X-Cart: shopping cart software

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-   -   X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=66570)

elmirage001 12-05-2014 02:57 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Originally Posted by xtech
Can I expect an answer from you?

Hi xtech, Looks to me like Phil gave you all the info needed but sounds like you need some help to get your custom mod built. Have you asked Phil for a quote? If Phil is busy then maybe Mike or Steve. I see from Mike's posts that he is now accepting new clients and projects.

xtech 12-05-2014 07:49 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Originally Posted by elmirage001
Hi xtech, Looks to me like Phil gave you all the info needed but sounds like you need some help to get your custom mod built. Have you asked Phil for a quote? If Phil is busy then maybe Mike or Steve. I see from Mike's posts that he is now accepting new clients and projects.

Yes I like custom modification.If Phil can help me it will be better.

PhilJ 12-06-2014 06:12 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
xtech, I have no plans to build a custom form builder module for X-Cart. Maybe Qualiteam or someone else can create one for you.

I can build custom forms with database insertion and form data management, on a case-by-case basis. Get in touch for a quote.

If you use the Wordpress addon in reBOOT, there's a plethora of form builder plugins available. For example, this form took 5 mins to make, with Ninja Forms.

If you want to DIY, you can use the Bootstrap form builder and generate PHP code using a tool like Forms To Go.

I have created custom reBOOT form addons with AJAX validation and submission, available here. With basic HTML/JS/PHP skills, they can be extended to your liking.

PhilJ 12-06-2014 06:34 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
1 Attachment(s)
Fix for email header in reBOOT v3.3 - logo was not displaying correctly.

skin/reboot/mail/html/mail_header.tpl (attached)

elmirage001 12-06-2014 06:41 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Thanks Phil !

Any luck on the MaxCDN issue?


PhilJ 12-06-2014 06:45 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Any luck on the MaxCDN issue?
On my list! Gotta be something simple...

elmirage001 12-06-2014 07:10 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Originally Posted by PhilJ
On my list! Gotta be something simple...

List??? You have those too? :-) - Maybe it could be a v3 ADDON???

Thank you for the new AJAX Contact Form in v3 ADDONS and all you do!!


PhilJ 12-06-2014 07:51 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Thank you for the new AJAX Contact Form in v3 ADDONS and all you do!!
Hi Paul, please re-download, was a typo in there.

caspari 12-22-2014 05:06 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Hi Phil, Is it possible to adjust the timing of the transitions on reboot_ticker? Thanks, Rob

PhilJ 12-22-2014 08:34 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Hi Phil, Is it possible to adjust the timing of the transitions on reboot_ticker? Thanks, Rob
Sure, open skin/reboot/js/custom/reboot_carousels_init.js

Within TICKER.owlCarousel({...}); around line 338, adjust...


autoplayTimeout: 3000,

Pitak 12-26-2014 07:42 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Phil, I'm using the Homepage countdown alert today, I'm setting the countdown date/time to the past so that it kinda shows only the expired message.

And I'm getting this after the expired message at the Homepage:

{/literal}{$lng.lbl_reboot_countdown_expired_message }{literal}

Any idea what's causing this and how to fix it?
Thanks and Happy New Year 2015!!! <3

PhilJ 12-26-2014 09:01 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
1 Attachment(s)

Any idea what's causing this and how to fix it?
Hi Pitak, please see attached.

Upload skin/reboot/custom/widgets/home_countdown.tpl

Then replace the countdown CSS code in skin/reboot/css/reboot.css with the CSS code in css.txt

Pitak 12-26-2014 09:33 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Phil, when I do the above, my homepage now does not load (it's a blank page). I've cleared Templates/Cache. So I undo the changes and cleared Template/Cache again, and now it's back.

Maybe there's some typos in the code?

PhilJ 12-26-2014 09:40 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Strange, I am using the same code here.

Double check that the countdown messages HTML code is valid. Or revert to plain text and see if that fixes it.

Vacman 12-26-2014 09:44 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Hey PhilJ, got a weird one (for me).

When I upgraded to the new one a couple of weeks back, the Testimonials didn't make the migration.

