XLite/Module/XC/ProductVariants/Logic/Export/Step/Products.php on line 182

Of course, this could be a symptom rather than the actual problem. I would examine the code on line 182, and look for what it is actually calling, and then try to determine why it is not available.

Once rebuilding has failed, it is a possibility that it will screw up the database. So after a failed rebuild my first move is usually a database restore.

One thing to try is disabling the module XC product Variants (on your dev site of course).

tony_sologubov 04-30-2015 05:12 AM

Re: Stuck in rebuilding cache 5.1.9
@More-Japan, the problem seems to be caused by corrupted database or files, judging by the "Entity was not found" error message. I would recommend contacting our support team and asking them to look into the problem for you. Just drop us a message at sales@x-cart.com.


More-Japan 05-20-2015 01:11 PM

Re: Stuck in rebuilding cache 5.1.9
I have been able to recover my development store, however I am running into this error while building the cache:

Deploying store [step 4 of 11], please wait...

Run the "Doctrine_Plugin_PrepareDBSchema" plugin...
ERROR: "30" (code N/A)

There is no column with name 'id' on table 'xc_attribute_values_checkbox_translations'.

I don't recall ever seeing this table in the database of my live store. Is there any more information on this error code?

tony_sologubov 05-27-2015 10:51 AM

Re: Stuck in rebuilding cache 5.1.9
Hello @More-Japan,

Could you try to apply the solution described here:

Please let me know if it works out.

Thank you.


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