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xtech 10-05-2014 10:59 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Originally Posted by PhilJ



{include file="customer/main/products.tpl" products=$f_products featured="Y"}

{if $navigation eq "Y"}
    {include file="customer/main/navigation.tpl"}
    <br />

If not, take it to a ticket. Some additional tweaks possibly required.

Can you please look into it? I have posted a ticket?


Pitak 10-06-2014 02:54 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Phil, my FAQs are not displaying correctly. Here's a screenshot:

The php log says:

Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource: &quot;addons/faqs/faq_section_1.tpl&quot; in /home/XXX/public_html/beta/include/lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1094

I've already enabled the "Parse Smarty tags in the content of embedded static pages" in admin::general.

Also, in custom/faqs/faqs.tpl, there's "lbl_adapt_expand_everything" and "lbl_adapt_collapse_everything" that are not in the language variables.

Any idea?

PhilJ 10-06-2014 08:25 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Pitak, that would suggest files are missing, do the following files exist?


The FAQs themselves are language labels which are added when you apply the install patch, reboot_patch_install_template.sql

I would perhaps clear your template cache fully.

Pitak 10-06-2014 10:26 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Phil, the files are there. What else is possible?

PhilJ 10-06-2014 10:58 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Reupload the FAQ template files from your reBOOT zip file and run a template cleanup again. You might be using old Adapt template FAQ code there.

Pitak 10-06-2014 01:13 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Thanks, Phil. I've reuploaded the files and now everything is working. :)

Pitak 10-07-2014 03:32 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Phil, I have a feature request and some questions:


Can you add text coloring to the Mega Menu? (Header Menu)
For example, please see this web site: https://www.astronomics.com/
The Header Menu looks great, especially with many sub-categories.


1. The Category Page icons do not arrange neatly in rows. There are spaces at the middle. What can I do to make it look more professional (arranging neatly without spaces)?

2. How can I change the background color or assign an image background to the header (where the store logo is)?

By the way, I LOVE this template. It is awesome!

xtech 10-07-2014 04:43 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Hi Phil,
Can you please check navigation issue? I have posted a ticket please check once.


designguru 10-07-2014 11:12 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
How to display images from an other URL (CDN) within the slider?
How to use a bg image from CDN?

As we use the CDN mod from qualiteam these will not be uploaded.


PhilJ 10-08-2014 07:58 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Pitak, to tidy up your subcategory display, apply this SQL patch...


REPLACE INTO xcart_config VALUES ('reboot_subcat_height','','0','Reboot',1335,'numeric','','','','');
REPLACE INTO xcart_languages VALUES ('en','opt_reboot_subcat_height','Subcategory column block height (pixels)','Options');
REPLACE INTO xcart_languages VALUES ('en','opt_descr_reboot_subcat_height','For automatic heights, set to zero.','Options');

Then in skin/reboot/customer/main/subcategories_t.tpl


<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-6 text-center">

<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-6 text-center"{if $config.Reboot.reboot_subcat_height ne "0"} style="min-height:{$config.Reboot.reboot_subcat_height}px{/if}">

Then change the value in the template settings > misc to suit...


Subcategory column block height (pixels)

To change the header background, edit your theme CSS file in skin/reboot/css/themes/


.header_container { background: #fff; }

(this is now part of reBOOT)

Pitak 10-08-2014 08:13 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Thanks, Phil. This makes the template even better! The more I use it, the more I love it! <3

Pitak 10-08-2014 09:52 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Phil, the Redactor HTML Editors Addon does not work here:
Admin::Product Modify::International Descriptions

I guess I have to add something into the Redactor HTML Option "Textareas to use Redactor", but I can't seem to figure it out.

Any idea?

PhilJ 10-08-2014 10:00 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Pitak, edit skin/common_files/main/products_lng.tpl


{include file="main/textarea.tpl" name="product_lng[descr]" cols=45 rows=8 class="InputWidth" data=$product_languages.descr width="80%" btn_rows=4}

{include file="main/textarea.tpl" id="descr" name="product_lng[descr]" cols=45 rows=8 class="InputWidth" data=$product_languages.descr width="80%" btn_rows=4}
Then replace...

{include file="main/textarea.tpl"name="product_lng[fulldescr]" cols=45 rows=12 class="InputWidth" data=$product_languages.fulldescr width="80%" btn_rows=4}

{include file="main/textarea.tpl" id="fulldescr" name="product_lng[fulldescr]" cols=45 rows=12 class="InputWidth" data=$product_languages.fulldescr width="80%" btn_rows=4}
Then in the Redactor module settings - www.yourstore.com/admin/configuration.php?option=Redactor - add these two fields to "Textareas to use Redactor"...

