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YuriC 05-06-2003 10:33 AM

The Code for DropDown menu
Here's the code.. I guess I was in bad mood or something when I wrote my prev. post...


{* $Id: product_dropdown_list.tpl,v 1.00 04/29/2003 13:23:08 acidleak Exp $ *}
Browse our Products:
<select name="all_products" onChange="window.top.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
        <option value="">===============></option>
{section name=list loop=$all_products}
<option value="http://www.worldhealthproducts.com/customer/product.php?productid={$all_products[list].productid}">{$all_products[list].product|truncate:25:"...":true}</option>

Put the template included below inside head.tpl as such; change the path accordingly

<div align="right">{ include file = ../customer/custmods/product_dropdown_list.tpl }</div>

before you'll be able to use the template, you need to build that $all_products array


# include all copyright info here
# $Id: all_products.php,v 1.24 2002/11/14 07:58:17 acidleak Exp $
# Get all products data and store it into $all_products array

# select from products table

$all_products = func_query("select product,productid from $sql_tbl[products] order by $sql_tbl[products].product");

Put the followign line right underheath your "require" calls inside of [b]product.php, products.php, search.php, cart.php [b] changing the path accordingly


require "./custmods/all_products.php";

Problems? pm me


shan 05-06-2003 03:46 PM

:idea: :wink:

sabrina 09-04-2003 04:51 AM

Drop Down Menu
Tell me please where i have to put this codes and how?

shwekhaw 12-26-2004 02:18 PM

I tried the code posted by YuriC.
- I put the dropdown code in categories.tpl and got the dropdown shows up but no entry.
I include all_products.php in customer/categories.php, home.php, products.php etc.
But the content of php code shows up on the top of webpage above logo and everything. But dropdown is still empty.

Could anyone tell me what could I be doing wrong? Or it is version problem? I am using 4.0.7 and I believe YuriC wrote the code long before version 4 came out.

He got it working at

Is there anyway I can achieve this in version 4?


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