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-   -   "Backorder / Preorder" module for X-Cart 5 (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=76147)

xplorer 04-02-2018 04:38 AM

"Backorder / Preorder" module for X-Cart 5

I would like to inform that now I'm in charge of the "Backorder / Preorder" module.
Tony did a great job, but he has to focus on different tasks, so now I'm the one to contact with questions about the module :-)

I've just released the new 5.3.5 version that introduces the following changes/improvements/fixes:



- revised module messages and labels and made it possible to translate them
- made the "backorder label" field multilingual
- renamed the "backorderLabel" column in import/export files to "backorderQtyLabel_en"; in multilingual shops, for each language there will be a separate column with the language's code in the suffix

- fixed the issue with backordered product with qty=1 not being tracked in statistics [#0049249]
- fixed the fatal error that appeared when adding an "empty" product to an existing order [#0049268]
- fixed the wrong shipping status ("New" instead of "Back-ordered") shown in the first order e-mail notification [#0049177]
- fixed the cause of wrong Stock Level Change records in the Order History section [#0049174]
- fixed the bug that allowed customers to buy out of stock products that do not have backorder enabled for them [#0049270]
- fixed the issue with items in cart not being reviewed for the changes in their backorder status [#0049266]
- fixed the problem with customers not being able to change the number of backordered items in cart for products that are out of stock [#0049327]

Feel free to use this forum thread to ask questions about the module and report any problems you face with it.

cflsystems 04-02-2018 08:50 AM

Re: "Backorder / Preorder" module for X-Cart 5
Hi Slava
Just upgraded it on a store I am working on and this popped up


Notice: Undefined index: is_available_for_backorder in /classes/XLite/Module/QSL/Backorder/Module/XC/ProductVariants/Model/Product/ProductStockAvailabilityPolicy.php on line 42

On all pages regardless if there are any products or not

xplorer 04-02-2018 10:58 AM

Re: "Backorder / Preorder" module for X-Cart 5

Originally Posted by cflsystems
Just upgraded it on a store I am working on and this popped up
On all pages regardless if there are any products or not

This doesn't happen for me, but I see a weird code in this class.
Will check this tomorrow.

Thanks for pointing this out!

xplorer 04-03-2018 09:53 AM

Re: "Backorder / Preorder" module for X-Cart 5
Steve, I was unable to reproduce the problem on my computer, but I've cleaned the code a bit and released the new version of the module.
Please could you check if this fixes the notice?

cflsystems 04-03-2018 10:22 AM

Re: "Backorder / Preorder" module for X-Cart 5
I am not seeing the Notice now - thanks Slava

KevTheIrish 06-13-2018 05:19 PM

Re: "Backorder / Preorder" module for X-Cart 5
2 Attachment(s)
Just a few suggestions/questions
See attachments below for comparisons.

Using the crisp white skin (XC5.3x), the backorder notices on the search page are missing

And are easily overlooked on the product's page, is there a way to change the font/color so it stands out a bit more like here:

KevTheIrish 06-14-2018 04:54 PM

Re: "Backorder / Preorder" module for X-Cart 5
one more suggestion, add a calendar so that it displays a restock/instock date if the message is left blank...

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