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-   -   Problem getting to X-Payments Dashboard (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=74037)

joestern 06-01-2016 02:59 PM

Problem getting to X-Payments Dashboard
I get:

"Internal error
The requested action cannot be performed. See logs for details."

and the error in my logs is:


ERROR [2016-01-06 22:20:49]
User: support@example.com; IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Zone: Main
Internal PDO exception; code - "42000", message - "SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1055 Expression #4 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'xpayments.xpay_payment_transactions.currency' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by", trace - "/var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Model/Base/Db.php:122 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Model/Base/Db.php:285 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Model/PaymentTransaction.php:784 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/View/Admin/Main.php:438 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/View/Admin/Main.php:397 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Skin/Admin/Main.php:22 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Skin/Admin/Home.php:260 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Core/View.php:83 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Core/View.php:191 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/View/Admin.php:220 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Core/Dispatcher.php:156 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Application.php:137 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/admin.php:24 file"

Affected systems: Application.php file (70:assert); Application.php file (150:throwException); /var/www/html/xpayments/admin.php file (24:run)

This is on a moved X-Cart installation where we installed the new X-Payments from scratch (2.2.1).

seyfin 06-03-2016 05:33 AM

Re: Problem getting to X-Payments Dashboard
Please report this issue to your personal Helpdesk area, our support engineers will look into this issue.

Thank you.

razortw 06-07-2016 08:43 AM

Re: Problem getting to X-Payments Dashboard
Hi there.
Seems like your server is running MySQL 5.7, which has 'only_full_group_by' mode enabled by default.
You should try to disable the 'only_full_group_by' mode.

joestern 06-07-2016 03:12 PM

Re: Problem getting to X-Payments Dashboard
That was it! Thanks.

To fix it, I added:


to my.cnf which, in my case, was in /etc/

Then I restarted mySQL and it works!

joestern 06-07-2016 03:29 PM

Re: Problem getting to X-Payments Dashboard
Actually, no, still not working. It's a little different now, but I still can't get to my dashboard.

I can configure a payment method and a store, but I can't get to the dashboard.

razortw 06-07-2016 09:13 PM

Re: Problem getting to X-Payments Dashboard
What does the error log say?

razortw 06-07-2016 09:24 PM

Re: Problem getting to X-Payments Dashboard

Originally Posted by joestern
Actually, no, still not working. It's a little different now, but I still can't get to my dashboard.

I can configure a payment method and a store, but I can't get to the dashboard.

I just talked to one of X-Payments developers and was informed that the entire X-Payments 2.x branch does not support MySQL 5.7 due to multiple code related issues.
I would suggest to either use MySQL 5.6 or wait for a week or so until X-Payments 3.0.1 is released and upgrade.

razortw 06-08-2016 05:07 AM

Re: Problem getting to X-Payments Dashboard
We've updated X-Payments 2.2 system requirements at our knowledge base.
* https://www.x-payments.com/help/X-Payments:System_requirements_for_X-Payments_2.2#MySQL_configuration

joestern 06-08-2016 10:43 AM

Re: Problem getting to X-Payments Dashboard
Thank you very much for this information and your attempt to help.

We are running PHP 5.4.16. We are running mysql 5.6.25. We aren't running mysql 5.7.

We have searched online and the only reference we could find to PDO in the x-payments manual suggested we add the following lines to php.ini, which we did:


This is the error log message. We are getting a PDO exception, followed by a problem retrieving encryption keys (which we presume is related to the PDO error).

Thank you!


ERROR [2016-07-06 23:41:33]
User: user@email.com; IP: xx.xx.xx.xxx
Zone: Main
Internal PDO exception; code - "42000", message - "SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'generated DESC' at line 1", trace - "/var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Model/Base/Db.php:122 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Model/Base/Db.php:285 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Model/Base/Db.php:465 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/View/Admin/Base/List.php:59 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/View/Admin/EncryptKeys.php:97 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Core/Handler.php:424 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/View/Admin/Base/List.php:91 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Core/Handler.php:482 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Core/Dispatcher.php:147 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/lib/XPay/Application.php:137 file <- /var/www/html/xpayments/admin.php:24 file"

Affected systems: Application.php file (70:assert); Application.php file (150:throwException); /var/www/html/xpayments/admin.php file (24:run)

Zone: Model
Unable to retrieve encryption keys for online store "Online Store"

Affected systems: Model/ShoppingCart.php file (67:assert); View/Admin/Main.php file (754:getEncryptionKeys); Skin/Admin/Main.php file (20:getTopWarnings); Skin/Admin/Home.php file (260:require_once); Core/View.php file (83:include); Core/View.php file (191:getContent); View/Admin.php file (220:process); Core/Dispatcher.php file (156:process); Application.php file (137:dispatch); /var/www/html/xpayments/admin.php file (24:run)

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