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-   -   Want a WYSIWYG detailed description text area? (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=7407)

marian 04-12-2005 07:41 AM

Well, I got it working too. Thank goodness
Basically I just changed the name of the directory to fckeditor and made sure that where ever this directory name was referenced, I put all lower case information.

As for the tool bars, right now I am so joyous about installing this WYSIWYG editor that I don't care. But if I figure it out, I will come back and let you know.

Thanks to all for such helpful advice!! :lol:

marian 04-12-2005 07:51 AM

Links to documentation for FCKeditor

That's where I am going to be for a while till I figure this out. Now I see the thing about the tool bars. First there are so many and secondly the ones on the right hand side are being cut off because the tool bar area is too wide. Can't have that. Oh well. Maybe the docs will have a solution.

marian 04-12-2005 09:57 AM

fckeditor works and custom toolbar works
I am posting my process. Hopefully, it will save others a bunch of time and tears and no hair pulling! The documentation that FCKeditor has right now is very outdated and it took me awhile to figure out what had changed and make a list.

Download: http://www.fckeditor.net/download/default.html
Unzip it
Upload it to your xcart directory.
Rename the directory on your server / test server / and local to fckeditor
Test fckeditor: http://www.yourdomain.com/xcart/fckeditor/_samples/php/sample01.php
If you can see a text area with the WYSIWYG fckeditor on top of it, then you have installed it correctly and your server is happy with this.

Edit the following files:

/skin1/meta.tpl (Add the second line)

{* $Id: meta.tpl,v 2004/12/23 12:50:34 svowl Exp $ *}
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.yourdomain.com/xcart/fckeditor/fckeditor.js"></script>
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset={$default_charset|default:"iso-8859-1"}">

/skin1/main/product_details.tpl (Go almost to the bottom of the file and just above the last </FORM> tag, add the following:

script type="text/javascript">
var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( 'descr' ) ;
oFCKeditor.ToolbarSet = "MyToolBar" ;
oFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea() ;
<script type="text/javascript">
var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( 'fulldescr' ) ;
oFCKeditor.ToolbarSet = "MyToolBar" ;
oFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea() ;

Search for the following text snippit:
this.BasePath ='/fckeditor/' ;
Change to:
this.BasePath = '../fckeditor/' ;

Now here is the interesting part. In the product_details.tpl, I referenced something called ToolbarSet="MyToolBar". With the original installation of fckeditor you get all of the toolsets called Default or the really scaled down Basic. Most want something in between. I am including the complete code for the last file to edit:

* FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php
* For further information visit:
* http://www.fckeditor.net/
* File Name: fckconfig.js
* Editor configuration settings.
* See the documentation for more info.
* Version: 2.0 RC3
* Modified: 2005-02-27 21:31:48
* File Authors:
* Frederico Caldeira Knabben (fredck@fckeditor.net)

FCKConfig.CustomConfigurationsPath = '' ;

FCKConfig.EditorAreaCSS = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'css/fck_editorarea.css' ;

FCKConfig.BaseHref = '' ;

FCKConfig.FullPage = false ;

FCKConfig.Debug = false ;

FCKConfig.SkinPath = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'skins/default/' ;

FCKConfig.PluginsPath = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'plugins/' ;

// FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'placeholder', 'en,it' ) ;

FCKConfig.AutoDetectLanguage = true ;
FCKConfig.DefaultLanguage = 'en' ;
FCKConfig.ContentLangDirection = 'ltr' ;

FCKConfig.EnableXHTML = true ;
FCKConfig.EnableSourceXHTML = true ;

FCKConfig.FillEmptyBlocks = true ;

FCKConfig.FormatSource = true ;
FCKConfig.FormatOutput = true ;
FCKConfig.FormatIndentator = ' ' ;

FCKConfig.GeckoUseSPAN = true ;
FCKConfig.StartupFocus = false ;
FCKConfig.ForcePasteAsPlainText = false ;
FCKConfig.ForceSimpleAmpersand = false ;
FCKConfig.TabSpaces = 0 ;
FCKConfig.ShowBorders = true ;
FCKConfig.UseBROnCarriageReturn = false ;
FCKConfig.ToolbarStartExpanded = true ;
FCKConfig.ToolbarCanCollapse = true ;

FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["Default"] = [
['JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','Just ifyFull'],
['Image','Table','Rule','Smiley','SpecialChar','Uni versalKey'],
['Form','Checkbox','Radio','TextField','Textarea',' Select','Button','ImageButton','HiddenField'],
] ;
FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["MyToolBar"] = [
['JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','Just ifyFull'],
] ;
FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["Basic"] = [
['JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','Just ifyFull']
] ;

FCKConfig.ContextMenu = ['Generic','Link','Anchor','Image','Select','Textar ea','Checkbox','Radio','TextField','HiddenField',' ImageButton','Button','BulletedList','NumberedList ','TableCell','Table','Form'] ;

FCKConfig.FontColors = '000000,993300,333300,003300,003366,000080,333399, 333333,800000,FF6600,808000,808080,008080,0000FF,6 66699,808080,FF0000,FF9900,99CC00,339966,33CCCC,33 66FF,800080,999999,FF00FF,FFCC00,FFFF00,00FF00,00F FFF,00CCFF,993366,C0C0C0,FF99CC,FFCC99,FFFF99,CCFF CC,CCFFFF,99CCFF,CC99FF,FFFFFF' ;

FCKConfig.FontNames = 'Arial;Comic Sans MS;Courier New;Tahoma;Times New Roman;Verdana' ;
FCKConfig.FontSizes = '1/xx-small;2/x-small;3/small;4/medium;5/large;6/x-large;7/xx-large' ;
FCKConfig.FontFormats = 'p;div;pre;address;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6' ;

FCKConfig.StylesXmlPath = '../fckstyles.xml' ;

FCKConfig.SpellChecker = 'ieSpell' ; // 'ieSpell' | 'SpellerPages'
FCKConfig.IeSpellDownloadUrl = 'http://www.iespell.com/rel/ieSpellSetup211325.exe' ;

FCKConfig.LinkBrowser = true ;
FCKConfig.LinkBrowserURL = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'filemanager/browser/default/browser.html?Connector=connectors/asp/connector.asp' ;
//FCKConfig.LinkBrowserURL = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'filemanager/browser/default/browser.html?Connector=connectors/asp/connector.asp&ServerPath=/CustomFiles/' ;
//FCKConfig.LinkBrowserURL = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'filemanager/browser/default/browser.html?Connector=connectors/aspx/connector.aspx' ;
//FCKConfig.LinkBrowserURL = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'filemanager/browser/default/browser.html?Connector=connectors/php/connector.php' ;
FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowWidth = screen.width * 0.7 ; // 70%
FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowHeight = screen.height * 0.7 ; // 70%

FCKConfig.ImageBrowser = true ;
FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'filemanager/browser/default/browser.html?Type=Image&Connector=connectors/asp/connector.asp' ;
//FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'filemanager/browser/default/browser.html?Type=Image&Connector=connectors/aspx/connector.aspx' ;
//FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'filemanager/browser/default/browser.html?Type=Image&Connector=connectors/php/connector.php' ;
FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowWidth = screen.width * 0.7 ; // 70% ;
FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowHeight = screen.height * 0.7 ; // 70% ;

FCKConfig.SmileyPath = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'images/smiley/msn/' ;
FCKConfig.SmileyImages = ['regular_smile.gif','sad_smile.gif','wink_smile.gi f','teeth_smile.gif','confused_smile.gif','tounge_ smile.gif','embaressed_smile.gif','omg_smile.gif', 'whatchutalkingabout_smile.gif','angry_smile.gif', 'angel_smile.gif','shades_smile.gif','devil_smile. gif','cry_smile.gif','lightbulb.gif','thumbs_down. gif','thumbs_up.gif','heart.gif','broken_heart.gif ','kiss.gif','envelope.gif'] ;
FCKConfig.SmileyColumns = 8 ;
FCKConfig.SmileyWindowWidth = 320 ;
FCKConfig.SmileyWindowHeight = 240 ;

Notice that an extra toolbar set is inserted between the Default and Basic sets. I did that so I could see how the tool items were called. Pay attention to the syntax. Each [tool,tool2,tool3], is a row on the toolbar. Also pay attention to where the commas are put at the end of the rows. I messed up there several times and got "can't find it" errors.

