X-Cart: shopping cart software

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-   -   LC3 alpha 2 ("X-Cart 5 Lite") is released (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=56830)

xplorer 12-01-2010 10:21 AM

LC3 alpha 2 ("X-Cart 5 Lite") is released

We have released LC3 alpha 2 and updated the website design: http://www.litecommerce.com/

Right now the only package available for downloading is a package including both Drupal and LC3 alpha 2. A stand-alone version will be released later (when LC3 is out of alpha/beta stages).

You can see what LC3 can without downloading it - on the website there is an online demo. Actually, the whole website is an online demo of the Drupal+LC3 package (we used it when creating the website).

If you find any bugs (you will find bugs :-D - it is an alpha version) please report them at http://bt.litecommerce.com/

Any constructive feedback is appreciated! :-)


xplorer 12-01-2010 11:09 AM

Re: LC3 alpha 2 ("X-Cart 5 Lite") is released
If for some reasons you had missed our LC3/XC5 FAQs, it is here

rofea 12-05-2010 08:36 AM

Re: LC3 alpha 2 ("X-Cart 5 Lite") is released
Despite the oversized font and stock thumbnails the demo store looks awesome. Full sail ahead to XC5 please!!

Jean-Yves 12-05-2010 09:53 AM

Re: LC3 alpha 2 ("X-Cart 5 Lite") is released
Xplorer & rofea Way to go both...I can't wait for a decent shopping cart that integrates with Drupal & Joomla...I think that is the future of e-commerce. If Qualiteam can pull it off properly, they will come out as winner at the other end!

ADDISON 12-05-2010 10:29 AM

Re: LC3 alpha 2 ("X-Cart 5 Lite") is released
It was very hard to install it. Lazy on a top performance computer with no internet connection. First time it required a file in /sites/default/settings.php. I copied default.settings.php as settings.php.

Then it created the database with samples. Installer finished the job, I opened the store and here is the message I got: cache, please wait... cache, please wait...
Fatal error: Class 'Xlite\Core\FlexyCompiler' not found in D:\WWW\drupal\modules\lc_connector\litecommerce\In cludes\Decorator\Plugin\Templates\Plugin\Compiler\ Main.php on line 93

Pressing F5 I got this message:

exception 'Exception' with message 'Cache rebuild is already started, please wait' in D:\WWW\drupal\modules\lc_connector\litecommerce\In cludes\Decorator\Utils\ErrorHandler.php:56
Stack trace:
#0 D:\WWW\drupal\modules\lc_connector\litecommerce\In cludes\Decorator\Utils\ErrorHandler.php(93): Includes\Decorator\Utils\ErrorHandler::throwExcept ion('Cache rebuild i...', NULL)
#1 D:\WWW\drupal\modules\lc_connector\litecommerce\In cludes\Decorator\ADecorator.php(113): Includes\Decorator\Utils\ErrorHandler::fireError(' Cache rebuild i...', NULL)
#2 D:\WWW\drupal\modules\lc_connector\litecommerce\In cludes\Decorator\Utils\CacheManager.php(230): Includes\Decorator\ADecorator::fireError('Cache rebuild i...')
#3 D:\WWW\drupal\modules\lc_connector\litecommerce\In cludes\Decorator\Utils\CacheManager.php(365): Includes\Decorator\Utils\CacheManager::checkIfRebu ildStarted()
#4 D:\WWW\drupal\modules\lc_connector\litecommerce\to p.inc.php(81): Includes\Decorator\Utils\CacheManager::rebuildCach e()
#5 D:\WWW\drupal\modules\lc_connector\lc_connector.mo dule(26): require_once('D:\WWW\drupal\m...')
#6 D:\WWW\drupal\includes\bootstrap.inc(627): include_once('D:\WWW\drupal\m...')
#7 D:\WWW\drupal\includes\module.inc(14): drupal_load('module', 'lc_connector')
#8 D:\WWW\drupal\includes\common.inc(2618): module_load_all()
#9 D:\WWW\drupal\includes\bootstrap.inc(1090): _drupal_bootstrap_full()
#10 D:\WWW\drupal\includes\bootstrap.inc(999): _drupal_bootstrap(8)
#11 D:\WWW\drupal\index.php(16): drupal_bootstrap(8)
#12 {main}

What shall I say? I waited 30 minutes for nothing!

cflsystems 12-05-2010 05:46 PM

Re: LC3 alpha 2 ("X-Cart 5 Lite") is released
First time I tried the demo store, first thing I did was to go to a product and add to cart. Got "stack overflow" message immidiatelly. Products was added to cart though. Tried again - same thing. This was on XP with IE8 couple days ago. Got back to the site today to try again the demo shop just loads blank page with litecommerce logo on top. Well....

xplorer 12-05-2010 10:00 PM

Re: LC3 alpha 2 ("X-Cart 5 Lite") is released

Thanks for the comments!


First time it required a file in /sites/default/settings.php. I copied default.settings.php as settings.php

Yes, Drupal 6 requires it. Right now we are making it work in Drupal 7 that copies the file automatically (provided permissions allow it).


Fatal error: Class 'Xlite\Core\FlexyCompiler' not found in ... on line 93

We will check this.


Pressing F5 I got this message:
exception 'Exception' with message...

This is because of the first error, for some reasons LC classes were not compiled correctly.


Got "stack overflow" message immidiatelly

This had been fixed in a new LC3 build and uploaded to the site.


Got back to the site today to try again the demo shop just loads blank page with litecommerce logo on top

We will check why this happens.

ADDISON 12-05-2010 11:26 PM

Re: LC3 alpha 2 ("X-Cart 5 Lite") is released
I gave up. I spent this morning 2 hours to see LC3 installed on my localhost. Too bad for me, no success. A modern computer, with XAMPP installed on Windows 7. 4 Browsers with the latest updates: IE8, Firefox, Opera, Chrome. The install process takes about 20 minutes. When I load the site after installing it I get this message:

Re-building cache, please wait...
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'D:\WWW\drupal\modules\lc_connector\litecommerce\v ar\run\classes\XLite\Module\ProductOptions\View\Pr oductOptionModifier.php' (include_path='.;D:\xampp\php\PEAR;D:\WWW\drupal\m odules\lc_connector\litecommerce\lib\') in D:\WWW\drupal\modules\lc_connector\litecommerce\In cludes\Autoloader.php on line 103

Do you guys test the installation and functionality before releasing it to public? I am sure you did not. Just give it a try and let me know.

ambal 12-06-2010 02:57 AM

Re: LC3 alpha 2 ("X-Cart 5 Lite") is released
> Do you guys test the installation and functionality before releasing it
> to public?

It is Alpha, not Beta even, of a new X-Cart platform. Sometimes it can malfunction on some environments.

cflsystems 12-06-2010 04:33 AM

Re: LC3 alpha 2 ("X-Cart 5 Lite") is released
So 12 hours later - I am checking again and IE still doesn't work. It shows blank screen with the logo on top on a machine with IE8 and a totally screwed page with everything flying everywhere and on top of each other on a machine with IE7 (nothing works on click though, there is some js error). FF shows fine. But going to a product page with options and changing the options doesn't change the price. So all of this tells me you guys don't test at all. I have no other explanation. Please correct me if I am wrong. And this is on the demo store so the "different environment" excuse doesn't work here. It doesn't matter if this is alpha, beta or pre-release, after release... whatever you wanna call it it doesn't work.

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