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-   -   CloudSearch needs updating (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=78472)

Anastasia Zhavoronkova 11-10-2022 11:57 PM

CloudSearch needs updating
Hello fellow X-Carters!

At the end of 2022 the CDN service that the CloudSearch widget uses will stop working. To make sure the CloudSearch service runs uninterrupted, we have prepared the necessary updates.

If you use X-Cart 5: Update the add-on to the latest version in your X-Cart admin backend, My Apps section.

If you use X-Cart 4: Apply the software patch already available in your HelpDesk account.

Please update the add-on by the end of December to make sure your customers can use the CloudSearch widget.

If you need any help applying the software patch, please contact X-Cart at support@x-cart.com or submit a support request in HelpDesk.

Mick 11-17-2022 04:06 AM

Re: CloudSearch needs updating
X-Cart 4
In case it is not obvious there is a single diff file to update V4 in X-Cart 4 - Addons|CloudSearch for X-Cart.

On the first couple of stores the update text is still showing on the front end. However, checking the code the changes were applied and the CDN updated from MaxCDN to Stackpath.

PhilJ 11-18-2022 12:33 AM

Re: CloudSearch needs updating
If you want to hide the homepage message about CloudSearch, you can use this SQL patch...

INSERT INTO xcart_config (name,value,defvalue,variants) VALUES ('applied_patches',',bt_149002-ver1,bt_149002-ver1','','') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = CONCAT_WS(',',value,'bt_149002-ver1,bt_149002-ver1');
FYI, the news XML feed is here.

peggyr 12-21-2022 02:41 PM

Re: CloudSearch needs updating

THANK YOU SO MUCH! -- I've been trying to get rid of that CloudSearch message and have not been successful, until your patch.

Thx so much!

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