I hope I remembered everything I did and documented it here. If somebody finds a mistake or a better way - please please post it for the rest of us. :D

marian 04-12-2005 10:07 AM

Special Request
I know that this editor can be "plugged in" to other text areas. If someone has the list of names and locations of the tpl files, please post them here. It would really be nice to be able to have this editor for the Welcome text, and other static type things like About us, Policies and Privacy pages and such. If you know what those tpl files are, please let us know. I am just guessing that you will be able to paste the code from the product_detail.tpl file into these other tpl files. But I am not sure.

marian 04-12-2005 10:37 AM

Well, it aint workin so good no more no more no more
I just realized that when I tried to use the fckeditor, sometimes the tools are available and sometimes not. Even if you can get something like Bold or Italics or whatever to work on the text, as soon as save it, those attributes are gone. That SUX. To make matters worse...it works somewhat in Firefox but hangs in IE6. But since none of the HTML formatting goes through then it doesn't matter anyway. And that really SUX.

The way that this statement in the product detail area is worded is EXTREMELY CONFUSING:

* Note: If HTML-tags in the product description text will be detected this text will be stored in the database as is, otherwise - as plain text with all the new line breaks replaced with

What the does that mean??? I thought it meant that if there are HTML tags in the product description, they would be detected and stored in the database as is, otherwise, if no HTML tags are there, then any line breaks found will be stored as
tags in the database. English is my main language but I swear, I am not understanding this particular statement and putting in context with what this particular thread has been talking about and that is to have an "editor" put HTML tags in a selected portion of text and have it SAVED in the database with those HTML tags intact.

Are there any forum people here who are closer to the programmers than the rest of us?? There has got to be a way to have just a few text formatting attributes in an easy to use WYSIWYG editor. All of us here have gone to a lot of trouble to research and implement this and other editors. But honestly this is so basic, WHY isn't it already THERE???? and WHY is that when we find a nice editor likd FCKeditor that xcart STRIPS out these simple text attributes. Explain it. Somebody please.

Xcart is great. But try to remember that people like myself set these things up for end users who know NOTHING about PHP, or HTML. They just want it to work. And working means being able to hilite some text and bold it. OKAY.

Or does this mean we are FCKed? :cry:

This thread is in a section that is for completed mods. Oops! I don't think so. It looks like no matter what the rest of us do, this particular mod will NEVER NEVER work. Now I have to go sit in front of my client tomorrow and explain why they have to read and memorize HTML so that they can enter in hundreds of items with basic HTML formatting. ANd don't you dare forget to put the ending tag and then after entereing hundreds of details how to get my eyes to focus on text I mean that is 7 extra typed characters for one 4 letter word. Can somebody help me explain that logic to an end user??

markwhoo 04-12-2005 05:41 PM

Re: Well, it aint workin so good no more no more no more

Originally Posted by marian
I just realized that when I tried to use the fckeditor, sometimes the tools are available and sometimes not. Even if you can get something like Bold or Italics or whatever to work on the text, as soon as save it, those attributes are gone. That SUX. To make matters worse...it works somewhat in Firefox but hangs in IE6. But since none of the HTML formatting goes through then it doesn't matter anyway. And that really SUX.

The way that this statement in the product detail area is worded is EXTREMELY CONFUSING:

* Note: If HTML-tags in the product description text will be detected this text will be stored in the database as is, otherwise - as plain text with all the new line breaks replaced with

What the does that mean??? I thought it meant that if there are HTML tags in the product description, they would be detected and stored in the database as is, otherwise, if no HTML tags are there, then any line breaks found will be stored as
tags in the database. English is my main language but I swear, I am not understanding this particular statement and putting in context with what this particular thread has been talking about and that is to have an "editor" put HTML tags in a selected portion of text and have it SAVED in the database with those HTML tags intact.

Are there any forum people here who are closer to the programmers than the rest of us?? There has got to be a way to have just a few text formatting attributes in an easy to use WYSIWYG editor. All of us here have gone to a lot of trouble to research and implement this and other editors. But honestly this is so basic, WHY isn't it already THERE???? and WHY is that when we find a nice editor likd FCKeditor that xcart STRIPS out these simple text attributes. Explain it. Somebody please.

