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-   -   Sliding Menu that displays categories and sub-categories (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=1696)

dealsondeals 03-02-2003 07:13 PM

Sliding Menu that displays categories and sub-categories
Here is way to have a sliding menu that displays categories and sub-categories dynamically. This method utilizes javascript. You change your categories in admin and it will automatically reflect these changes. Unlimited amount of main categories will be displayed. However, you will only be able to nest up to 3 sub-levels underneath each main categories, i.e.:


To see an example go here:

For this version of the sliding menu, I am utilize images as background for each category and sub-category. If you want or need these images let me know and I'll email them to you.

If you wish to have text-only, in categories.tpl below set "slideMenu.useImages = 0" instead of "1".

Also very important, you are already aware that categories.tpl is referenced in the left-hand column of home.tpl, I would recommend either clearing the contents of the left-hand column to contain only categories.tpl or place some items like authbox.tpl above categories.tpl or place them elsewhere on the page. Why you ask? Because this menu slides and will slide down over content that is there and believe me it looks insightly when that happens.

So here goes:

Backup-up then replace your categories. tpl (located at skin1/customer/categories.tpl) with the following:

{* $Id: categories.tpl,v 1.16 2002/10/21 07:06:43 zorg Exp $ *}
<script language="JavaScript" src="../skin1/slidemenu.js" type="text/javascript">

<script language="JavaScript">
slideMenu = new createSlideMenu("slideMenu")

//Variables to set:
slideMenu.menuy=95 //The top placement of the menu.
slideMenu.menux=5 //The left placement of the menu
slideMenu.useImages = 1 //Are you using images or not? Yes - 1, No - 0
slideMenu.pxspeed=20 //The pixel speed of the animation
slideMenu.timspeed=25 //The timer speed of the animation
slideMenu.inset = 10 //How much the selected items should pop to the left
slideMenu.arrow = 0 //Set this to className that has font-family:webdings
//if you want to use the arrow feature. Note:
//This ONLY works on DOM capable browsers, and with
//useImages set to 0 - It's basically just a test I did.
//I hope to improve it later on.

//Needed dummy classes - leave in the stylesheet!
slideMenu.bgClass = "slideMenuBG"
slideMenu.txtClass = "slideMenuText"
$ip = '../skin1/images/menu/';

slideMenu.level[0] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(
left = 0,
width = 138,
height = 21,
between = 5,
className = "clSlideMenu",
classNameA = "clA0",
regImage = $ip+"level0_regular.gif",
roundImg = $ip+"level0_round.gif",
roundImg2 = "",
subImg = "",
subRound= "")

slideMenu.level[1] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(10,127,20,2,"clSlideMenu","clA 1",$ip+"level1_regular.gif",$ip+"level1_round2.gif ",$ip+"level1_round.gif",$ip+"level1_sub.gif", $ip+"level1_sub_round.gif")
slideMenu.level[2] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(21,118,18,2,"clSlideMenu","clA 2",$ip+"level2_regular.gif",$ip+"level2_round2.gif ",$ip+"level2_round.gif",$ip+"level2_sub.gif", $ip+"level2_sub_round.gif")
slideMenu.level[3] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(33,108,20,2,"clSlideMenu","clA 3",$ip+"level3_regular.gif",$ip+"level3_round2.gif ",$ip+"level3_round.gif",$ip+"level3_sub.gif", $ip+"level3_sub_round.gif")
slideMenu.level[4] = new slideMenu_makeLevel(40,107,19,2,"clSlideMenu","clA 4",$ip+"level4_regular.gif",$ip+"level4_round2.gif ",$ip+"level4_round.gif",$ip+"level4_sub.gif", $ip+"level4_sub_round.gif")

