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-   -   Adding Copy of shipping address to packing slip at bottom (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=77439)

amy2203 12-27-2019 11:48 PM

Adding Copy of shipping address to packing slip at bottom

When we are packing up multipole orders, we have nothing to put on the outside of the package to know which one is which.

I have some paper with integrated labels that I would like to use for packing slips, duplicating the shipping address to where the label area is at the bottom of the page.

I have tried to find the right template to edit with no luck.

The visual editor isn't available for this, and looking in the skins/admin/order/packing_slip/ doesn't seem to give me a layout template other than the items table.

Which file do I need to edit to copy the shipping address section to another area?


Triple A Racing 01-05-2020 09:29 PM

Re: Adding Copy of shipping address to packing slip at bottom

Originally Posted by amy2203
... duplicating the shipping address to where the label area is at the bottom of the page.... ~ ... and looking in the skins/admin/order/packing_slip/ doesn't seem to give me a layout template other than the items table...

Not 100% sure we've understood your post correctly, but regardless, the suggestions below are assuming that you are using XC 5.4.* now.

There is a standard, default 'Packing Slip" (which you can customise - as we have done) It is generated using the "Print Packing Slip" icon on the top right hand side of each order's detail page. In theory :wink: there is a way to trace the templates used in XC 5.4.* admin via this free module: https://market.x-cart.com/addons/webmaster-kit.html but... it can be hit 'n miss sometimes. You can't use the Customs Skins module: https://market.x-cart.com/addons/custom-skin.html that's mentioned though, as that doesn't work in XC 5.4.*. You would normally need to provide your own custom module to add customisation and/or make changes in all XC admin.php areas. FWIW Customisation and/or making changes in all XC service.php areas is still pretty much, locked down in XC 5.4.* but that shouldn't affect you in this case anyway, fortunately.

Then again, maybe, you only want to extract the shipping address details from each order and then print those details onto your own custom labels instead?

If this is your choice, then both the /skins/admin/order/packing_slip/parts/addresses/purchaser.address.shipping.twig file and the /skins/common/order/invoice/parts/bottom.address.shipping.twig file source each individual order's shipping address details, but they both only do this by using {% for idx, field in this.getAddressSectionData(this.saddress) %} so sourcing these twig file on their own, won't be enough in this case, to just extract just the shipping address details. If it really is just extracting specific order's shipping address details, then in that case, it might be much easer and much less work, to use the output of a purpose written MySQL query, which is then exported each time and the results printed directly on to your labels?

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