X-Cart: shopping cart software

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mworsnop 03-10-2014 04:05 PM

Continue Shopping
After the user buys an item I need to be able to send them back to a url to continue shopping. How do I do this?

vers 5.0.11

mworsnop 03-10-2014 06:28 PM

Continue Shopping
When you go to the cart and it is empty there is a button that says continue shopping. This button should go to a user defined url. Presently it goes to the last product you were looking at rather that the listing of all products.

qualiteam 03-11-2014 12:03 AM

Re: Continue Shopping
Is it X-Cart 5, or X-Cart 4?

How do you get onto the empty cart page? In X-Cart 5 the link appears only when there are products in the cart.

Have tried to open the cart page on my local X-Cart 5 installation (with the direct link) - the Continue button redirects me to the home page, not a product page.

tony_sologubov 03-11-2014 05:07 AM

Re: Continue Shopping

Originally Posted by mworsnop
After the user buys an item I need to be able to send them back to a url to continue shopping. How do I do this?

vers 5.0.11


When you go to the cart and it is empty there is a button that says continue shopping. This button should go to a user defined url. Presently it goes to the last product you were looking at rather that the listing of all products.

In this case, you can create a simple mod that will apply this change.
1) Create a simple mod according to the article here: http://kb.x-cart.com/display/XDD/How+to+create+a+module
2) Create two files in your module:

and extend the following classes in them while implementing \XLite\Base\IDecorator

These classes will have your own implementation of the getContinueShoppingURL() method, e.g.:


    public function getContinueShoppingURL()
        return \XLite::getInstance()->getShopURL($url);

Please, let me know if you need extra help with that.


mworsnop 03-12-2014 09:23 AM

Re: Continue Shopping
I haven't made a module yet, and dont have a problem trying to doing that. But I would think the continue button would go back to the last category listing. Right now it seems to go to an arbitrary single product. Shouldnt this be the case for the default system?
I am working on a new clean install in my store10 directory. The store directory is still there also. You are welcome to try it if that helps

tony_sologubov 03-12-2014 11:53 AM

Re: Continue Shopping

Originally Posted by mworsnop
I haven't made a module yet, and dont have a problem trying to doing that. But I would think the continue button would go back to the last category listing. Right now it seems to go to an arbitrary single product. Shouldnt this be the case for the default system?

This is nice little suggestion and here is my thoughts about it. Initially, I thought that Continue Shopping button is not something very useful. I never used it myself while shopping, neither from cart page, nor from thank you page.

However, now I think, it makes sense to return customer to the last viewed product list like search results, category page, etc. But in this case, we should clearly state something like "Go to the last set of products" as a button text. We can plan such change - not with the highest priority, but still.

Could you please guys tell me more about your own real use-cases for Continue Shopping button?

mworsnop 03-12-2014 12:35 PM

Re: Continue Shopping
If you are only going to buy one item you dont use it. But I want to encourage the user to go on and look at more items. I added a menu selection that might help on my store10 site but he continue button doesnt make any sense going back to the item you just added to the cart.

I just visited a handful of other places and they all go back to a list of items. So I guess I am not nutty, :D

If you cant change it soon I will start implementing your module idea as I cant go live like that.

mworsnop 03-14-2014 07:43 AM

Re: Continue Shopping
Tony do you think you will make changes soon for the shopping cart?

tony_sologubov 03-19-2014 05:38 AM

Re: Continue Shopping
I cannot give you ETA, because now we need to decide how this button should work. I opened a discussion here:

Anyway, I can help you to create a mod that will make this button work precisely as you need. If you want to go for this option, please create an empty module according to the article here:

Once you are done, please let me know and I will tell you what to do next.

mworsnop 03-19-2014 08:26 AM

Re: Continue Shopping
I modified the cart.php for now. But I guess I need to make a module so it doesnt get overwritten ever time. I wil do that shortly.

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