//Image preload --- leave this
for(var i=0;i<slideMenu.level;i++){
var l = slideMenu.level[i]
new preLoadBackgrounds(l.regImage,l.roundImg,l.roundIm g2,l.subImg,l.subRound)


function find_idx($a, $label)
while( list($k,$v) = each($a) ){
if( isset($v['label']) && $v['label'] == $label )
return $k;
return -1;

function cmp($a, $b)
if( $a['orderby'] == $b['orderby'] ) return 0;
return ($a['orderby'] < $b['orderby'] ) ? -1 : 1;

function sort_cat(&$list)
while( list($k,$v) = each($list) ){
if( isset($v['sub']) )

function preparelist($list)
$r = array();
$c = false;
$cnt = 1;
while (list ($k, $v) = each ($list) ){
$l = split('/',$v['category']);
// init tree
$p = & $r;
for( $i=0; $i<sizeof($l); $i++ ){
$idx = find_idx($p,$l[$i]);
$lastest = ( $i == sizeof($l)-1 );
if( $idx == -1 ) {
if( $lastest ){
if( isset($p[0]) && isset($p[0]['orderby']) && $p[0]['orderby'] > $v['order_by']){
array_unshift($p, array( 'label'=>$l[$i] ) );
$idx = 0;
else {
array_push($p, array( 'label'=>$l[$i] ) );
$idx = sizeof($p)-1;
else {
array_push($p, array( 'label'=>$l[$i] ) );
$idx = sizeof($p)-1;
$p = & $p[$idx];
if( $lastest )
$p['orderby'] = $v['order_by'];
// set url
if( $lastest )
$p['url'] = $v['categoryid'];
else {
if( !isset( $p['sub'] ) )
$p['sub'] = array();
$p = & $p['sub'];
return $r;

function fill_menu($menu,$level)
switch( $level ){
case '0': $l = 'top'; break;
case '1': $l = 'sub'; break;
default: $l = 'sub'.$level; break;
while ( list($idx,$cnt) = each($menu) ){
$item = $menu[$idx]; $label = addslashes($item['label']);
if( isset($item['sub']) ){
print "slideMenu.makeMenu('$l',\"$label\");\n";
print "slideMenu.makeMenu('$l',\"$label\",'home.php?cat= ".$item['url']."');\n";

$list = preparelist($allcategories);

print "slideMenu.init();\n\n";

<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=0 width=100%>
<!-- <TR>
<TD height=26 width=26 valign=center>[img]{$ImagesDir}/dingbats_categorie.gif[/img]</TD>
<TD height=26 valign=center width="80%"><FONT class=VertMenuTitle>{$lng.lbl_categories}</FONT></TD>
</TR> -->
<tr><td colspan=2 nowrap>
{if $config.General.root_categories eq "Y"}

Next add the following to the bottom of skin1.css:
(Note that you can change the text colors of the main level and sub levels by specifying it below in A.clA0,A.clA1,A.clA2,A.clA3,A.clA4 and setting the hover and visited properties for each of those)

/* slide menu */
div.clSlideMenu{ /* All slideMenu2 DIV elements */
A.clA0{ /* All top level links */
font-family:Verdana, Helvetica, Helv;

A.clA1{ /* All sub level links */
font-family:Verdana, Helvetica, Helv;
font-size:10px; font-weight:bold;
A.clA2{ /* All sub2 level links */
font-family:Verdana, Helvetica, Helv;
font-size:10px; font-weight:bold;
A.clA3{ /* All sub3 level links */
font-family:Verdana, Helvetica, Helv;
A.clA4{ /* All sub4 level links */
font-family:Verdana, Helvetica, Helv;
font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none;
a.clA0:hover{color: #FFCC00; text-decoration:underline;}
a.clA0:visited{color: #99CCFF; text-decoration:underline;}
a.clA1:hover{color: #FFCCAA; text-decoration:underline;}
a.clA1:visited{color: Black; text-decoration:underline;}
a.clA2:hover{color: #CC00; text-decoration:underline;}
a.clA2:visited{color: Green; text-decoration:underline;}
a.clA3:hover{color: #FFCC00; text-decoration:underline;}
a.clA3:visited{color: #99CCFF; text-decoration:underline;}
a.clA4:hover{color: #FFCC00; text-decoration:underline;}
a.clA4:visited{color: #99CCFF; text-decoration:underline;}

div.slideMenuBG{position:absolute; left:0; top:0; z-index:1}
div.slideMenuText{position:absolute; left:2; top:2; z-index:200;}
/* NEEDED ----- This class should be named like this:
#slideMenucont{position:absolute; height:600; width:200; visibility:hidden;}

This is the javascript that makes it all work. This script was created byThomas Bratti of dhtmlcentral.com. Use any text editor, i.e. notepad,vi and create a file called "slidemenu.js" paste the contents below into it. Then place this file in: xcart/skin1/

