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lseals 09-02-2016 08:34 AM

Category List on the Front Page Help

I searched the forum but was unable to find after many searches the specific code that I would need to accomplish the following. Instead of or in addition to Bestsellers that is on the front page, I would like to have Each category list for example.











The products can be set to a number of say 100 on a carousel that shows that lastest items added to the main category. God bless you!

lseals 09-04-2016 12:57 AM

Re: Category List on the Front Page Help
Alex Solovev posted: 07-20-2015

"\XLite\View\ItemsList\Product\Customer\Category\M ain" is the base widget that renders the list of products from a category.

It has PARAM_CATEGORY_ID parameter, so I believe you can render it for a specific category from a template file (however, I'm not sure for 100% as it may take some parameters from the request and from the controller that handles the current "target").

The code could be as follows (I haven't tried it):

<widget class="XLite\View\ItemsList\Product\Customer\Categ ory\Main" categoryid="YOUR_CATEGORY_ID" />

However, I am not sure how to make it work. I pray for the Lord's help in this regard.

qualiteam 09-04-2016 09:37 PM

Re: Category List on the Front Page Help

Instead of or in addition to Bestsellers that is on the front page, I would like to have Each category list for example.
The products can be set to a number of say 100 on a carousel that shows that lastest items added to the main category

I believe you need to hire someone who could code it for you as it is not something that can be done in a couple of tweaks (or explained via forums).

cherie 09-13-2016 07:51 AM

Re: Category List on the Front Page Help
That's a bummer. Too bad we can't expand on this example from 13 years ago:

lseals 09-18-2016 11:12 PM

Re: Category List on the Front Page Help
Greetings Cherie, are you able to accomplish this hack? If so how much? I believe that this could be a top selling module if priced accordingly. Please let me know. God bless you.

qualiteam 09-22-2016 10:36 PM

Re: Category List on the Front Page Help

Originally Posted by cherie
That's a bummer. Too bad we can't expand on this example from 13 years ago

I don't see a mention of displaying products as a carousel in that thread :-) This will definitely require a custom mod.

lseals 09-23-2016 04:56 AM

Re: Category List on the Front Page Help
I do not know if this is sarcasm or if this is the actual mode to use. I know that this is X-cart 5 but I was looking simply to have the mod place on the front of my site. If anyone is able to explain it to me, I would appreciate it. Granted I could accomplish this mod on X-cart 4 with the Lord's help, so I am sure that X-cart 5 should not be a problem. The site that I want to mimic is blinq.com. God bless you!

cherie 09-23-2016 09:24 AM

Re: Category List on the Front Page Help
qualiteam, "as a carousel" is not X-Cart-specific as any list of items on any web page can be made into a carousel with a myriad of css/javascript code snippets. The issue here is how to get this specific list in this specific location, something easily done with versions of X-Cart before 5.

cflsystems 09-23-2016 09:44 AM

Re: Category List on the Front Page Help
XC5 will never be as easy to modify as XC4. It is the nature of the code, structure and how everything works together.
While in XC4 non-technical person can do small modification or just follow some code changes guide from the forum this is not the case with XC5. XC5, MVC and OOP for the matter, is not user-friendly software for non-developers. And the fact that stock code cannot be and should not be modified due to the way upgrades work forces every change even a small one to be done via custom module.
So XC5 users will either have to become developers themselves or rely on paid services from QT or 3rd party devs.
Since XC5 is way more complicated as code and organization and way of work the "copy/paste this here that there" doesn't work. Every change has to be done following certain code standards and structure.

I think XC users who wants to be able to do small changes to cart themselves should stick to XC4. It is more proven to work and easier to change/debug.

lseals 09-27-2016 07:30 AM

Re: Category List on the Front Page Help
Thank you for the insight; however, after reading these forums it seems that many are bitter (developers) at X-cart for X-cart 5. Which is an excellent shopping cart. No doubt, X-Cart 4 is better at this time but it seems that it is developing quickly.

However, I pray that developers embrace X-cart 5 because the cash cow X-cart 4 seemingly will not be here for long. Developers love X-cart 4 because it was easy and put more money in their pockets. Which is NOT a good long-term business strategy!

X-cart 5 puts more money in the X-cart developers pocket which should have been that way from the start. No other company that I have known allowed so much money to leave the table so that other people's feelings would not be hurt. I speak this through the Holy Ghost.

It is not a time to get mad and upset about it because you are getting less percentage, now is the time to learn the new language and code and embrace X-cart 5 as you have many customers wanting modules, templates, and plug-ins.

I do not say this to offend anyone; however, X-cart 4 is a dying business model it is not sustainable. If I get a lifetime license and unlimited upgrades what would motivate me to continue to code.

Now on the same regard, the X-cart 5 model in some places is ridiculously expensive, (Ex. Ebay intergration, Wishlist) but I pray that with time and patience even those things will become cheaper; if not integrated for a reasonable set price.

I say this to be reasonable in that would you prefer to make no money off X-cart; only having 4 after it ceases production. Or would you like to be on the ground level as many people adopt (forcefully) as I believe soon they will have no choice because it just makes economical sense. While I love the developers at X-cart they have bills and expenses just as anyone else in business. They are not trying to steal your money only to stay in business, I believe when we all see this we would be more understanding. God bless you!

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