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-   -   ??corrupted dialog.tpl?? (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=29894)

gregl 03-22-2007 03:38 AM

??corrupted dialog.tpl??

I've been trying to use the rounded corner mod from XCart Mods and appearance wise it's perfect. However if I implement the dialog.tpl which is supplied with the mod, you can't add any products to the cart. Click add to cart, the page refreshes and nothing is in it.

Here is the tpl, the only difference I can see over the original is the firts line and the div tags at the end. Would anyone be able to tell me why it corrupts the add to cart feature. I assume it's something to do with the first line of if statements?

{if $usertype eq "A" or ($usertype eq "P" and $active_modules.Simple_Mode ne "")}

{if $printable ne ''}
{include file="dialog_printable.tpl"}
<TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" {$extra}>
<TD height="15" class="DialogTitle" background="{$ImagesDir}/dialog_bg_n.gif" valign="bottom">&nbsp;&nbsp;{$title}</TD>
<TR><TD class="DialogBorder"><TABLE border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
<TR><TD class="DialogBox">{$content}


<div class="dialogtop"><font class="dialogtext">{$title}</font></div>
<div class="dialogbottom">{$content}</div>


Thanks for any tips



balinor 03-22-2007 04:07 AM

Re: ??corrupted dialog.tpl??
Moving to Third Party Add-Ons. Have you contacted the author of the mod?

MarkH 03-22-2007 04:16 AM

Re: ??corrupted dialog.tpl??
did you add the required CSS Classes to your skin1.css? also does the page show anything when you view source. Any specific error messages?

I'd speak to PhilJ about this, I'm guessing he's still asleep as he's not been on-line today yet. He's usually about in the later hours of the night (GMT Time).

gregl 03-22-2007 02:10 PM

Re: ??corrupted dialog.tpl??
Sorry Balinor,
Wasn't exactly sure which forum to place it? Re contact author not yet as the tpl files are that similar except for the first line and the calls to CSS at the bottom of the file which work fine. I thought I'd see if a forum member looking at the tpl might see instantly what is wrong. However point noted I well PM PhilJ to see what he may have to offer.

The CSS is called from the border directory under Skin1, which appears perfectly.
There are no error messages of any type, just that the cart is empty. If I install the original dialog.tpl all is well except my round borders obviously are'nt there, items are added to the cart as expected.

{if $usertype eq "A" or ($usertype eq "P" and $active_modules.Simple_Mode ne "")}

As this is in essence is the only additional {if} statement in the entire tpl, I assume this is where the problem lies. Most if statements in the customer side are "{if $userype eq C} assuming C stands for customer, then is A and P Admin and Providers?



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