/************************************************** **********************************
Making cross-browser objects
************************************************** **********************************/
function makeMenuObj(obj,nest){
nest=(!nest) ? "":'document.'+nest+'.'
this.evnt = document.getElementById?document.getElementById(ob j):document.all?document.all[obj]:document.layers?eval(nest+'document.'+obj):0;
this.css = this.evnt.style?this.evnt.style:this.evnt;
this.ref=document.layers?this.evnt.document:docume nt;
this.hideIt=b_hideIt; this.showIt=b_showIt; this.movey=b_movey
this.moveIt=b_moveIt; this.moveBy=b_moveBy; this.status=0;
this.bgImg=b_bgImg; this.obj = obj + "Object"; eval(this.obj + "=this");
return this
function b_showIt(){this.css.visibility="visible"; this.status=1}
function b_hideIt(){this.css.visibility="hidden"; this.status=0}
function b_movey(y){this.y=y; this.css.top=this.y}
function b_moveIt(x,y){this.x=x; this.y=y; this.css.left=this.x;this.css.top=this.y}
function b_moveBy(x,y){this.x=this.x+x; this.y=this.y+y; this.css.left=this.x;this.css.top=this.y}
function b_bgImg(img){
if(document.getElementById) document.getElementById(this.id+"_img").src = img
else if(document.layers) this.ref.layers[0].document.images[0].src = img
else document.images[this.id+"_img"].src = img
function b_clipTo(t,r,b,l,w){if(document.layers){this.css.c lip.top=t;this.css.clip.right=r
}else{this.css.clip="rect("+t+"px,"+r+"px,"+b+"px, "+l+"px)"; if(w){this.css.pixelWidth=this.css.width=r; this.css.pixelHeight=this.css.height=b}}}
/************************************************** ******************************
Initiating page, making objects..
************************************************** ******************************/
createSlideMenu.prototype.init = function(){
this.cont=new makeMenuObj(this.name+'cont')
var yy = 0, el //Make top menus
for(var j=0;j<this.topmenus.length;j++){
el = this.menus[this.topmenus[j]]
el.o = new makeMenuObj(this.name+"_"+el.num,this.name+"cont")
el.o.moveIt(this.l[0].left,yy); el.top = j; el.origy = yy
el.o.id = el.id; el.o.status=1;
el.o.h = this.l[0].height; el.img = this.l[0].regImage
yy+=el.o.h + this.l[0].between; el.o.clipTo(0,this.l[0].width,el.o.h,0,1)
if(j!=this.topmenus.length-1) el.nexttop = this.topmenus[el.top+1]
this.cont.showIt(); this.cont = null; this.level = null;
createSlideMenu.prototype.loop = function(num,j){
var el = this.menus[num],temp,p,h,w,y,img
for(var i=0;i<el.childs.length;i++){
temp = el.childs[i]
w = this.l[temp.lev].width; h = this.l[temp.lev].height
y = el.o.y+el.o.h + h*i + this.l[temp.lev].between*i + this.l[temp.lev].between
temp.o = new makeMenuObj(this.name+"_"+temp.num,this.name+"cont ")
temp.o.hideIt(); temp.o.clipTo(0,w,h,0,1)
el.endy =y+h; temp.origy = y
temp.o.h = h; temp.top = j
temp.chnum = i; temp.o.id = temp.id
if(this.useImages){ //Setting bgimage
if(temp.childs.length>0){ //With subs
if(i==el.childs.length-1) img=this.l[temp.lev].subRound
else img=this.l[temp.lev].subImg
}else if(i==el.childs.length-1){
temp.o.bgImg(img); temp.img = img
}else temp.img = this.l[temp.lev].regImage
p = this.menus[temp.parent] //Setting the next elements
if(temp.chnum != p.childs.length-1){ //Not the last el
temp.nextel = p.childs[temp.chnum+1].num
temp.nexttop = temp.lev==1?p.nexttop:p.nextel
}else{ //Last el, so we only have nexttop
temp.nexttop = p.nextel
if(temp.nexttop==-1) temp.nexttop = p.nexttop
this.loop(temp.num,j) //Recursive call

