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SoapLady 02-15-2003 11:15 AM

Surprise Smarty Error
In the course of editing my displays, I seem to have made a change which causes this Smarty Error (which is displayed several times) on the page:

Warning: Smarty error: problem writing '../templates_c/831/831465441/0.php.' in /hsphere/local/home/marie/forsoapmakers.com/xcart/Smarty-2.1.1/Smarty.class.php on line 546

I'm not sure what I did that caused the error, but I'd like some help trying to narrow it down so I can fix it. The night before I noticed the error I was editing templates and my .css file. I did download and look at my home.php, but I don't think I made any changes (at least not intentionally!). I get the same errors in product.php, so I don't think that's it. I did work with the home.tpl, but I can't see what may have made the error.

After searching the forum, I ran cleanup.php - no change. I also did an info.php check ... safte mode is OFF, all the settings seem okay.

Any suggestions on what might have caused the error and how I can fix?

shan 02-15-2003 11:53 AM

check you have no blank spaces at the end of the config.php file

SoapLady 02-15-2003 02:12 PM

No blank spaces at the end of config.php.

I've been trying to narrow it down. The error does not occur when I access the admin pages, only on the customer pages.

Using the "Edit Templates" pages from the admin pages, I edited my customer/home.tpl file to try to determin what's causing the error. I took out EVERYTHING except the following:


{* $Id: home.tpl, v 1.39 2002/09/11 11:25:00 zorg Exp $ *}
{ config_load file="$skin_config" }
<title>Soapmaking Supplies For Soapmakers
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$SkinDir}/{#CSSFile#}">
<body class="BackgroundWhite">
This is a test of the home.tpl

When I do a Preview to look at the changes , I get the following errors:


Warning: MkDir failed (Permission denied) in /hsphere/local/home/marie/forsoapmakers.com/xcart/Smarty-2.1.1/Smarty.class.php on line 1462

Warning: Smarty error: problem creating directory "../templates_c/134/1342518308" in /hsphere/local/home/marie/forsoapmakers.com/xcart/Smarty-2.1.1/Smarty.class.php on line 546

Warning: Smarty error: problem writing '../templates_c/134/1342518308/0.php.' in /hsphere/local/home/marie/forsoapmakers.com/xcart/Smarty-2.1.1/Smarty.class.php on line 546

Warning: Failed opening '../templates_c/134/1342518308/0.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /hsphere/local/home/marie/forsoapmakers.com/xcart/Smarty-2.1.1/Smarty.class.php on line 1075

Looking at the customer/home page in another browser window, I see the OLD page - no changes accepted (all the other .tpl files are still being called and there are a bunch of errors. (Of course I refreshed and even closed the browser window and went in clean. I also cleared my cache and temp internet files).

Something is definitely off ...

What HAVE I done?
Could this have been a change on from my server host?

ivanrdgz 02-15-2003 02:22 PM

We are having the same problems and I think even the X-cart
...team doesn't have an answer to this problem. At least, when we submited them this problem the only answer was to try to use chmod 777 to the templates_c directory. Of course we tried but without any succes.

SoapLady 02-15-2003 03:16 PM

More tries to fix
I have tried everything I can think of, including CHMOD to 777 a number of the directories. Still can't figure out what CHANGED to make it not work.

The biggest wierdness right now is that if I go to Edit Templates and edit the customer/home.tpl template it DOESN'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE IN WHAT IS DISPLAYED.

How can THAT be?

Oh, please, does anyone have a clue what it is?

disneyana 02-15-2003 11:09 PM

Try changing the owner (CHOWN) of the directory to nobody:nobody. This also applies to /skin1 and /files

ATKOgirl 02-16-2003 08:03 AM


Did you try running:


That might help.


SoapLady 02-16-2003 08:43 AM

Still No Luck
Thanks Disneyana and ATKOGirl.

I had already tried cleanup.php and it made no difference.

Don't know how to change the owner of the file ... so will have to figure that out.

Any idea why changes to the skin1/customer/home.php OR the skin1_original/customer/home.php (through text editor and upload) would not change display of customer pages?

Where would the page content be coming from?


Jeannie 02-16-2003 08:30 PM

May or may not be related but I had a rash of smarty errors magically appear on the customer end after restoring a template of all things.

Ran cleanup.php and it didn't help. Went to my file manager, found a bunch of files in templates_c %13 which was generating the errors. Manually deleted each of these, refreshed and the errors went away. :?: :?: :?:

SoapLady 02-17-2003 10:41 PM

Template Corruption
I am beginning to think that it's some kind of template corruption.

I handled my first problem by reinstalling xcart, then re-linking to the old database and gradually, one at a time, copying in the templates I had updated. That handled all the problems and the errors stopped.

However, tonight I have another strange error ... a display that is just plain wrong .. and no mater how I noodle with the templates it won't change. Very strange ... doesn't appear to be a stupid programmer mistake (that would be me).

How can I determine what could/should be deleted in the templates_directory?

What IS the templates_c directory, anyway?

funkydunk 02-17-2003 10:48 PM

The templates_c directory is created by smarty when it compiles your templates.

If you delete this directory in total it will recreate it next time a page is called.

As far as design changes in home.php .. the PHP only control the functions and which template files (which control the look) are used. Any changes to the look and feel should be made in the .tpl files, whereas underlying code changes in the way that x-cart operates should be done in the php files.

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