Xcart is great. But try to remember that people like myself set these things up for end users who know NOTHING about PHP, or HTML. They just want it to work. And working means being able to hilite some text and bold it. OKAY.

Or does this mean we are FCKed? :cry:

This thread is in a section that is for completed mods. Oops! I don't think so. It looks like no matter what the rest of us do, this particular mod will NEVER NEVER work. Now I have to go sit in front of my client tomorrow and explain why they have to read and memorize HTML so that they can enter in hundreds of items with basic HTML formatting. ANd don't you dare forget to put the ending tag and then after entereing hundreds of details how to get my eyes to focus on text I mean that is 7 extra typed characters for one 4 letter word. Can somebody help me explain that logic to an end user??

I have a copy of the original HTML Area if you want it, I can send it.

I am headed out of town in the AM, but I can send when I return in a copuple of weeks.

There are no problems or issues with the old HTML area other than the issue of only using it with IE6. If end user has that browser, they can rock.

all of the initial thread will apply and DOES WORK

marian 04-13-2005 04:06 AM

I have to see my client this morning. I will check to see what browsers they are using. Most people have IE6 installed even if it is not their default browser. I would appreciate you sending it to me.

I was so close with the fckeditor. Oh well. There is also another one called TinyMCE that Mambo uses. It is also compatible with Firefox, Mozilla, and IE. If I have the time, I may try to get it working but in the mean time, I will need something they can use.

Thank you so much for responding and for your help! :)

markwhoo 04-13-2005 01:05 PM

Re: Thanks!

Originally Posted by marian
I have to see my client this morning. I will check to see what browsers they are using. Most people have IE6 installed even if it is not their default browser. I would appreciate you sending it to me.

I was so close with the fckeditor. Oh well. There is also another one called TinyMCE that Mambo uses. It is also compatible with Firefox, Mozilla, and IE. If I have the time, I may try to get it working but in the mean time, I will need something they can use.

Thank you so much for responding and for your help! :)

I know for sure I have the older 2.0 version and may also have the 3.0 version that was cross platform capable with all browsers. I may even have links to those that were involved with the sourceforge project as well, but will need to look to see if I still have them linked. There were some really nice modded versions that were cadillacs you may be interested in.

Like I said, I am now out of town and will be in even another city tomorrow and will be there for two weeks at least, but if you wish, just let me know and I can send copies etc.

marian 04-13-2005 02:44 PM

Thank You and Please send copies

I know for sure I have the older 2.0 version and may also have the 3.0 version that was cross platform capable with all browsers. I may even have links to those that were involved with the sourceforge project as well, but will need to look to see if I still have them linked. There were some really nice modded versions that were cadillacs you may be interested in.

Like I said, I am now out of town and will be in even another city tomorrow and will be there for two weeks at least, but if you wish, just let me know and I can send copies etc.

When you get a chance. My clients will be using Safari and IE5 - on a Mac. There may not be ANYTHING out there for that. But I have to try. Send me anything you have that you think will work or at least be worth trying!

Thank you so much for you help. What ever I get that works I will let you know.

markwhoo 04-13-2005 02:48 PM

Re: Thank You and Please send copies

Originally Posted by marian

I know for sure I have the older 2.0 version and may also have the 3.0 version that was cross platform capable with all browsers. I may even have links to those that were involved with the sourceforge project as well, but will need to look to see if I still have them linked. There were some really nice modded versions that were cadillacs you may be interested in.

Like I said, I am now out of town and will be in even another city tomorrow and will be there for two weeks at least, but if you wish, just let me know and I can send copies etc.

When you get a chance. My clients will be using Safari and IE5 - on a Mac. There may not be ANYTHING out there for that. But I have to try. Send me anything you have that you think will work or at least be worth trying!

Thank you so much for you help. What ever I get that works I will let you know.

I know it referenced the IE of course, mozilla and I think it mentioned one other but cannot remember for the life of me what it was.

Just be patient with me and my return and I will then get in touch with you and will send files and notes.

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