/************************************************** ******************************
Moving all objects in the array after a provided array number
************************************************** ******************************/
createSlideMenu.prototype.moveItems = function(px,num){
if(this.menus[i].o.status){ //Moving all visible menus
/************************************************** ******************************
Switch menu function.
************************************************** ******************************/
createSlideMenu.prototype.switchMenu = function(num){
if(this.going) return
var m = this.menus[num]
if(m.childs.length==0) return
this.going = 1
var y=m.o.y+ m.o.h +this.l[m.lev].between
var clnum = m.num, olev = m.lev, onext = m.nextel
var n = -1
if(this.active[m.lev]>-1) n=this.active[m.lev]
else n=this.active[m.lev-1]
}else n = this.active[0]
m = this.menus[n]
if(m.lev == 0 && olev==0) y = m.nexttop!=-1?this.menus[m.nexttop].origy:-1
else if(clnum!=m.num){
var ny = m.o.y + m.o.h + this.l[m.lev].between
if(clnum>m.num && olev==m.lev) y = Math.min(ny,y)
else if(onext==m.num) y = Math.max(ny,y)
/************************************************** ******************************
Move items up
************************************************** ******************************/
createSlideMenu.prototype.moveUp = function(top,num,y){
var move = 0, m, yy=0;
if(this.active[0]>-1 && top>-1){
m = this.menus[top]
if((m.o.y-this.pxspeed)<y) yy = -(((m.o.y-y)))
else yy=-this.pxspeed; this.moveItems(yy,top)
if(move) setTimeout(this.name+".moveUp("+top+","+num+","+y+ ")",this.timspeed)
m = this.menus[num]
for(var i=m.lev;i<this.active.length;i++){ //Reset images - actives et cetera
temp = this.menus[this.active[i]]
if(this.useImages) temp.o.bgImg(temp.img) //Change bg
if(this.arrow) temp.ar.replaceChild(document.createTextNode("4"), temp.ar.childNodes[0])
ch = temp.childs
for(var j=0;j<ch.length;j++){
ch[j].o.hideIt(); ch[j].o.movey(ch[j].origy)
this.active[i] = -1
//Then open the current one, if childs
if(m.childs.length == 0){this.going = 0; return}
for(i=0;i<m.childs.length;i++){ //Show all
y = m.childs[i].o.y + m.childs[i].o.h
if(m.lev>0 && m.chnum!=this.menus[m.parent].childs.length-1){
yy=y; y = this.menus[m.parent].endy + this.l[m.lev].between
m.o.moveIt(m.o.x+this.inset,m.o.y) //Inset current item:
if(this.useImages) m.o.bgImg(this.l[m.lev].roundImg) //Change bg
this.active[m.lev] = num //Set active
if(this.arrow) m.ar.replaceChild(document.createTextNode("6"),m.a r.childNodes[0])
if(m.nexttop>-1 || m.nextel>-1) this.moveDown(m.nexttop,m.nextel,y,yy) //Then start moving all other elements down
else this.going=0
/************************************************** ******************************
Move items down
************************************************** ******************************/
createSlideMenu.prototype.moveDown = function(top,num,y,yyy){
var m = this.menus[top],yy
if(m && m.o.y<y){
if((m.o.y+this.pxspeed)>y) yy = y-m.o.y
else yy=this.pxspeed
setTimeout(this.name+".moveDown("+top+","+num+","+ y+","+yyy+")",this.timspeed)
}else if(num>-1){
}else this.going=0
/************************************************** ******************************
Slide menu object
************************************************** ******************************/
function createSlideMenu(name){
document.write('<div id="'+name+'cont">') //The cont div start
this.name = name
this.menus = new Array()
this.curr = 0
this.lasttype = new Array()
this.writesubsonly = 0
this.level = new Array()
this.l = new Array()
this.topmenus = new Array()
this.active = new Array()
return this
/************************************************** ******************************
Function to create the objects and the divs
************************************************** ******************************/
createSlideMenu.prototype.makeMenu = function(type,text,lnk,target,end){
var str="",tg="",parent,m,cl
m = this.menus[this.curr] = new Object()
this.lasttype[type] = this.curr; if(!lnk) lnk="#"
m.lev = 0; m.type = type; m.childs = new Array()
m.num = this.curr; m.parent = -1; m.nextel = -1
m.nexttop = -1; parent = 0
m.text = text

