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-   -   Export Shop data - compatable with AffiliateWindow, Kelkoo & (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=5207)

kevinbrown 11-12-2003 02:20 PM

Export Shop data - compatable with AffiliateWindow, Kelkoo &
Here is a crude but working mod of export.php/tpl to allow exporting all product data for use by

Is displays in pipe delimited format all products that are on sale and in stock.

Save this as affiliatewindow.php under /provider/affiliatewindow.com


# /provider/affiliatewindow.php


require "../smarty.php";
require "../config.php";

$excluded_columns = array("provider",
"distribution", "weight", "categoryid1", "categoryid2", "categoryid3",
"productcode", "descr", "avail", "forsale", "shipping_freight", "free_shipping", "discount",
"image_x", "discount_avail",
"param00", "param01", "param02", "param03", "param04", "param05", "param06", "param07", "param08", "param09",
"min_amount", "dim_x", "dim_y", "dim_z", "low_avail_limit", "orderby", "vat", "free_tax", "apply_gst", "apply_pst",

$chunk_size = 35;
$show_column_headers = "N";
$images_dir = $HTTP_POST_VARS["images_dir"];

# To block everything that has a stock level of less than 1 add the folling line to the sql statement
# $sql_tbl[products].avail>0 AND

$search_query = "SELECT $sql_tbl[products].*, $sql_tbl[categories].category, MIN($sql_tbl[pricing].price) AS price FROM $sql_tbl[products], $sql_tbl[pricing], $sql_tbl[categories] WHERE $sql_tbl[pricing].productid=$sql_tbl[products].productid AND $sql_tbl[pricing].quantity=1 AND $sql_tbl[products].categoryid=$sql_tbl[categories].categoryid AND $sql_tbl[products].forsale='Y' AND $sql_tbl[pricing].membership='' $provider_condition GROUP BY $sql_tbl[products].productid ORDER BY $sql_tbl[products].productid";

$result = db_query($search_query);

$total_products = db_num_rows($result);

if ($total_products > 0) {

$_tmp_smarty_debug = $smarty->debugging;
$smarty->debugging = false;

$smarty->assign("delimiter", "|");
$smarty->assign("line", $line);

$counter = 0;

while ($product_data = db_fetch_array($result)) {

$product_data_2 = array();
if (is_array($product_data)) {
if ($config["Images"]["thumbnails_location"] == "DB" && $HTTP_POST_VARS["donot_backup_images"] != "Y")
$product_data["thumbnail"] = func_copy_image_to_fs($product_data["productid"], $images_dir);
elseif ($config["Images"]["thumbnails_location"] == "FS")
$product_data["thumbnail"] = array_pop(func_query_first("SELECT image_path FROM $sql_tbl[thumbnails] WHERE productid='$product_data[productid]'"));
foreach ($product_data as $key => $value) {
if (!in_array($key, $excluded_columns)) {
$product_data_2[$key] = strtr($value, "\r\n\t", "");
$product_data_2[$key] = "".str_replace("\"", "\"\"", $value)."";


$products[] = $product_data_2;

if ($counter%$chunk_size==0 || $counter==$total_products) {
$smarty->assign("products", $products);
$smarty->assign("total_columns", (is_array($products)?count($products[0]):0));
$smarty->assign("show_column_headers", $show_column_headers);
if ($show_column_headers == "Y")
$show_column_headers = "";


$smarty->debugging = $_tmp_smarty_debug;

$line = "\n";
$smarty->assign("line", $line);
$smarty->assign("products", $products);


THEN save this as aw_feed.tpl under /skin1/main

{section name=prod_num loop=$products}
{$products[prod_num].fulldescr|replace:"\r":" "|replace:"\n":" "|replace:"\t":" "|replace:"\"":""|replace:",":","|strip_tags}{$del imiter}
{$products[prod_num].category|replace:"/":" > "|replace:"\"":""}{$delimiter}


cotc2001 06-11-2005 04:39 AM

Anyone got a working 4.0.5 feed generator that will work with kelkoo, comparestoreprices.co.uk etc???

One thing that is needed for a feed generator like this is to automatically add the vat rate to the price because nativley x-cart only exports the price as you have entered into add product (which is usually not including the VAT price)

If not im going to see if x-cart will build it for me.

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