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dvbabe 11-06-2002 09:32 AM

Header.tpl change
I have been trying to change the header.tpl to match the layout of the site I created before I purchased X Cart. I can add a few elements individually such as logo or a background.. but when I try to get everything set up to look the same... i get a lot of errors or get a blank page so I restore and start over again.

Is there a way to to put the store in a bottom frame under my existing header and removing all header files and images from X Cart so it looks like it fits seamlessly or does this in some way affect the cart or the way it looks in certain browsers. I am mainly worried about Netscape and IE users.. they are 98% of my visitors.

If anyone has had some success completely changing their headers I would love some advice.

Btw... my main site is on PostNuke if anyone has had any experience combining the two scrtips please share your thoughts. Right now IM upgrading the 3.0 to 3.1.2 so I have no shop to show you right now.

Thanks in advance for any help!

shan 11-06-2002 09:35 AM

When you have a basic store set up let me know and ill take a look and see what can be done.

ATKOgirl 11-06-2002 05:01 PM


I was able to open the header.tpl in dreamweaver and see the layout of the elements. They look like broken links, but you can get an idea of what is what, where it is, and what edit.

Hope that helps!


syddos 11-06-2002 05:05 PM

Hi Becca,


Is there a way to to put the store in a bottom frame under my existing header and removing all header files and images from X Cart so it looks like it fits seamlessly or does this in some way affect the cart or the way it looks in certain browsers. I am mainly worried about Netscape and IE users.. they are 98% of my visitors.

I'm currently in an advanced stage developing a Frameset version of xcart, it's tricky, as I'm using 4 Frames in this development, however if I understand correctly what you require, that is; the header will consist of just the logo, then it's much easier to achieve. If your header contains Links, then these will all have to be amended to include the "_Target=" attribute.

If your header contains elements that require updating, then it becomes a major code re-write to dynamically update these elements when certain data changes.

Take a look at the Member Websites in the forum, they have all replaced the xcart headers in one way or another.


dvbabe 11-06-2002 08:07 PM

Thanks everyone. Actually at first I was trying to put the header to my postnuke site in the place of the header... the header i was trying to include had a date and time script and I got most of it set up correctly.. except I got errors where the search and the language scripts are in the cart header... I don't need the language script.. and I have compiled all the templates to english just recently.

I would like to put the search lower or perhaps on the side in a block or side table... and am thinking of perhaps creating a psd file slicing it into pieces to create a table of images so i can have seperate links for the header of the shop...

I took a look at all the members sites listed in the forum and to me it seems like everyone is using one or two images/banners as the headers...
I don't have dreamweaver.. i have adobe go live and hotmetal pro... i tend to use notepad the most for all of my html code however and photoshop for grahpics... i can't seem to get hotmetal or golive to let me see the files i need... i think i'll be able to do it slowly... and perhaps not as exact as I would like it.. but im sure i'll get something good....eventually

here is my basic postnuke site ... http://bluegrassshopper.com you can click on shop to see that i have only changed the color of the menu header up to the point of this post.. may have more when and if anyone checks the site out... i have nothing on the site yet except for a logo...
and i would like to have that header ... minus the login and the topic search for the header of my shop... so when it clicks on shop it basically looks the same.. I will try and make the side tables to match the postnuke tables as well... lots of work.. but if i can get it the way i like it.. it will rule :) lol...
IM very into customizing everything i do... so I don't like to just do the minium to make it look decent... i know i'll figure it out eventually... just hoped someone might have an exact way to do it for me :) too good to be true huh?

thanks for any and all input!!!


ATKOgirl 11-06-2002 09:37 PM


I've highly modifed our verson, including moving the search to a separate template and putting it on the main menu:



dvbabe 11-06-2002 09:52 PM

It looks great.. and is good inspiration to know that things can be modified... its a great big puzzle and I love it all... each script i play with I learn that much more.. thanks

ATKOgirl 11-06-2002 09:53 PM


I couldn't sleep and was feeling ambitious...I tried playing with your current header.

