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guytje 01-26-2003 11:53 PM

How to place a 'sold' image/text on a sold product

I am working on a virtual poster shop, and I would like to mark some products as 'sold', because I would still like people to see some of the products that have been sold.

Maybe someone know how to help me with this?


zilker 02-18-2003 08:26 PM

I'm still fairly new to x-cart, but I would imagine that if you simply edited the picture in a graphics editor to have a "sold" stamp on it, you would upload that to replace your existing thumbnail. That seems like it would be the easiest way since you're not going to be romoving it from sold status.

guytje 02-19-2003 12:14 AM

thanks for the tip!
I did that, and edited the description too! Now the only thing i can't figure out is how to take away the 'put in basket' link.

But thanks!

shan 02-19-2003 02:01 AM

set its quantity to 0 and add to cart should dissapear

guytje 02-19-2003 06:23 AM

hmmmm... that is not happening...
I've done it, but the add to cart is still visible ;-(

Any other suggestion?

usermike 02-19-2003 06:30 AM

Maybe try something like:


{if $product.avail > 0}
{include file="buttons/add_to_cart.tpl"}

Jeannie 02-19-2003 08:06 AM

So you want the product to still show but to not have an add-to-cart button?
Like this?

guytje 02-19-2003 09:57 AM

Jeanie, I think you've hit...
.. the nail with the hammer ;-) Or is that not how you say it in english?
But yes, that's it... that's what I would like. Only instead of 'out of stock' it would put: 'item sold'.

It's for the following site, by the way: www.postersaffiches.com

If you can help me, I would be very thankful.

Jeannie 02-19-2003 10:15 AM

Before you do any changes please be sure to backup the files to be changed.

Look for this and be careful because there are a couple of lines that are similar:

{if $config.General.show_in_stock eq "Y" and $product.distribution eq ""}
<tr><td width=30%>{$lng.lbl_quantity}</td><td nowrap>{if $product.avail gt 0}{$product.avail}{else}{$lng.txt_no}{/if} {$lng.txt_items_available}</td></tr>

Replace it with this:

{if $config.General.show_in_stock eq "Y" and ($product.avail le 0 or $product.avail lt $product.min_amount)}

Under General Configuration CHECK the box that says "show quantity in stock". Seems backwards but that's what I had to do. Maybe try it without checking this box and see what happens. I've messed around with this cart so much my change log is getting overbearing.

Then I removed the Quantity label and area that showed the amount in stock that appeared just below the description. Also in customer/main/product.tpl:

{if $config.General.show_in_stock eq "Y" and $product.distribution eq ""}
<tr><td width=30%>{$lng.lbl_quantity}</td><td nowrap>{if $product.avail gt 0}{$product.avail}{else}{$lng.txt_no}{/if} {$lng.txt_items_available}</td></tr>

You can change the wording to 'item sold' by changing the lng.txt_out_of_stock in the Languages area.

This solution worked for me in both 3.1.1 and 3.3.1

guytje 02-20-2003 12:35 AM

i'm going to try it!
Will let you know!
Thanks a bunch!

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