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manolodf 08-02-2003 05:09 PM

User information in Order management
Is it possible for the user to show up on every order as well as the referrer and partner user if available?

The reason i want the user to show up is so i can then click the user and view if he has previous completed orders, cancelled orders or if he is a good repeat customer so i can upgrade their shipping for free as a good gesture.

funkydunk 08-04-2003 10:17 AM

Try this instead for skin1/main/orders.tpl


{* $Id: orders.tpl,v 1.24 2003/04/22 13:07:50 svowl Exp $ *}
{ include file="location.tpl" last_location=$lng.lbl_search_orders }
{assign var="total" value=0.00}
{assign var="total_paid" value=0.00}

<font class=AdminSmallMessage>I</font> - {$lng.lbl_not_finished},
<font class=AdminSmallMessage>Q</font> - {$lng.lbl_queued},
<font class=AdminSmallMessage>P</font> - {$lng.lbl_processed},
<font class=AdminSmallMessage>B</font> - {$lng.lbl_backordered},
<font class=AdminSmallMessage>D</font> - {$lng.lbl_declined},
<font class=AdminSmallMessage>F</font> - {$lng.lbl_failed},
<font class=AdminSmallMessage>C</font> - {$lng.lbl_complete}.

{capture name=dialog}
<table border=0>
<form name="searchform" action="orders.php" method=get>
<INPUT type=hidden name=mode value="">
<td height="10" class=FormButton nowrap>{$lng.lbl_order_id}</td>
<td width="10" height="10"></td>
<td height="10">
<input type="text" name="orderid1" size="6" value="{$smarty.get.orderid1}">
<input type="text" name="orderid2" size="6" value="{$smarty.get.orderid2}">
{if $usertype ne "C"}
<td height="10" class=FormButton nowrap>{$lng.lbl_customer}</td>
<td width="10" height="10"></td>
<td height="10">
<input type="text" name="substring" size="30" value="{$smarty.get.substring}">
{if $usertype eq "A"}
<td height="10" class=FormButton nowrap>{$lng.lbl_provider}</td>
<td width="10" height="10"></td>
<td height="10">
<input type="text" name="provider" size="30" value="{$smarty.get.provider}">
<td height="10" class=FormButton nowrap>{$lng.lbl_order_status}:</td>
<td width="10" height="10"><font class=CustomerMessage>*</font></td>
<td height="10">
<select name=status>
<option value="" {if $smarty.get.status eq ""}selected{/if}>{$lng.lbl_all}</option>
<option value="I" {if $smarty.get.status eq "I"}selected{/if}>{$lng.lbl_not_finished}</option>
<option value="Q" {if $smarty.get.status eq "Q"}selected{/if}>{$lng.lbl_queued}</option>
<option value="P" {if $smarty.get.status eq "P"}selected{/if}>{$lng.lbl_processed}</option>
<option value="B" {if $smarty.get.status eq "B"}selected{/if}>{$lng.lbl_backordered}</option>
<option value="D" {if $smarty.get.status eq "D"}selected{/if}>{$lng.lbl_declined}</option>
<option value="F" {if $smarty.get.status eq "F"}selected{/if}>{$lng.lbl_failed}</option>
<option value="C" {if $smarty.get.status eq "C"}selected{/if}>{$lng.lbl_complete}</option>
{if $usertype ne "C"}
<TD height="10" class=FormButton nowrap>{$lng.lbl_csv_delimiter}:</TD>
<TD width="10" height="10"><FONT class=CustomerMessage>*</FONT></TD>
<TD height="10">
{include file="provider/main/ie_delimiter.tpl"}
<td height="10" class=FormButton nowrap>{$lng.lbl_order_date_from}:</td>
<td width="10" height="10"><font class=CustomerMessage>*</font></td>
<td height="10">
{html_select_date prefix="Start" time=$start_date start_year=$config.Company.start_year end_year=$config.Company.end_year}
<td height="10" class=FormButton nowrap>{$lng.lbl_order_date_through}:</td>
<td width="10" height="10"><font class=CustomerMessage>*</font></td>
<td height="10">
{html_select_date prefix="End" time=$end_date start_year=$config.Company.start_year end_year=$config.Company.end_year display_days=yes}