You can try replacing the current head.tpl with the following code (remember to back up the original):


<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="100%">
    background="BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/background-4.gif"
    bgColor=#ffffff>[img]BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/vertical-divider-topsolid.gif[/img]<FONT class=slogan> </FONT></TD>
    <FORM action=modules.php?op=modload&amp;name=News&amp;file=index&amp;topic=
    <TD align=right
    background="BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/background-4.gif"
    bgColor=#ffffff><NOBR><FONT color=#000000 face=verdana,Arial,helvetica
      size=2>topics :</FONT> <SELECT name=new_topic
      onchange=submit()><OPTION selected value="">All topics</OPTION> Warning:
        mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result
        resource in /home/bgshop/public_html/themes/LinuxDeveloper/theme.php on
        line 77</SELECT> </NOBR></TD></FORM></TR>
    background="BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/background-2solid.gif"
    bgColor=#ffffff width="99%">[img]BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/spacer.gif[/img]</TD>
    <TD align=right
    background="BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/background-2solid.gif"
    bgColor=#ffffff><NOBR>[img]BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/link-newsfeed.gif[/img][img]BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/link-community.gif[/img]</NOBR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE align=center bgColor=#ffffff border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0
  <TR vAlign=bottom>
    <TD align=left>[img]BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/logo.jpe[/img]</TD>
    <TD align=right>
[img]BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/tab-home-normal.gif[/img][img]BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/tab-aboutus-normal.gif[/img][img]BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/tab-learn-normal.gif[/img]</TD></TR>
  <TR vAlign=bottom>
    <TD align=middle
    background="BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/topbg.gif"
    bgColor=#000000 colSpan=2 width="100%"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE align=center border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="100%" nowrap>
    <TD bgColor=#000000 colSpan=6>[img]BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/pixel.gif[/img]</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=#a8a8a8>
    <TD noWrap width="20%">
      <FORM action=user.php method=post><FONT
      class=infoa>Login</FONT><INPUT class=textbox maxLength=25 name=uname
      size=11><FONT class=infoa>Password</FONT><INPUT class=textbox
      maxLength=20 name=pass size=11 type=password></form></TD>
    <TD align=left vAlign=center width="100%"><INPUT border=0
      src="BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/login.gif"
      type=image>[img]BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/register.gif[/img]<INPUT
      name=op type=hidden value=login></TD>
    <TD align=right noWrap width="50%"><FONT class=date>
      <SCRIPT type=text/javascript>
<!--  // Array ofmonth Names
var monthNames = new Array( "January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
var now = new Date();
thisYear = now.getYear();
if(thisYear < 1900) {thisYear += 1900}; // corrections if Y2K display problem
document.write(monthNames[now.getMonth()] + " " + now.getDate() + ", " + thisYear);
// -->
    <TD bgColor=#000000 colSpan=6>[img]BluegrassShopper_Com  Your one stop shop for all things Bluegrass  Tickets, Cd's, Gear, Instruments, Equipment, Videos_files/pixel.gif[/img]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<P align=right><FONT class=date></FONT>

<DIV align=center></DIV>

There was one sql error that I noticed in the code around the "All topics" vicinity. You'll probably have to do some tweaking there.

At best it is a starting point to work with. I would think you might be able to open the file in Go Live -- it's worth a try.

Good Luck! Let me know if it works -- it most likely won't!

I really like the design of your site.

From a design standpoint, with good chunk of time and effort you should be able to integrate x-cart into the look seamlessly -- but it will take patience and some design skill. Once you grasp the nuances of the Smarty templates and how everything fits together like a jigsaw puzzle, it gets much easier.

Hope that helps!


dvbabe 11-07-2002 05:30 AM

Oh you are too sweet :) Thanks so much... unfortuanately it did to me what it has been doing off and on... creating a small top image and nothing else at all until i delete the head.tpl from my server and upload the initial one... it seems all the php code gets in the way... thanks for the encouragement though... it does help.. and since i have been making way with the table header images... i know i'll be able to get the background images in the tables as well... this will be fun....

What i get when viewing in golive is just the code... perhaps the instructions on getting it viewable in dreamweaver might help for me... actually i have a version of dreamweaver on a cd somewhere.. just don't really want to install it unless i have to :)

thanks again and I"ll keep you up to date on how it integrates.. might help others wanting to use postnuke and xcart together... looking the same...


dvbabe 11-07-2002 10:54 AM

Could you share how to get the search table to work. I have tried to create it and just can't seem to insert it into the left table.
Thanks so much!

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