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amarquis 10-02-2018 02:59 AM

Manually create order from admin area
As a vendor or an admin, can I create an order for a new or an existing customer in the admin area?

I am NOT talking about logging in as the customer and placing the order on the frontend!

qualiteam 10-04-2018 02:37 AM

Re: Manually create order from admin area
No, there is no such option at this moment.

amarquis 10-04-2018 03:28 AM

Re: Manually create order from admin area
Thank you. As this was apparently implemented in version 4, then I thought it would be available in version 5 as well... but sadly it isn't.

kevinrm 10-04-2018 05:48 AM

Re: Manually create order from admin area
You can "Operate as user" and basically accomplish the same thing, I do it everyday.

CenturyPerf 10-04-2018 03:03 PM

Re: Manually create order from admin area
I agree with Kevin. We take phone orders every day by either logining in as a user in the admin console or creating the new user and then operating as that user. It is a very streamlined way to both take orders and get customers into our online system for future orders and marketing.

This works great for all credit card orders. If the customer is using PayPal for example, an extra step is required. We take the order as a "Phone Order" and then have to login to our PayPal and send a money request to the customer.

amarquis 10-05-2018 05:52 AM

Re: Manually create order from admin area
I mentioned "I am NOT talking about logging in as the customer and placing the order on the frontend!" ...

I asked this and mentioned that on purpose, as I know you can do it but it won't fit my use case.

We would need some products in our marketplace with "on demand" prices. That is, a user can contact a vendor and negotiate the price of a product. Once they agree on a price, the vendor could create the order with the agreed price, on behalf of the customer, then the customer could view his order and proceed with the payment.

These "on demand" products would not display a price on the front-end (just a button that allows to contact the vendor). They also could not be added to the shopping cart directly by the customer. Hence my question: can a vendor create an order on behalf of a customer.

All that has been developed already but now I am stuck because I was sure this was feasible. Now I see very few options available for achieving what I want...

amarquis 10-05-2018 06:13 AM

Re: Manually create order from admin area
Oh and by the way, as I was just testing a few things... What happens if you add a free product (price set at zero) to your cart as a customer?

Well... the second column in the checkout page says "Payment methods: Payment is not required" - OK, perfect!

And in the 3rd column? The PayPal button is there! Yeah! And what happens if I click on the PayPal button? The PayPal popup opens... and... nothing EVER happens. Close it, and you're back on your X-Cart checkout page but... with the big black PayPal overlay over the entire page and a "Continue" link that just does nothing (same for the close button on the top right of that overlay).

In fact, the only way to get out of there is to RELOAD the page.

jasonjaques 10-08-2018 04:40 AM

Re: Manually create order from admin area
I just added this as a feature request, i have been using X-Cart for many years and it has always frustrated myself and my team when getting phone orders and trying to process orders over the phone quickly.

Suggested: Create Order button in admin area for phone orders
Stay in back admin area on one page (not have to operate as customer)
-Create order
-Select Customer
-Add Products and qty
-Select shipping (using stores calc shipping methods)
-Take payment eg Credit Card, Stored Card, X-Payments (using stores online payment methods)

Ability to be able to manually adjust amounts before charging customer
Use the same layout as the existing Order Screen / AOM (Advanced Order management) for familiarity.

The reason for this is request is when an existing customer calls up and wants to place a quick phone order you dont have to be clicking all over the place and keep them waiting on the phone while ploughing through the back end of the shop and then going through all the checkout process on the front end of the shop. All that is needed is quick simple order on one page in the admin area.

amarquis 10-08-2018 04:58 AM

Re: Manually create order from admin area
Sounds indeed like a basic functionality one could expect from a framework that advertises itself as a "Technological Marvel" ...

And... it would solve 90% of the issues I am facing with my use case, as it seems that AOM allows vendors / admins to change a product price on an existing order.

IMO, even the "Operate as user" functionality is really badly designed. As soon as you switch to another user, you are "really" logged in as this user. Which means, if you need to switch back to your admin account, you need to logout from the user, then login again with your admin account. What a pain :(

BCSE 10-08-2018 11:04 AM

Re: Manually create order from admin area
We have ported our Point of Sale for version 4 to version 5. With the latest version 5 updates, it functions but not 100% where we want it to be. It may however do what you need. Drop us an email and we can get you into a demo site to test it. Just mention that I said we could get you into a demo. ;)


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