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xplorer 08-27-2013 03:37 AM

Re: No documentation, no debugging, no knowledge base ....
Hi guys!

It has been a while since we posted in this topic the last time.

Just wanted you to know that there is a more robust technical documentation for developers now: https://x-cart.atlassian.net/

Feel free to send me a PM should you have questions not covered by the documentation yet and we will update the site.


BenWeiland 09-06-2013 05:41 AM

Re: No documentation, no debugging, no knowledge base ....

It seems I cannot make any new threads, only posts. Thats why I will try posting here.

I have two questions!

1) What is the best way to check if another module is enabled?
2) Can we make use of doctrine eventmanager? I would like to make an event listener for some extra logs. What would be the best way to do this?

Hopefully someone can help me out!

xplorer 09-06-2013 01:28 PM

Re: No documentation, no debugging, no knowledge base ....

Originally Posted by BenWeiland
1) What is the best way to check if another module is enabled?

PHP Code:

\XLite\Core\Database::getRepo('XLite\Model\Module')->findOneBy(array('author' => 'Max''name' => 'Test'))->getEnabled() 


Originally Posted by BenWeiland
2) Can we make use of doctrine eventmanager? I would like to make an event listener for some extra logs. What would be the best way to do this?

It depends on what you are looking for. Try these links:
- http://docs.doctrine-project.org/en/latest/reference/events.html
- http://docs.doctrine-project.org/en/latest/reference/advanced-configuration.html#sql-logger-optional

Does it help?

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