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intel352 09-27-2006 08:16 AM

[MODULE] XC SEO v1.2.0 Released

The XC SEO team is proud to announce the release of XC SEO version 1.2.0.
XC SEO is completely free, and licensed under the GNU GPL 2 license.
All code is versioned and available from our repository at:

A zip of the release is available at the url provided above.
This release is for X-Cart 4.1.7

A couple of sites using XC SEO:==============================

intel352 09-27-2006 08:23 AM

Re: [MODULE] XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
The documentation for 4.0x refers to /cache/modules.php, could someone please verify that the reference is correct?

This release was developed solely on 4.1.x, so verification that the 4.0.x instructions are correct would be greatly appreciated :-)

Additionally, hopefully you'll all notice that under the Administration -> Modules section, you'll now be able to Enable/Disable XC SEO, and additionally configure options for the module (currently only 1 option is presented, but there will be more added going forward).


EDIT: something that was forgotten in the documentation, if you're upgrading, you can delete the following files (after you install the NEW release)

Jerrad 09-27-2006 08:46 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
First of all, thanks for this new version of this great mod!

While applying the sql commands, I received this message:

INSERT INTO xcart_config VALUES ('xcseo_keyword_injection','Specify a keyword to inject into rewritten urls','','XC_SEO',10,'text','','')

intel352 09-27-2006 08:48 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
Ah, shame, looks like table structure must be different for 4.0.x, I'll check into it, and update with the needed SQL queries for ya.

Jerrad 09-27-2006 09:02 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
I've got it installed and it works great!
Also in the admin zone I can access the xc seo module and
turn it on and off - really great!

No idea what is missing because of the (partially) failed sql patch?

Jerrad 09-27-2006 09:33 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
The new sql patch for 4.X.X works great.

intel352 09-27-2006 10:07 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
Please use the following SQL for installing on 4.0x:


INSERT INTO xcart_modules (module_name, module_descr, active) VALUES ('XC_SEO','This module rewrites your website urls for Search Engine optimization.','Y');
INSERT INTO xcart_config (name,comment,value,category,orderby,type,defvalue) VALUES ('xcseo_keyword_injection','Specify a keyword to inject into rewritten urls','','XC_SEO',10,'text','');
INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','module_descr_XC_SEO','This module rewrites your website urls for Search Engine optimization.','Modules');
INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','module_name_XC_SEO','XC SEO','Modules');
INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','option_title_XC_SEO','XC SEO options','Options');
INSERT INTO xcart_languages (code,name,value,topic) VALUES ('US','opt_xcseo_keyword_injection','Specify a keyword to inject into rewritten urls','Options');

Scott DeToffol 09-27-2006 10:13 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
What's the new SQL patch for 4.x.x?

**never mind :)

Scott DeToffol 09-27-2006 10:20 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
The instructions say:


/cache/modules.php (the file will automatically regenerate)

Modules.php is in /admin for 4.x.x, there is no /cache folder. Do I delete that one?

intel352 09-27-2006 10:22 AM

Re: XC SEO v1.1.0 Released
No, do NOT delete that one :-)

I don't have a 4.0x test environment available, so I'm not sure if/where 4.0x caches module information. Look in the root of your installation, check templates_c, or if you have a /var directory, check inside there.

Or, to keep things simpler, once you've installed the SEO module, go into the Administration -> Modules menu, Disable XC SEO, and then Enable XC SEO.

If there's any type of module cache, that step should reset the cache.

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