Save and run a template cleanup.

Pitak 10-08-2014 11:05 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Phil, I found a bug on the product list page.

When I set the "sort by" to "Price" and the "no. of items/page" to "24", some items do not show up. Other combinations of "sort by" and "no. of items/page" are working correctly.

Really baffling. In the mean time, I'll set the default no. of items to something other than 24. Please see if you can fix this.

Thanks <3

PhilJ 10-08-2014 11:50 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Pitak, sorry, I can't reproduce that issue on the demo. Try rebuilding the category indexes in tools > maintenance.

Pitak 10-08-2014 11:57 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
That did fixed the problem. Boy, I'm embarrassed!


designguru 10-10-2014 03:42 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Phil, I've sent in a ticket some days ago.

Pitak 10-10-2014 07:18 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Phil, I don't get how the "Mega menu - Display category icons (second level only)" work. I edited the width and height in func.image.php and regenerate the image cache. The result is that the sub-category icons on the Mega menu are blown up. Right-clicking on the icon shows something like "100px в 100px (scaled to 300px в 300px)". Where can I change the scaled sizes in order to display the correct sizes?

PhilJ 10-10-2014 07:48 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Pitak, strange. Maybe the icon image cache did not fully regenerate. Check with Firebug to see what the actual icons dimensions are on the <img> tags.

You could force the icon sizes, by adding CSS to skin/reboot/css/reboot/css ...


p.megamenu-icon img { width: 100px; height: 100px; }

p.megamenu-icon img { width: 100px !important; height: 100px !important; }

Pitak 10-10-2014 08:32 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Phil, the actual icon dimensions on the <img> tags of the page shows the blown up dimension of 300x300. I've added your code to the reboot.css file and it got fixed immediately. Some of the icons I have are not 1:1 ratio though, so it looks a bit disproportionate but I can redo those again. Thank you! <3

Pitak 10-11-2014 01:02 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
I noticed that you've v3.1 on your instant download link (gumroad)
Is it a typo? I don't see any updates on your changelog.

And yes, I'm stalking you. :)

PhilJ 10-11-2014 01:22 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Instant downloaders (Gumroad) will always get the very latest version.

The next *major update* of the template will be available within 1-2 weeks and will be announced on the changelog.

Any purchaser can contact us anytime to obtain the latest files.

I would wait 1-2 weeks.

Pitak 10-11-2014 05:38 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Phil, I found a few glitches of the template on my android smartphone.

1. When the phone is in the portrait position, the language button does not show. No problem with Landscape.

2. The featured categories icons does not arrange tidily. There's a white space in the middle.

And these are not related to android phones:

3. The featured category names are in English even when the language is set to other languages.

4. Please add Redactor HTML Editors support for the Category Description forms (admin)

5. Do you think you can include an option to subscribe users in the product list pages when items are not in stock (product notifications module)?

Thank you.

Pitak 10-12-2014 07:04 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Phil, in my server error log, there's 2 errors that keeps repeating (thousands of them):

1. "File does not exist" error.

It seems \skin\reboot\custom\reboot_head.tpl has a line:


<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$AltSkinDir}/css/reboot_custom_scrollbars.css">

The file "reboot_custom_scrollbars.css" does not exist. Can I delete this line? Or is the file missing from the package?

2. Illegal string offset


Warning: Illegal string offset 'reboot_menu_type' in /public_html/var/templates_c/8d47bed06ecc2f76e2c98e1771e1e7d6/%%41^412^412A4742%%03_dropdown_mega_combo.tpl.php on line 5

Line 5 in 03_dropdown_mega_combo.tpl is


{if !$homepage && $config.Reboot.reboot_HM_home_link eq "Y"}<li><a href="./">{$lng.lbl_reboot_home}</a>{/if}

What can I do to fix these?

Thank you. :)

designguru 10-13-2014 01:30 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Originally Posted by designguru
Phil, I've sent in a ticket some days ago.

Posted over a week ago.
Posted some days ago here.

xtech 10-13-2014 03:21 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Hello Phil,
I have posted several tickets to you.Can you please check the issue?


PhilJ 10-13-2014 08:51 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template


1. When the phone is in the portrait position, the language button does not show. No problem with Landscape.




{if $all_languages_cnt gt 1}
<div class="btn-group hidden-xxs">


{if $all_languages_cnt gt 1}
<div class="btn-group">


2. The featured categories icons does not arrange tidily. There's a white space in the middle.

That's not helped by you having different icon heights. You could always add a fixed height div container around the icons to compensate, or try a different featured category style.

