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Jarron 08-26-2008 01:19 AM

Adding a custom hidden input to cartform
Hi All,

I'm seriously stuck on this one and any help GREATLY appreciated!

I am using Fast Lane Checkout and I am trying to pass a custom field from the "Shipping & Payment" step of checkout back to cart.php when the user submits "cartform".

Under this scenario, "cartform" is found in checkout_2_method.tpl.

In checkout_2_method.tpl I have added the bottom input ("delivery_date"):


<form action="cart.php" method="post" name="cartform" id="cartform" onsubmit="return UpdateDeliveryDate();">

<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="checkout" />
<input type="hidden" name="cart_operation" value="cart_operation" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
<input type="hidden" name="delivery_date" value="2008-08-23" />

In cart.php I have added the following at the very top of the file to help me with debugging:


$trusted_post_variables = array("delivery_date");


Note that I added the trusted variables stuff as I thought this might be related to the html stripping that xcart does on non-trusted post variables. However, this turned out to be irrelevant.

Debug Results:
After clicking "submit", the page submits and opens up with the "Place order" step with my debug output at the tp of the page:

1) The var_dump for POST gives me:
array(0) { }

ie. No POST vars are found by cart.php

2) The var_dump for GET gives me:
array(1) { ["mode"]=> string(8)"checkout" }

ie. A subset of the POSTed vars are found by cart.php but they have been switched to GET vars.

So my analysis of all this is:
  • All POSTS are somehow being intercepted before they get to cart.php
  • Logic exists somewhere to decide which ones get through
  • Somehow the ones that continue are converted to GETs (probably using header/location?)
Note additionally that:
  • My debug code in cart.php is before any includes/requires to auth.php or any other file. So this is unrelated to any REQUEST parsing logic in auth.php or it's includes (which I believe includes all of the $trusted_post_variable and html tag stripping logic).
  • I have examined ".htaccess" wondering if there could be some kind of <Limit POST> logic. There is no such logic.
  • Other debug variations in cart.php to detect the posted variable (like $GLOBALS["HTTP_POST_VARS"], $delivery_date, $_POST) also do not work.
  • Obviously the above is a code snippet - I have validated the full HTML code using validator.w3.org
  • I have also looked for any javacript that might be preprocessing the form submit (eg. by using onsubmit) but could find none.
So it seems to me that something must be intercepting my posted values and parsing them (probably for valid security reasons). But what?

I've tried every avenue I can think of and searched this forum to death....

Any clues will result in a free love child. Yes, I'm desperate.

Fingers Crossed & thx all,


Piotr M. 08-26-2008 01:30 AM

Re: Adding a custom hidden input to cartform
Try just $delivery_date variable. X-Cart unsets all superglobal arrays for security reasons.

Jarron 08-26-2008 02:10 AM

Re: Adding a custom hidden input to cartform
Thx Balinor,

I read about this and already tried using $delivery_date.

Does not work - cart.php knows nothing of $delivery_date.

I guess the question is:

1) Where are the superglobal arrays unset? I suspect it is the same place where $delivery_date (and the other hiden inputs) are being stripped out?

2) How are my POST requests being redirected to this place?

I don't THINK it is in auth.php or prepare.php.

Any ideas?

Piotr M. 08-26-2008 02:25 AM

Re: Adding a custom hidden input to cartform
In this case you even don't need trusted post variables if there is no html code inside $delivery_date.

As far as I know it's prepare.php try var_dump before and after including auth.php

Jarron 08-26-2008 11:40 AM

Re: Adding a custom hidden input to cartform
1) Yes, I agree that trusted post variables probably is not relevant here.

2) As suggested, I tried var_dump before and after the auth.php include. No sign of delivery_date anywhere...

To be sure, I tested using empty() and isset() - both return values suggesting $delivery_date is not set.

3) So then I looked in to auth.php, prepare.php & top.inc.php. The only filtering these seem to do is:

- Identify all variables using php's get_defined_vars() function
- Compare these to a list of restriced var names ("GLOBALS","HTTP_GET_VARS","HTTP_POST_VARS","HTTP_SERVER_VARS","HTTP_ENV_VARS","HTTP_COOKIE_VARS","HTTP_POST_FILES","__key","__val","_GET","_POST","_SERVER","_COOKIE","HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA
- Remove the posted variable if it clashes with the restricted var names or is not a key within one of them.

So nothing stopping delivery_date being passed here (right?).

4) Next I tried get_defined_vars() at the beginning of cart.php. It showed various variables but not delivery_date.

I'm baffled. Some ideas that might get me there:

a) It seems like the issue is somewhere between posting from html and cart.php being called.

b) The only thing I can think of is that (in additon to the above checks) xcart is redirecting my posts for manipulation somewhere else before cart.php even sees them.

Does this sound feasible? I just can't think of any other logical explanation.

If so - where would it be redirecting and how?

Any ideas?

thx again in advance,


Piotr M. 08-26-2008 12:57 PM

Re: Adding a custom hidden input to cartform
Did you used just var_dump or insert exit or die instruction after it?
After processing POST request cart.php redirects browser to itself. This is standard method to avoid resending data if user refreshes page.

Jarron 08-27-2008 06:23 AM

Re: Adding a custom hidden input to cartform
That last tip about the redirecting to itself was what I was missing. THANK YOU!

But pls understand if I don't deliver on the love child.....

For those who follow, was resolved by adding the following to cart.php:


if (!empty($delivery_date))
$url_args[] = "delivery_date=".$delivery_date;

...below this:


if (!empty($paymentid))
$url_args[] = "paymentid=".$paymentid;

This makes the posted variable $delivery_date available to all code in cart.php following this redirect:


if ($return_url)


This forum is fantastic - few forums offer such benevolent experts willing to give others a hand. I applaud all that contribute.

thx & I hope this solution helps someone else,

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