X-Cart: shopping cart software

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shan 12-20-2004 09:49 AM

X-Cart 4.0.9 released
X-Cart 4.0.9 is now in your File area along with the upgrade kits that will take you from X-Cart 4.0.8 to 4.0.9

Here is the changelog:


$Id: CHANGELOG-4.0.9,v 2004/12/20 07:09:45 svowl Exp $

----------------- X-CART v4.0.9 RELEASED

Fri Dec 17 13:43:19 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: When a customer attempted to set the quantity of some product in his wishlist to zero (and by doing so to remove the product from the wishlist), he was redirected to the shopping cart instead. Fixed.

Thu Dec 16 17:46:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - Bug: The icon of the applied discount coupon 'Free shipping' was not displayed in the cart totals in PRO mode. Fixed.

Thu Dec 16 16:16:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - Bug: Shipping rates in the 'Delivery method' dropdown box did not take into account the shipping tax rates (X-AOM). Fixed.

Thu Dec 16 14:09:43 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug in product search: When an international product name and/or part of description were entered to search for a product, the search engine failed to find the product, as the search was conducted only among product names/descriptions in the language which was selected as current. Fixed.

Thu Dec 16 12:22:13 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug in editing product options: When in the process of editing a product option an option value was changed, update of the new value in the option values list of 'Add/Update option' form failed. Fixed.

Thu Dec 16 10:50:14 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: Customer profile information was not included into the email notification sent to customer after his order was edited in X-AOM module. Fixed.

Thu Dec 16 10:19:59 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: An error occurred if in the process of editing an order in X-AOM module administrator clicked on the "Cancel" button. Fixed.

Wed Dec 15 17:40:20 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: Before User Profile options were edited by the admin for the first time, the default User Profile options information was read incorrectly: all the fields were perceived by the system as active and required. Fixed.

Wed Dec 15 17:10:29 MSK 2004[*] - max - Improvement of the product import script: JS check function for product options field is added.

Wed Dec 15 10:30:44 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: Product variants were not deleted when their main product was deleted. Fixed.

Tue Dec 14 16:38:36 MSK 2004[*] - max - Improvement: array_fill() functions area was replaced by another functionality because array_fill() is not supported by PHP versions before 4.2.0

Tue Dec 14 12:27:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - Bug: In a cart containing many product items a rounding error occurred during the taxes calculation. Fixed. Now all prices and taxes are stored and calculated as float values but displayed as currency formatted values.

Tue Dec 14 12:01:56 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: The check box of the first product in the list of product search results in Product configurator was always selected. Fixed.

Tue Dec 14 11:47:21 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: An order searched for by SKU could not be found if the SKU used for search belonged to a product variant. Fixed.

Tue Dec 14 11:14:22 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: Product search with sorting by "orderby" field failed. Fixed.

Tue Dec 14 10:53:55 MSK 2004[*] - max - Improvement: The ability of the environment detection script to detect the browser version is enhanced.

Mon Dec 13 16:57:51 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: In the Partner area working via HTTPS, banners were displayed via HTTPS and the code corresponding to them was also HTTPS-oriented. Fixed (Now the banner code given to partners is meant for work via HTTP).

Mon Dec 13 12:45:50 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug in X-Affiliate: Statistical data about partner commissions by products was not written completely (partner names were missing). Fixed.

Mon Dec 13 12:32:57 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug in X-Affiliate: Statistic record about partner commissions by products was formed based on the Product ID (which was not a unique identifier), so commissions were calculated in a wrong way when more than one item of a product was ordered. Fixed (the notion of Item ID is introduced).

Mon Dec 13 12:06:15 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: The quantity of a product variant in the quantity select box on the Product details page was displayed in a wrong way if one of the options employed in the product variant was disabled. Fixed.

Mon Dec 13 11:08:02 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug in product search (Customer area): When no products matching the search query were found (the search result was empty), the cart still reported finding 1 result. Fixed.