Or set the max-height of your icons. See skin/reboot/custom/widgets/home_featured_categories.tpl


{assign var='max_h' value='100'}


3. The featured category names are in English even when the language is set to other languages.

Single language only at the moment, sorry. It may be multi-language capable in the next version.


4. Please add Redactor HTML Editors support for the Category Description forms (admin)



5. Do you think you can include an option to subscribe users in the product list pages when items are not in stock (product notifications module)?

Not when it already exists, you can purchase the Qualiteam module here. It's also included in X-Cart Gold Plus / Platinum.

Pitak 10-13-2014 09:15 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Originally Posted by PhilJ
Not when it already exists, you can purchase the Qualiteam module here. It's also included in X-Cart Gold Plus / Platinum.

I've the module activated. But in reBOOT, the product list pages only display the "Out of stock" button. Can you add some kind of link or additional button so that customers can subscribe to the "back in stock" notification without having to go to the product detail page?

Thanks for all of your help. Will wait for the next version, and will report more "bugs" if I find them. <3

PhilJ 10-13-2014 09:17 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
ok, I see what you mean, I may add that in the next version.

In the meantime, you can simply change the 'out of stock' button wording in skin/reboot/customer/main/buy_now.tpl


<p><a class="btn btn-danger" href="product.php?productid={$product.productid}">{$lng.txt_out_of_stock|upper}</a></p>

Pitak 10-13-2014 10:03 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Originally Posted by PhilJ
ok, I see what you mean, I may add that in the next version.

In the meantime, you can simply change the 'out of stock' button wording in skin/reboot/customer/main/buy_now.tpl

I like the idea. I think for those who have the module activated, we don't need 2 buttons. One is fine - maybe a red "Notify when in stock" button which expands downward when clicked (like the one in the product detail page). Just a suggestion.

For now, I just added a new language variable for this "Notify when in stock" button which brings the customer to the product detail page to subscribe.

designguru 10-16-2014 12:28 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Posted ticket long over one week ago. Posted on the forum one week ago too.

PhilJ 10-16-2014 05:05 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Posted ticket long over one week ago. Posted on the forum one week ago too.
designguru, I have replied (need more info).

Pitak 10-21-2014 11:57 PM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Phil, in \skin\reboot\mail\html\acr_review_reminder.tpl

Line 18:


<td style="border: 1px solid #EFEFEF; width: 10%; padding: 5px; text-align: center;">
  <a href="{$catalogs.customer}/product.php?productid={$products[prod_num].productid}">{include file="product_thumbnail.tpl" productid=$products[prod_num].productid image_x=$products[prod_num].image_x product=$products[prod_num].product tmbn_url=$products[prod_num].image_url}</a>

The thumbnail does not display in the email. Can you fix this?

Thank you.

PhilJ 10-22-2014 12:56 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Pitak, reBOOT just uses the standard mail templates (from ideal responsive), so it may be a v4.6.4 bug.

Check that the product actually has an image associated with it.

You could replace that code with...

<td style="border: 1px solid #EFEFEF; width: 10%; padding: 5px; text-align: center;">
  <a href="{$catalogs.customer}/product.php?productid={$products[prod_num].productid}"><img src="{$http_location}/image.php?type=T&id={$products[prod_num].productid}"></a>

xtech 10-22-2014 01:06 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Can you please see the http and https issue? I have posted a ticket.

PhilJ 10-22-2014 01:17 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
xtech, I would suggest using HttpFox to check which elements are not loading correctly in HTTPS mode.

xtech 10-22-2014 01:39 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
I have identified and sent you the tickets now pls check once.

Freakmode 10-23-2014 01:13 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
How do you get the latest version of Reboot Template i.e V3?

Pitak 10-23-2014 01:18 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template

Originally Posted by Freakmode
How do you get the latest version of Reboot Template i.e V3?

Phil mentioned that the next major version will be out soon (within days I guess). So I think it's better to wait. When it's out, just email Phil with your order information and he'll send you the file.

PhilJ 10-23-2014 08:39 AM

Re: X-Cart - reBOOT - Responsive Template
Good news, reBOOT has been updated for X-Cart v4.6.5

As it's a "maintenance" release, there are not so many changes.

I can also provide a template upgrade pack from v3.1 to v3.2 this time.

Testing is ongoing, but it looks good so far. The demo is available here.

v4.6.5 module testing will follow as and when they become available.

As usual, you can get in touch anytime to be sent the latest reBOOT v3.2 files :)

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