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-   -   f-Commerce Go has been released (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=62931)

soldatov 03-12-2012 02:42 AM

f-Commerce Go has been released

We are glad to announce final release of our new “fCommerce Go” module that lets you add X-Cart shopping cart to your business or community Facebook page and use it as a sales channel for your main store.

Some time ago we discontinued FacebookTab module that did the same trick using “FBML technology”. Reason: Facebook quit supporting “FBML technology” since January 01st 2012 and is going to remove it completely in June 2012 (see https://developers.facebook.com/roadmap/).

That’s why we invested in development of “fCommerce Go” module. The new module inherits all the features of the discontinued “FacebookTab” module, adds new ones and uses completely different technology to integrate with Facebook.

fCommerce Go is a subscription service unlike FacebookTab. There are two “fCommerce-Go” plans:
  • Basic plan: it is free and allows to show featured products from the root category on your Facebook fan-page.
  • Silver plan: costs a fee and has many nice features, like “Full store stock”, “Categories browsing and products listing in categories”, ”Products search feature”, and much more.

We have to charge subscription fee for fCommerce Go due to the following reasons:
  • Facebook changes its API regularly and we have to correct our integration module every time in order to keep Facebook integration working as advertised.
  • With new updates of Facebook API new bugs are “released” as well (Facebook beta-tests updates on real users) and we have to deal with them as well.

Those who purchased a FacebookTab module license before Jan 1st 2012 will get one-time 50% discount for the “Sliver” plan. FacebookTab licenses purchased after the January 01 2012 will be exchanged to 6 month free “Silver” fCommerce Go subscription.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions.

totaltec 03-12-2012 04:20 AM

Re: f-Commerce Go has been released
Great! I think that it's really nice of you guys to offer the free version. This will be all some merchants require. Those that want more, will upgrade and have more capabilities. After you get a few sales from using this module, the Silver plan will pay for itself I'm sure.

Thanks QT.

xim 03-12-2012 05:07 AM

Re: f-Commerce Go has been released
And it adapted to the new facebook pages view. Here is the quick link for the demo: https://www.facebook.com/xcart?sk=app_165931960160897

cflsystems 03-12-2012 07:39 AM

Re: f-Commerce Go has been released
Not a social sites fan but it seems like something like this is wanted by many users. Congrats on the release, hopefully it will be good addition for many stores.
By the way a suggestion - if the top static strip is not only for the demo consider moving it to one of the sides - right now is covering the top FB page area.

I can't resist to mention - Replace Facebook with X-Cart below - sounds familiar?


We have to charge subscription fee for fCommerce Go due to the following reasons:
  • Facebook changes its API regularly and we have to correct our integration module every time in order to keep Facebook integration working as advertised.
  • With new updates of Facebook API new bugs are “released” as well (Facebook beta-tests updates on real users) and we have to deal with them as well.

mltriebe 03-13-2012 02:50 PM

Re: f-Commerce Go has been released
Anybody else getting this SQL error when exporting orders:

INVALID SQL: 1054 : Unknown column 'WEB1490' in 'where clause'
SQL QUERY FAILURE:SELECT IF(extra_data LIKE '%added_in_facebook%', 1, 0) FROM xcart_order_details WHERE orderid = WEB1490


mltriebe 03-13-2012 03:23 PM

Re: f-Commerce Go has been released
Seems to be related to these lines in the fCommerce_Go config.php file.

// Get the results for current pages
if (defined('IS_XCART_44')) {
$fb_orders = func_query("SELECT $sql_tbl[orders].*, $sql_tbl[customers].id AS existing_userid, $sql_tbl[customers].login, IF($sql_tbl[order_details].extra_data LIKE '%added_in_facebook%', 1, 0) as has_fb_products $search_condition ORDER BY $sort_string LIMIT $first_page, $objects_per_page");
} else {
$fb_orders = func_query("SELECT $sql_tbl[orders].*, IF($sql_tbl[order_details].extra_data LIKE '%added_in_facebook%', 1, 0) as has_fb_products $search_condition ORDER BY $sort_string LIMIT $first_page, $objects_per_page");


soldatov 03-14-2012 12:31 AM

Re: f-Commerce Go has been released
Hello Mike,

Just a quick question, if your web-store had a customization related to the orders?
I'm asking because the default X-Cart orderid value type is "integer", but as I see from the SQL-log provided here, the value seems to be a "varchar".

And one more: Do you have same problems with the orders search when the "fCommerce" module is disabled?

mltriebe 03-14-2012 01:31 AM

Re: f-Commerce Go has been released

Originally Posted by skot
Hello Mike,

Just a quick question, if your web-store had a customization related to the orders?
I'm asking because the default X-Cart orderid value type is "integer", but as I see from the SQL-log provided here, the value seems to be a "varchar".

And one more: Do you have same problems with the orders search when the "fCommerce" module is disabled?

No mods have been done related to the orders and the error does not occur when the fcommerce is disabled. In fact to export the orders to Quickbooks I have to disable the mod.

I am using X-Cart version 4.3.1, could that be an issue?


supercanon 03-22-2012 12:30 AM

Re: f-Commerce Go has been released
Subscription based? No thank you.

What a rip-off, I bought the FB module on 2 Sep 2011.

Sound to me the same as saying that x-cart license has to be subscription based because PHP changes all the time (now in version 5.3 for example).

The right thing to do is to honour the existing licences of FB module with lifetime license. If you want to go subscription based, do it for the new purchases.

earthtrack 03-22-2012 06:47 AM

Re: f-Commerce Go has been released
I agree with Supercanon, I bought mine Dec 26 2011
No thanks.

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