Mon Dec 13 10:19:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - Bug: If some products in the cart had defined shipping freight, the result of calculating the shipping cost in the cart totals could be wrong depending on the order in which the products were added to the cart (the bug appeared in PRO only). Fixed.

Mon Dec 13 09:58:13 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: When the option 'Disable inventory tracking' was turned on, the stock quantity of some product was 0, and a customer tried to edit the product options of this product on the Cart page in Customer area, he could not do that as the product quantity check on the product options editing page regarded the product as an 'out of stock' one. Fixed.

Mon Dec 13 09:46:32 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: When the store admin clicked on the 'Delete selected' button on the Category products page without selecting any products, instead of being left on the same page he was redirected to the Product search page. Fixed.

Fri Dec 10 17:02:01 MSK 2004[*] - max - Improvement in AuthorizeNet payment module: x_description optional field is added (When a user made this field required in his AuthorizeNet backoffice settings, transactions via AuthorizeNet failed because the module did not use this field).

Fri Dec 10 16:13:01 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: If a product had product variants and wholesale prices, the wholesale prices were displayed on the Product details page but not used (which could confuse customers, as wholesale prices are not supposed to be used with variants). Fixed (Now, if a product has variants, wholesale prices are not used); Bug: JS validation on the 'Send to friend' form functioned in a wrong way (field names were missing). Fixed.

Fri Dec 10 14:37:17 MSK 2004[*] - max - Improvement: Product search-Database interaction is optimized (the amount of SQL quiries is reduced).

Fri Dec 10 14:06:43 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: If the product options of some product were changed/deleted, the product options on the Order details page (in placed orders) were also changed. Fixed.

Fri Dec 10 14:06:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - Bug: After customer information updating, state name and country name were changed on the 'Preview' page and taxes were not updated (X-AOM). Fixed.

Fri Dec 10 12:08:20 MSK 2004[*] - max - Improvement: If the calculated shipping cost amount is less than zero, 0 is used as shipping cost.

Fri Dec 10 11:05:25 MSK 2004[*] - max - Update: Beanstream payment processor is updated (up to 1.2.18 documentation version).

Thu Dec 09 16:00:54 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - Bug: Requirements check for CyberSource payment processor sometimes failed. Fixed.

Thu Dec 09 15:07:56 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - Bug: Call of the function html_entity_decode with PHP versions before 4.3.0 caused errors. Fixed (replaced by wrapper).

Thu Dec 09 11:25:07 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: SQL error occurred when admin tried to change the location of detailed images. Fixed.

Thu Dec 09 11:22:14 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: By entering a special URL, a customer could add more than one item of an ESD product to the shopping cart. Fixed.

Thu Dec 09 11:10:16 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: The 'Detailed product images' subsection of the 'Images location' form doubled. Fixed.

Wed Dec 08 17:17:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - Bug: The shipping charges for products with specified shipping freight was calculated in the cart despite the fact that the option 'Do not calculate shipping rates for products with defined shipping freight' was turned on. Fixed.

Wed Dec 08 16:40:00 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: If the option 'Use counties' (General settings/General options) was disabled, but county fields were marked as required in the User Profiles options section, a user trying to submit the registration form was getting warning messages about required fields left empty (although all the fields were completed). Fixed.

Tue Dec 07 11:36:00 MSK 2004[*] - svowl - Improvement in '2Checkout. Version 2' payment module: the full response from 2CO is saved now in the order details; the problem with returning back to the cart in IE for some server configurations (HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error) is fixed.

Tue Dec 07 10:27:03 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Improvement: HTML Catalog generation now uses only 1 additional session.

Tue Dec 07 09:48:24 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug in color schemes (skin1_admin.css): CSS notation in these files was non-compatible with Mozilla, and using Mozilla resulted in an error. Fixed.