I do have the old database however. Is there a way to import those over safely?

Pitak 12-26-2014 10:26 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Originally Posted by PhilJ
Double check that the countdown messages HTML code is valid. Or revert to plain text and see if that fixes it.

The HTML code is valid. However after I remove all HTML codes and use just plain texts, it worked. I'd like to use HTML codes if possible though.

Thanks. <3

PhilJ 12-27-2014 04:18 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Hey PhilJ, got a weird one (for me).

When I upgraded to the new one a couple of weeks back, the Testimonials didn't make the migration.

I do have the old database however. Is there a way to import those over safely?

Hi Carl, open the backup DB in a text editor, locate the testimonials SQL, copy it to a new file, then you should be able to re-patch the current database with that SQL code.

If the testimonials SQL lines begin with INSERT INTO, change to REPLACE INTO.

Vacman 12-27-2014 07:32 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
OK - I just wanted to be sure that there wasn't something obscure I needed to do. PHPAdmin should work as well.

Vacman 12-27-2014 08:32 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Actually, I am now confused. When I look at both the old DB and the new one, I see all the testimonials in there, but on my dev site, it is only displaying the giberish "Lorem Ipsum..." ones. Where is it pulling those from?

PhilJ 12-27-2014 01:33 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
You need to add the code to auth.php to query the testimonials table (see the testimonials install.txt file).

Otherwise, the footer will just display the hard coded testimonials that are in skin/reboot/custom/footer/footer_content_TR.tpl

Is the actual testimonials.php page displaying the correct testimonials? If not, then you'll need to re-add them from the backup database.

Vacman 12-27-2014 10:08 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Got it! - Thanks.

New question. Captcha is not displaying any images. The directory is set to 777, but it is empty..?

PhilJ 12-29-2014 05:23 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

New question. Captcha is not displaying any images. The directory is set to 777, but it is empty..?
Perhaps check the GD library is loaded in Admin > Tools > Summary

If you like, post a support ticket and I'll take a look.

Vacman 12-29-2014 07:46 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Yes it is and it is functioning on my live site:

GD bundled (2.1.0 compatible)

I will open a ticket.

PhilJ 12-29-2014 12:59 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Get the reBOOT template for only $99! (usually $199)

Coupon code - XREBOOT3100

Be Quick, Offer Ends Midnight, January 1st 2015

Pitak 12-29-2014 08:21 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Phil, I upgraded reBOOT v3.0 to v3.3 last night and now the Countdown works with html codes. I guess it must be something with my end. Everything is working fabulous.

As I've mentioned before, reBOOT template's value is much much more than what Phil is selling it for, especially with the holiday discount. For any one who's considering, just jump into it. You'll be glad you did. :)

Phil, for the testimonial addon, when I click on the next page, is it possible to let the page scroll to the top so that visitors can read the next testimonials right away instead of manually scrolling up? Thanks. <3

PhilJ 12-30-2014 05:14 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Hi Pitak, thank you for your kind words.


Phil, for the testimonial addon, when I click on the next page, is it possible to let the page scroll to the top so that visitors can read the next testimonials right away instead of manually scrolling up? Thanks. <3

In skin/reboot/modules/Testimonials/testimonials.tpl

Around line 90, before...





    $('div.pagination a').click(function() {
        $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 350 }, 'fast');
    $('select.perPage').click( function(e) {
        setTimeout( function() {
            $('div.pagination a').click(function() {
                $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 350 }, 'fast');
        }, 250);

Pitak 12-30-2014 06:15 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Thanks, Phil. The above code works perfectly. Just the way I wanted it to be. :)
Unfortunately it only works when there are 10 testimonials/page. ;)

PhilJ 12-30-2014 06:25 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Pitak, code updated above :)

elmirage001 12-30-2014 05:13 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Originally Posted by PhilJ
Pitak, code updated above :)

Thank you Phil and Pitak, Works great! I had noticed that before but forgot about it.

Thank you Phil for your responsive reBOOT Masterpiece! We had our best Christmas season ever in number of sales and dollars. With the number of mobile sales we had I'd hate to think how much we'd have lost without reBOOT.

