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rocky 01-29-2013 07:54 AM

Abandoned Cart Reminder module released (X-Cart Classic)
Hello, X-Carters!

I am glad to announce a release of Abandoned Cart Reminder module.


Give every order a second chance! Recapture lost sales by following up potential customers. Abandoned Cart Reminder automatically emails registered and anonymous customers to remind them of items pending in their shopping carts. You can even attach discount offers to further boost your conversion rates ≈ and revenue!

The key features are:

http://www.x-cart.com/sites/all/themes/xcartcom/images/checkmark.png Automatic reminders.
Simply configure your preferences and the module will flick through the abandoned carts regularly and send email notifications automatically.

http://www.x-cart.com/sites/all/themes/xcartcom/images/checkmark.pngFull manual control.
Search, update and remove abandoned carts manually, anytime.

http://www.x-cart.com/sites/all/themes/xcartcom/images/checkmark.pngOne-click recovery for customers.
Customers can recover the entire contents of their shopping cart with a single click; no need to add items to the bag from scratch. It even retains selected product options and variants.

http://www.x-cart.com/sites/all/themes/xcartcom/images/checkmark.pngOne-click recovery for admin.
Make your customer service team▓s lives a little easier by enabling them to recover a customer▓s cart with just one click and finalize an order manually.

http://www.x-cart.com/sites/all/themes/xcartcom/images/checkmark.pngDiscount notifications add-on.
Further improve the odds of recapturing that sale by adding a discount offer good towards the shopper▓s next purchase.

http://www.x-cart.com/sites/all/themes/xcartcom/images/checkmark.pngConfigurable notification settings.
Choose the time period between abandonment and the reminder email and specify the frequency and number of reminders you want to send.

http://www.x-cart.com/sites/all/themes/xcartcom/images/checkmark.pngWorks with registered and anonymous customers.
Automatically logs-in registered customers and automatically populates address information for anonymous customers.

http://www.x-cart.com/sites/all/themes/xcartcom/images/checkmark.pngTrack collected revenue.
See for yourself just how much revenue you recover with Abandoned Cart Reminder.

Abandoned Cart Reminder video tutorial

Abandoned Cart Reminder screenshots

Abandoned Cart Reminder manual

UPDATED! Free shipping coupons feature is added.

rocky 01-29-2013 08:02 AM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder module released
While on the same subject, I reckon that the last point mentioned in the features list (Track collected revenue) is as much important as the entire functionality of reminder mechanism.

It allows you to find out how much revenue the module has collected (from potentially lost orders) and consequently you can easily calculate a payback period of the module's cost.

ADDISON 01-29-2013 09:02 AM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder module released
Glad to see X-Cart Developers still have enough fuel in their tanks ;)

Just to inform you, today they released (it is public) other two modules very useful for all X-Carters - one for backup, the other one for filtering (this one is very promising, I do recommend to have in your store such of module).

RichieRich 01-29-2013 11:23 AM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder module released
Are any of these new modules bundled with gold plus?

xim 01-29-2013 11:29 AM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder module released
Have a look for more extensions here:


Refine Filters, Abandoned Cart Reminder, X-CloudBackup and other new modules

carpeperdiem 01-29-2013 06:18 PM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder module released
I am fascinated by abandoned cart emails however I'm also terrified that these emails will scare away my best customers.

Amazon sends abandoned cart emails to me every now and then, but not for every item that I abandon and not all the time. I have not been able to figure out Amazon's formula for sending the abandoned cart emails.

Obviously if we do not have the customer's email address then this is not going to work. But if a customer logs out does the cookie still tell the cart who the customer is? I already have the remember abandoned carts mod from Website CM and I have WCM's remember me mod. I wonder how the WebsiteCM remember anon carts mod will interact with this new mod? Jon?

I am also doing remarketing with AdWords, and that is already creepy to some customers. "How do ads for xxxxxx show up when i'm reading websites unrelated to your company or products? And your ads follow me around!??? How do you know what sites to advertise on so they always appear wherever I am surfing?" -- I received this email from a good customer! I need to exclude customers with recent conversions from the remarketing list!

The language that is used for this is CRUCIAL to working as intended vs. destroying goodwill. I am not sure this is right for my customers.

I know some merchants want this mod, but I really would like to see real-world success stories -- many marketing bloggers say DO NOT DO THIS. I'm on the fence.

RoeBoeDog 01-29-2013 11:45 PM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder module released
Is there anyway we can play with an admin demo of the filter module?

You do not include enough screen shots of this.

vladimir.gritsenko 01-30-2013 12:52 AM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder module released

Originally Posted by RoeBoeDog
Is there anyway we can play with an admin demo of the filter module?

You do not include enough screen shots of this.

We are up to introduce some changes to X-cart demo including installation of Refine Filters to it and updating demo products to represent the module better.

I'll make a separate forum thread.

RoeBoeDog 01-30-2013 12:56 AM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder module released
Thats great news.

Thank you very much.

rocky 01-30-2013 12:59 AM

Re: Abandoned Cart Reminder module released

Originally Posted by RichieRich
Are any of these new modules bundled with gold plus?

These are separate modules not included into any X-Cart edition.

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