Mon Dec 06 17:11:01 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - Bug: Sometimes products were not shown in the search results in customer area. Fixed.

Mon Dec 06 15:38:19 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: SQL error occurred when admin tried to delete an order. Fixed.

Mon Dec 06 15:27:51 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug in updating product variants SKU: check of SKU uniqueness was performed only for the set of variants of the current product. If the provider used for some variant an SKU which was unique for the variants set of the current product but was not unique for the whole store (was used as an SKU of a variant of another product), an SQL error occurred in the process of SKU updating. Fixed.

Mon Dec 06 14:59:01 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: If the option 'Disable products which are out of stock' was enabled, and a customer added to his shopping cart the last item of some product, the product could not be viewed or found in the store as the procedure of adding to the cart had decreased its quantity to 0. Fixed (Now, while the last item of a product is in somebody's shopping cart, the product is displayed in the store, however its quantity selectbox contains just one entry: 'Out of stock').

Fri Dec 03 17:03:38 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug in JS validation of the 'Contact us' form: Names of fields were missing in JS warning messages. Fixed.

Fri Dec 03 16:40:26 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug in product search: non-members could find products from categories which were supposed to be accessible only to users with some privileged membership level. Fixed.

Fri Dec 03 15:58:04 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: Database tables containing orders data were not cleared completely when admin used the 'Delete All Orders' functionality. The remainder of orders data in the tables hindered the process of adding new orders to the tables. Fixed.

Fri Dec 03 15:06:00 MSK 2004[*] - svowl - Improvement in 2Checkout payment module: the full response from 2CO is saved now in the order details.

Fri Dec 03 14:59:08 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug in product options exceptions: If one or more product options which were part of an exception were disabled, customers could not order any products as all the rest of the product options became 'exceptions'. Fixed.

Thu Dec 02 15:15:24 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: Users online statistics in Admin area was displayed in a wrong way. Fixed.

Thu Dec 02 11:46:06 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: Thumbnails could not be added to products. Fixed.

Wed Dec 01 15:19:42 MSK 2004[*] - max - Improvement: A warning note and a JS alert warning were added on Modify product options page in Admin area to keep the store admin from accidentally disabling a product option used for building product variants.

Wed Dec 01 14:49:40 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: A JS error occurred on the customer side of the store if some product options or product option values were disabled (if the product options were of variant type). Fixed.

Wed Dec 01 10:55:45 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - Bug in Bestsellers module: sql error occurred in the process of generating the Bestsellers list if a customer tried to view the details of a product assigned to a category which did not exist. Fixed.

Wed Dec 01 09:52:39 MSK 2004 [!] - max - Bug: Product options of 'text field' type were not saved in X-AOM module (the text fields were empty). Fixed.

----------------- X-CART v4.0.8 RELEASED

RichieRich 12-20-2004 10:07 AM


{if released then I can $activate_modules.Special_Offers ne ""}or else this include is useless{/if} :D

Any update on this module add-on? Same goes for the Feature Comparison module which seems to be on the horizon...

Does anyone have any more information on these new upcoming modules? :?

CC 12-20-2004 10:32 AM

Not found anything myself, all though I have been searching heavily. :(

I am looking forward to the Feature Comparison, if it is good of course...
That is if I can ever upgrade to 4.0.9 from 4.0.8!! :evil:

All I keep getting is:

Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me...
Patching file /home/xxxx/public_html/v2/xxxx.php using Plan B...
Couldn't open OUTFILE: Permission denied
Skipping patch...
On all the upgrade files, cant upgrade even one file!
X-Cart team gave some vague answer about the upgrade trying to access a file which is not of Xcart origin, but we dont have any!
And a note on how they want me to buy support points before they will look any further.