<td width="78" class=FormButton></td>
<td width="10">
<td height=30>
<input type=button value="{$lng.lbl_search}"
{if $usertype ne "C"}

<input type=button value="{$lng.lbl_export}..."
{if $active_modules.QuickBooks eq "Y"}
{include file="modules/QuickBooks/orders.tpl"}

{if $usertype eq "A"}
<input type=button value="{$lng.lbl_delete}"
                        if (confirm('All related information will be also deleted from database. Are you sure that you want to delete orders with selected criteria?')) {
{include file="dialog.tpl" title=$lng.lbl_search_orders content=$smarty.capture.dialog extra="width=100%"}

{if $smarty.get.mode eq "deleted"}
{elseif $smarty.server.QUERY_STRING ne "" and $items_count ge "0"}
{$items_count} {$lng.lbl_orders_found}
{if $orders ne ""}

{capture name=dialog}
{ include file="customer/main/navigation.tpl" }
<form action="order.php" method=get name=processproductform>
{section name=cat_num loop=$orders}
{math equation="x + ordertotal" x=$total ordertotal=$orders[cat_num].total assign="total"}
{if $orders[cat_num].status eq "P" or $orders[cat_num].status eq "C"}
{math equation="x + ordertotal" x=$total_paid ordertotal=$orders[cat_num].total assign="total_paid"}
{ if %cat_num.first% }
<table border=0 width=100%>
<input type=radio name=orderid value="{ $orders[cat_num].orderid }" { if %cat_num.first% }checked{/if}>
<td nowrap class=AdminSmallMessage>
<td nowrap>
<font class=Text>{$orders[cat_num].date|date_format:"%d-%m-%Y %T"}</font>
<td width=90% class=Text>

{if $usertype eq "A"}
{ $orders[cat_num].firstname } { $orders[cat_num].lastname }
<td nowrap class=Text>
{ $orders[cat_num].provider }
{ $orders[cat_num].firstname } { $orders[cat_num].lastname }
<td nowrap align=right class=Text>
{include file="currency.tpl" value=$orders[cat_num].total}
{ if %cat_num.last% }
<tr><td colspan={if $usertype eq "A"}7{else}6{/if} align=right height=20>{$lng.lbl_gross_total}: {include file="currency.tpl" value=$total}</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan={if $usertype eq "A"}7{else}6{/if} align=right height=20>{$lng.lbl_total_paid}: {include file="currency.tpl" value=$total_paid}</td></tr>

<A href="order.php?mode=invoice&orderid={$orders_string}">
{include file="buttons/print_all.tpl"}</A>
{if $usertype eq "A" or $usertype eq "P"}
{include file="buttons/display_labels.tpl"}
<input type=hidden name=mode value="">
<input type=hidden name=query_string value={$smarty.server.QUERY_STRING}>
<a href="javascript:document.processproductform.submit();">
{include file="buttons/details.tpl"}</a>
{if $usertype eq "A" or $usertype eq "P"}

<a href="javascript:if(confirm('All related information will be also deleted from database. Are you sure that you want to delete this order?')){ldelim}document.processproductform.mode.value='delete'; document.processproductform.submit();{rdelim}">
{include file="buttons/delete.tpl"}</a>
{ include file="customer/main/navigation.tpl" }
{include file="dialog.tpl" title=$lng.lbl_search_results content=$smarty.capture.dialog extra="width=100%"}

This will do exactly what you want.

nuevojefe 08-28-2003 07:26 AM

This seems kind of similar to what I want. I just need a box where I can add one additional piece of customer input during an order, it could be anywhere like next to the coupon code or whatever. I want it to say

"Enter Sales Rep. ID" and just have a small input box like 10 characters long or so.

I then need that info to be stored in the orders that are viewable online and also sent on the email invoice(email receipt).

Any suggestions?

funkydunk 08-28-2003 07:33 AM

use the tracking id and rebadge it ?

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