Anyone not taking advantage of Phil's reBOOT sale deserves a lump of coal next year :-)


PhilJ 01-03-2015 04:00 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
1 Attachment(s)
If anyone is using the Wordpress Blog addon with reBOOT, has recently updated Wordpress to v4.1 and found it breaks the blog, unzip and upload the attached to /blog/wp-includes

Should you wish to disable WP automatic updates, add this line of code in your wp-config.php file...

define( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', false );

PhilJ 01-07-2015 04:57 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Jan 7th 2015 - reBOOT v3.4 released (X-Cart v4.6.6)
  • Homepage slider images are now lazy loaded
  • Google Rich Snippets codes for products added
  • reboot_compressor.php renamed to reboot_html_minifier.php
  • Slight fix for testimonials avatars, long testimonials can be truncated
  • New setting to choose admin header background colour
  • New setting to add a version to the favicon(s)
  • jQuery updated to v1.11.2
  • FontAwesome can be loaded from MaxCDN
  • Redactor HTML editors updated to v10.0.6
  • Minor improvements and bugfixes

xtech 01-13-2015 08:15 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Hi Phil,
How to open newsletter popup box will open only once per visitor in all the pages.Currently it is opening all the time in home page when one refreshed the page.I want to change the behavior.How to achieve that?


PhilJ 01-14-2015 05:20 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

How to open newsletter popup box will open only once per visitor in all the pages.Currently it is opening all the time in home page when one refreshed the page.I want to change the behavior.How to achieve that?

I have updated the addon to use a cookie :)

You can adjust the number of days before the cookie expires.

Demo | Download

xtech 01-14-2015 08:45 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
I have also tried it myself and after all success.Thanks for your codes.Thank you very much.

Is it possible to improve it further?

1)it is stored in the database but cannot show in newsletter section.So cannot able to extract data from admin news section.
2)Not sending any notification email those who subscribed and also admin.
3)Also how to add name/Mobile No here?

How to achieve that?


PhilJ 01-15-2015 08:38 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
1) I don't follow you there.

2) I've updated the addon. It now has optional email confirmations to Admin / Customer. Also the JS has been moved to an external file.

3) I won't be adding name / mobile number, as those fields do not exist in the xcart_newslist_subscription table. And besides, I doubt many people will want to divulge their phone number details.

Demo | Download

PhilJ 01-15-2015 05:02 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
1 Attachment(s)
Slight modification to the product videos addon, which allows the user to switch between lightboxes and iframes.

See attached - skin/reboot/custom/product_videos.tpl


xtech 01-15-2015 08:01 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Originally Posted by PhilJ
1) I don't follow you there.

2) I've updated the addon. It now has optional email confirmations to Admin / Customer. Also the JS has been moved to an external file.

3) I won't be adding name / mobile number, as those fields do not exist in the xcart_newslist_subscription table. And besides, I doubt many people will want to divulge their phone number details.

Demo | Download

Thank you very much for your update of this addons.

I want to tell that Email id that I subscribed has entered into x-cart database but it is not showing on x-cart->News management->Subscriptions list.I want it to display so that I can extract data easily from there for sending email to them.

How to achieve that?


PhilJ 01-15-2015 08:07 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Ensure you have specified the correct news list ID in the settings in reboot_newsletter_popup.php

$listid = 1; // IMPORTANT - Adjust to your newsletter ID
I have tested it thoroughly and it works fine.

xtech 01-15-2015 08:21 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Originally Posted by PhilJ
Ensure you have specified the correct news list ID in the settings in reboot_newsletter_popup.php

I have tested it thoroughly and it works fine.

Where to get that list ID?Is it from news.php?mode=subscribers&targetlist=3?

Please let me know.

Where to customize the email notification template of customer and admin?

Thanks again for your great help.

PhilJ 01-15-2015 08:22 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Where to get that list ID?Is it from news.php?mode=subscribers&targetlist=3?
Yes that's correct.

Where to customize the email notification template of customer and admin?
In reboot_newsletter_popup.php

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