if(type.indexOf("sub")>-1){ //Find parent type
if(type.length == 3){ //sub
parent = "top"; m.lev = 1
parent = type.substr(3,1) //sub2+
m.lev = parent; parent--
parent = "sub"; m.lev = 2
}else parent = "sub"+parent
if(m.lev>=this.l.length){//Level control (same as CM4)
var p1,p2=0;
if(m.lev>=this.level.length) p1=this.l[this.level.length-1];
else p1=this.level[m.lev];
this.l[m.lev]=new Array();
if(!p2) p2=this.l[m.lev-1]
if(m.lev!=0 && p1){
for(i in p1){ //Copying an entire object
if(p1[i]==null) this.l[m.lev][i]=p2[i];
else this.l[m.lev][i]=p1[i]
this.active[m.lev] = -1
if(parent){ //Find parent element
m.parent = this.lasttype[parent]
parent = this.menus[this.lasttype[parent]]
parent.childs[parent.childs.length] = m
if(this.arrow && parent.childs.length==1){str='<span class="'+this.arrow+'">4</span>'
if(document.getElementById && document.getElementById(parent.id).childNodes){
parent.ar = document.getElementById(parent.id).childNodes[this.useImage?1:0].childNodes[0]
parent.ar.innerHTML = str+parent.ar.innerHTML; parent.ar=parent.ar.childNodes[0]} else this.arrow=""
}else this.topmenus[this.topmenus.length] = this.curr
if(!this.writesubsonly || type!="top"){
cl = this.l[m.lev].className
m.id = id = this.name + "_" + this.curr
str= '<div id="'+id+'" class="'+cl+'">' //main div start
str+='<div class="'+this.bgClass+'">'//bgdiv
str+='</div>' //bgdiv
if(target) tg =' target="'+target+'" '
str+='<div class="'+this.txtClass+'"> '+text+'
str+="</div>\n\n" //main div end

/************************************************** ******************************
Level object
************************************************** ******************************/
function slideMenu_makeLevel(){
var c=this, a=arguments;
c.left=a[0]||0; c.width=a[1]||null; c.height=a[2]||null;
c.between=a[3]||null; c.className=a[4]||null; c.classNameA=a[5]||null;
c.regImage=a[6]||null; c.roundImg=a[7]||null; c.roundImg2=a[8]||null;
c.subImg=a[9]||null; c.subRound=a[10]||null; return c
/************************************************** ******************************
Preloading images
************************************************** ******************************/
function preLoadBackgrounds(){
this[i]=new Image()
return this



funkydunk 03-02-2003 10:35 PM

nice... 8)

Looks really cool on you site.

dealsondeals 03-03-2003 06:39 AM

Thanks Funky Dunk!

I sttill have not gone live yet and what you see wil be changing, layout included. I may use this menu, but as you may have seen in one of my othe posts, I have flash menu that uses an .xml file that I would like to implement. The only part left with that is to make it populate dynamically.
Well back to work........ :D



usermike 03-03-2003 08:49 AM

Very nice work...
It looks great! However, the first time I visited it, the links were the same color as the buttons, so it was very hard to read them, but then when I revisited it, the links were light blue. Maybe a style sheet problem?

movienett 03-03-2003 10:34 AM

wow, i should send you flowers...thx for this one dealsondeals, im gonna use this one !!

dealsondeals 03-03-2003 11:03 AM

:D My pleasure movienett, after all it is the sharing which takes place on forum that makes x-cart a very effective solution compared to others.

Are you going to use it with the background images behind the text or without? Each level has five .gifs asscoiated with it. If you need, I can email you the images and you can modify them as needed.



movienett 03-03-2003 02:26 PM

Seems like im having a problem with this, i uploaded the js to skin1, mod cutstomer/categories.tpl, and pasted into skin1.css, and when i should go check out my new feature, all my categories were lost 8O

guess i did wrong somewhere, but cannot find out where...

machnhed1 03-03-2003 03:20 PM

Any Browser Requirements?
Excellent implementation. I was wondering what browsers were required, if any, for the script to function properly?


dealsondeals 03-03-2003 08:42 PM


:| I am not sure what necessarily needs to be fixed without looking at the files in your directories. But, I would recommend checking to make sure you don't have any unintentional or unnecessary white-space, resulting from the process of copying and pasting. Give it another shot and let me know how you make it. If needed I'll take alook at your set-up.



dealsondeals 03-03-2003 08:47 PM


The script works on all 4.x+ browsers.



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