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AKassing 03-25-2016 11:29 AM

Image Verification

When the Image Verification module is turned on for "On Registration Page" it appears on the customer account registration and during checkout. However, we only want it to appear op the registration page and not during checkout.

We've found this tpl file (see code below) in the "One_Page_Checkout" module folder, but don't know how to modify this so the Image Verification won't appear.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


8faeb12f1c73aa112ed3404e046e0d7ce670780d, v14 (xcart_4_5_5), 2012-12-28 18:48:11, opc_profile.tpl, random
vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et:

<div id="opc_profile">

<script type="text/javascript">
// Used to update global $need_shipping var to work isCheckoutReady():ajax.checkout.js function properly
var need_shipping = {if $need_shipping}true{else}false{/if};

{if ($userinfo ne '' and !$userinfo.is_incomplete) and not $reg_error and not $force_change_address}

{include file="modules/One_Page_Checkout/profile/profile_details_html.tpl"}


{if $reg_error}
<p class="error-message">{$reg_error.errdesc}</p>

<form class="skip-auto-validation" action="cart.php?mode=checkout" method="post" name="registerform">
<fieldset id="personal_details" class="registerform">

<input type="hidden" name="usertype" value="C" />
<input type="hidden" name="anonymous" value="{$anonymous}" />

{include file='modules/One_Page_Checkout/profile/address_info.tpl' type='B' hide_header=true first=true}

{include file='modules/One_Page_Checkout/profile/account_info.tpl' hide_header=true}

{include file='modules/One_Page_Checkout/profile/address_info.tpl' type='S' hide_header=true first=true}

{include file='modules/One_Page_Checkout/profile/personal_info.tpl' first=true}

{include file='modules/One_Page_Checkout/profile/additional_info.tpl' section='A' first=true}

{*** uncomment if you need to enable newsletter signup
{include file='modules/One_Page_Checkout/profile/newslist_info.tpl' hide_header=true}

{include file="customer/buttons/button.tpl" button_title=$lng.lbl_continue additional_button_class="main-button update-profile" type="input" assign="submit_button"}

{if $active_modules.Image_Verification and $show_antibot.on_registration eq 'Y' and $display_antibot}
{include file="modules/Image_Verification/spambot_arrest.tpl" mode="simple" id=$antibot_sections.on_registration antibot_err=$reg_antibot_err button_code=$submit_button}

<div class="button-row" align="center">


{include file="check_registerform_fields_js.tpl" is_opc=true}



cflsystems 03-25-2016 02:32 PM

Re: Image Verification
It I snot only the tpl file. You will have to take this out of the template. But also modify the php script not to require this when saved from checkout page. It is probably include/register.php but you need to have some if statement when this is checked. Like "if $mode == 'checkout' ...."

AKassing 03-25-2016 10:43 PM

Re: Image Verification
Wow, that's a lot more difficult than I expected. Unfortunately I lack the skills to do this myself. Too bad the x-cart team did not offer this option i the module from the start.

cflsystems 03-26-2016 06:40 AM

Re: Image Verification
You can always hire us to do this for you.

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