ManFromDet 12-20-2004 10:55 AM

Looks like I'm gonna roll with 4.0.9 live in January. I've seen fewer and fewer issues, problems, and complants with each successive 4.x release, so I guess it's ready.

svowl 12-20-2004 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by CC
Not found anything myself, all though I have been searching heavily. :(

I am looking forward to the Feature Comparison, if it is good of course...
That is if I can ever upgrade to 4.0.9 from 4.0.8!! :evil:

All I keep getting is:

Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me...
Patching file /home/xxxx/public_html/v2/xxxx.php using Plan B...
Couldn't open OUTFILE: Permission denied
Skipping patch...
On all the upgrade files, cant upgrade even one file!
X-Cart team gave some vague answer about the upgrade trying to access a file which is not of Xcart origin, but we dont have any!
And a note on how they want me to buy support points before they will look any further. Gee I am glad they are sooooo hopeful after taking our cash. :roll:

Please read UPGRADE.NOTES_4.0.8-4.0.9 carefully (this file is included into the patch archive). Here is a quote:


3. Make sure that files which will be patched have world writable permissions.
If you are under Unix try to issue this command from the root of your X-Cart directory:

for i in `sed -e 's/,.*$//g' < upgrade/4.0.8-4.0.9/file.lst`; do chmod 666 $i ; done

This command will set up the world writable permissions on all files affected by upgrade patch (the list of the files is located in file upgrade/4.0.8-4.0.9/file.lst).

Make sure the 'templates_c' directory also has world writable permissions (this already must have been set up by default since X-Cart cannot function without it).

CC 12-21-2004 12:32 AM

That has been done, and we still cant upgrade.

Why couldnt that have been said in my support enquiry?
Instead I was merely told to pay up for support points, then you would help!

We are updating all files manually now.

RJC 12-21-2004 04:59 PM

I too will probably be going live in January. I wanted to wait until after the busy Xmas season. We'll be doing a full dedicated server, X-cart and probably a few bells and whistles. I've been reluctant, because of not only the bugs, but the continuous adding of new features (and I actually paid about $600 for a modded cart at the getgo, and quickly dropped it in favor of the "off the shelf" version, which just keeps getting better and better..live and learn). I would like to send a blanket THANKS out to all who post in support of this forum..it has helped me immeasurably while tweaking and setting up my installation. Though it still may not be perfect, it will probably work just fine for 90% of users out there. My current cart (different company) is about 3 versions out of date (you have to pay for upgrades) and even their newest version doesn't even TOUCH x-cart in terms of features. There was another company doing addon modules, but they vanished. There is also is NO support whatsoever, and they made the brilliant move of shutting down their support forum, which was the ONLY place users could turn to each other for help. I guess there were a handful of negative comments and they just shut the whole thing down. DON'T EVER SHUT THIS PLACE DOWN!!! That is NOT looking at the big picture. Still, with all of that, I've been up and running very successfully for 3+ years now. In fact, the biggest reservation I've had about switching is the excellent search engine placement I currently receive, but I suppose I can recoup that as well.

Just wanted to say keep up the good work. As in life, you hear a lot of complaining when things are bad, but not a whole lot of kudos when things are going well. This isn't a knock on anyone here, just some positive thoughts! :D

EnriqueHavoc 12-22-2004 12:07 PM

hmm i appreciate that the xcart devs are squashing all these bugs, but considering how many there are every patch, especially relating to variants, makes me ---> http://www.motionzoo.com/forum/images/smilies/basic/sad.gif

i think im going to wait another couple months before trying to go live with my store because i really need all the features in 4.0 :/

CC 12-22-2004 12:33 PM

Have to say 4.0.9 is working almost perfectly for us so far.

Only one problem we have seen which is that the Advanced search option in search.php has a javascript error, but this could be from us as we had to manually update all files, and might not be down to 4.0.9.

adpboss 12-22-2004 07:13 PM

After a public Alpha, Beta and 10 point releases, you would think that a veteran e-commerce developer like X-Cart would start getting it right.

How many of your customers will let you ship them their order 10 times until it is correct?

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