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carpeperdiem 11-26-2012 06:43 PM

X-Payments ROLL CALL
X-Payments ROLL CALL

I f you have X-Payments deployed please post your x-payments version and x-cart version (and which checkout module) and current operational status. Please state if you are using the iFrame "lite interface" (unless you are using xp 1.0.5 you're not). Also list if you are using the "hosted" service from xcart or if xp is on your own server.

I am specifically searching for any store admin who has deployed xp 1.0.5 with the lite interface iframe in x-cart 4.5.4

We need one place for all x-payments admins to easily communicate with each other. Post to this thread and we'll all have each other as resources.

Mods, please make this a sticky?

I'll start:

XP: 1.0.5 with iframe lite interface - xp has its own subdomain on my server
XC: 4.5.4 gold plus w/OPC_ajax - hoping to get the Altered Cart CheckoutOne provisioned soon.
Status: active, but it is not working well and I am losing orders daily. Documented in other threads.

ssrideshop 11-26-2012 09:44 PM

Re: X-Payments ROLL CALL

Implemented X-Payments (hosted) over the weekend on a 4.5.4 Gold+ site. Did a test order myself and cancelled it. Noticed 2 authorizations have shown up on my CC.

This may or may not be related to X-Payments being implemented trying to narrow it down (but I have a hunch it is) Notified today that when new users sign up on check out, the shipping and cart items/total are refreshed to 0 and you can't proceed.

They have lost orders over the weekend, today... ya, not too happy with x-cart.

ambal 11-27-2012 01:02 AM

Re: X-Payments ROLL CALL
ssrideshop, please report your issue to your HelpDesk account for investigation. If it is bug the fix will be provided free of charge.

ssrideshop 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

Re: X-Payments ROLL CALL
Done. This is a serious issue. Had to revert back to regular paypal checkout. Since implementing X-Payments all attempted orders from new users failed.

ssrideshop 11-27-2012 04:45 PM

Re: X-Payments ROLL CALL
Here's an update, that doesn't solve anything.

Support is saying my issue is an issue with X-Cart and not X-Payments. However, it didn't start occurring until implementing X-Payments. So... it's a bug in X-Cart.. now I have to wait for generic tech support, paying $49/mo for a service that breaks the checkout process when implemented.

I tried to setup the FLC as an alternative... but since I hadn't been provided (and still haven't) accurate FTP info to edit the templates I couldn't do that. No way customers should see the generic or default templates.

carpeperdiem 11-27-2012 04:52 PM

Re: X-Payments ROLL CALL
Before you pay anyone anything...

I just installed a virgin dev 4.5.4 goldplus.
Set it up with default products.
Provisioned xp to it using the "lite interface".
Big old fail. Identical fail as on my production store.
I have video and very detailed logs fo the defects.
X-cart asked me to send them video and links to my dev stores.
Hopefully they will find solutions.

PS -- anyone can install a dev store fresh in a dev partition. If you want to prove a product defect, it's the only way.

ssrideshop 11-27-2012 05:05 PM

Re: X-Payments ROLL CALL
Good call. I think I'll download a fresh copy and try that as well.

Secondly, this is a pretty out-of-the-box installation, other than some skin tweaks. Which is why it's so baffling that these things are broken.

carpeperdiem 11-28-2012 01:40 PM

Re: X-Payments ROLL CALL
IE8 issue had nothing to do with xcart.

(scroll down)

Still having all of the other issues, but since IE8 submit works, my intensity can come down a bit.

But we are still seeing duplicate and triplicate orders submitting.

Customers are still confused.
Hopefully we'll find the solution soon.

tartaglia 11-28-2012 02:32 PM

Re: X-Payments ROLL CALL
I am getting ready to launch X-P 1.0.5 (Auth.net Gateway) with XC 4.5.4. Using Lite interface.

Yes, I agree the iFrame integration is terrible. The display creates lots of whitepace, I had to reorder my payment methods so that CC was last so it would even look half decent. Yes there are long delays with grey overlays over nothing that have the customers wondering what is going on. Not to mention that as soon as the CC payment method is selected by the user an entry is created with X-P, even if they never entered any CC info or hit the submit button. This results in a hug amount of meaningless entries in X-P Payments list that I have to wade through to find the real entries. Lots of problems here.

Wonder if I should put something right above the Submit button that says "don't hit it twice, wait for it to tell you sucessful or not!"

carpeperdiem 11-28-2012 06:00 PM

Re: X-Payments ROLL CALL

Originally Posted by tartaglia
The display creates lots of whitepace, I had to reorder my payment methods so that CC was last so it would even look half decent.

Maybe we should share out lite.css files?

I tried placing Credit Card as last payment method, but in my opinion, it put the option too far down the page. But now we have all the unfinished and "x-payments started" orders if the customer then goes to PayPal or pay with points or get certificate. Maybe that's the lesser of the evils? I want credit card to be the default payment method - so it really needs to be in the top slot.

The big problem right now is that anon customer orders all seem to fail on first attempt creating duplicate or triplicate orders (or customer walkaways had 3 of those on Monday) -
But there are another 8-10 interface issues that are simply Very Poor Choices and these need to be fixed,
And of course, the use of coupons that send the wrong payment amount to the gateway.

Besides that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?

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