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fearthespear 04-30-2003 10:23 AM

Question about use of Flash and Frames
I am designing a website that is entirely in flash except for the frame my xcart pages will be in (this frame will be entirely dedicated to xcart).

Will there be any problems I will run into(sessionid perhaps)? If I was to make login on a seperate frame and the xcart products page in a seperate frame THEN of course there would be problems BUT all of my xcart pages are in 1 frame.

Any advice or suggestions?

B00MER 04-30-2003 02:08 PM

Main problem you may run into is SSL unless your going to pass the creditcard information to the x-cart frame over some type of secure socket.

Other than that your just keeping track of whats in a persons cart, user logged in etc. inside of flash as well as in x-cart.

good luck ;)

fearthespear 04-30-2003 04:05 PM

Thanks boomer,

Lets say top frame is flash and bottom frame is htm (where my xcart pages go), I would still have to keep track of user session in flash? I thought just when he clicks products page that will start session automatically.

fearthespear 04-30-2003 04:05 PM

If I misunderstood, would it be best if I had a pop up window when the user decides to shop?

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