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-   -   X-Payments transfer to other server with upgraded store (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=70091)

vasilis 09-27-2014 02:05 AM

X-Payments transfer to other server with upgraded store
I have searched all over, but I haven't found any related info concerning transferring an x-payments installation to a different server, with an upgraded x-cart store.

I am going to upgrade a 4.4.5 store to 4.6.4 and it already uses X-Payments. The upgraded store will be located in a new server. The current x-payments is hosted in the xcart root directory. I have the following questions:
  • Will I need to re-install and re-configure x-payments in the new server, or I just copy the files and database and just change any related settings, concerning the new server?
  • Does the fact that x-payments will be deployed in the 4.6.4 upgraded store make any difference in the required steps?
  • In X-Payments Connector admin page, there is a 'API 1.1 version is supported' line. Does this mean that the installed x-payments version is 1.1 and if not, how do I check the version of x-payments?
  • Quote:

    Those who installed and started using X-Payments v1.0 can just continue doing so for any time ahead as it is acceptable for existing deployments. New deployments of X-Payments v1.0 are not allowed after October 28, 2013 due to the PCI Council regulations for PA-DSS certified applications, and we have already stopped selling this version.
    So, I guess it is not required to upgrade the current x-payments, if I don't need to use the new x-payments features related with saving customers' cc data, or for recurring billing. Is this correct?
    On the other hand, I read the following excerpt in this thread:

    So for everyone upgrading to 4.6.4 and using X-Payments - you are forced to upgrade X-Payments to its latest version 2.1.1 otherwise the new Connector will just not work properly.
    Does this hold only if you want to use the new features referred above? (
    saving customers' cc data, or for recurring billing)
I appreciate any tips.

totaltec 09-27-2014 04:58 AM

Re: X-Payments transfer to other server with upgraded store
I would upgrade X-payments, it's easy as long as the server is setup properly.

You should have no trouble copying it and just changing the settings. No need to re-install.

BrianY 09-27-2014 08:33 AM

Re: X-Payments transfer to other server with upgraded store

Originally Posted by vasilis
The current x-payments is hosted in the xcart root directory.

I believe that X-Payments can be on the same server, but in it's own Virtual Private Server area with it's own SSL.


Originally Posted by vasilis
[*]In X-Payments Connector admin page, there is a '[i]API 1.1 version is supported' line. Does this mean that the installed x-payments version is 1.1 and if not, how do I check the version of x-payments?

Not sure if this has anything to do with your version, but I recently upgraded my X-Payments and found the current version in: public_facing root_folder_of_your_xpayments/config/config.ini.php It is very near the bottom of the file.

vasilis 09-27-2014 10:46 AM

Re: X-Payments transfer to other server with upgraded store

Not sure if this has anything to do with your version, but I recently upgraded my X-Payments and found the current version in: public_facing root_folder_of_your_xpayments/config/config.ini.php It is very near the bottom of the file.
No version referred in the config.ini.php - I found a version reference in the README file of the /xpayments directory. In the x-payments upgrade instructions:

The config/config.ini.php of X-Payments 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 does not contain the information upgrade.php expects to find there

ambal 09-29-2014 04:39 AM

Re: X-Payments transfer to other server with upgraded store

Originally Posted by vasilis
The current x-payments is hosted in the xcart root directory.

And this is wrong as X-Payments must be installed separately in its own hosting account/VPS/server in order to be PCI compliant.
See http://help.x-cart.com/index.php?title=X-Cart_Payments:PCI_DSS_implementation_guide

We do not recommend to install X-Payments in the same hosting space/account where you run your X-Cart shop or other software as X-Payments can be compromised via them.


Originally Posted by vasilis
I have the following questions:
  • Will I need to re-install and re-configure x-payments in the new server, or I just copy the files and database and just change any related settings, concerning the new server?

You may need to adjust X-Payments config.ini.php file and shop settings in X-Payments dashboard if the new server has other IP address/domain name. Also, you may need to re-deploy configuration bundle in connected X-Cart stores due to the same reason.


Originally Posted by vasilis
  • Does the fact that x-payments will be deployed in the 4.6.4 upgraded store make any difference in the required steps?

X-Cart & X-Payments connection routine changed a lot in 4.6.4. Unfortunately, we haven't updated our user manual article about that yet. I am preparing a video that explains the new connection routine.


Originally Posted by vasilis
  • In X-Payments Connector admin page, there is a 'API 1.1 version is supported' line. Does this mean that the installed x-payments version is 1.1 and if not, how do I check the version of x-payments?

Nope, that's X-Payments API version - see http://help.x-cart.com/index.php?title=X-Payments:API
Right now there are API versions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 which are implemented in different X-Payments versions.
The latest version of X-Payments v1.x is 1.0.6, the latest (at the moment) version of X-Payments 2.x is 2.1.1

New X-Cart v4.6.4 connector for X-Payments defines API version automatically.


So, I guess it is not required to upgrade the current x-payments, if I don't need to use the new x-payments features related with saving customers' cc data, or for recurring billing. Is this correct?

If it is not a new deployment of X-Payments for a new web-site/business you can keep using your v1.x version.


  • On the other hand, I read the following excerpt in this thread:
    Does this hold only if you want to use the new features referred above? (saving customers' cc data, or for recurring billing)

Your new X-Cart 4.6.4 will work with your old X-Payments v1.x (i.e. it will process payments for orders of your shoppers) but it will not support new features of X-Payments 2.x. Also some of the usability improvements we added into new versions of X-cart connectors and X-Payments may not work either as they relay on using certain API calls we added into X-Payments v2.1.1.

vasilis 10-03-2014 02:11 PM

Re: X-Payments transfer to other server with upgraded store
Would it be feasible to run x-payments upgrade in my local WAMP server (Windows 7 platform), using something like CopSSH (OpenSSH for Windows) and eventually upload it's code and database to remote server? I guess, during final data sync, there would be both x-cart store database and x-payments database sync, repeating both upgrades, after closing live store.
That would be if ssh weren't available in remote server.

As an alternative, could x-payments upgrade be run through php script?

ambal 10-06-2014 12:28 AM

Re: X-Payments transfer to other server with upgraded store
> As an alternative, could x-payments upgrade be run through php script?

Actually this is what you need to do. Every owner of X-Payments 2.x downloadable license gets access to upgrade script that makes X-Payments upgrade process a lot easier. If you have X-Payments 2.x downloadable license - just check your File Area at https://secure.x-cart.com

Btw, users of hosted X-Payments accounts do not need to worry about doing upgrade themselves. They can just send us a ticket requesting to do such upgrade free of charge.

vasilis 10-28-2014 03:06 AM

Re: X-Payments transfer to other server with upgraded store
Ok, I have moved the x-payments code and database to it's separate hosting account, in the new server, with it's own SSL and trying to connect it with the upgraded x-cart store.

In the IP addresses for X-Payments callbacks (optional) of the 'X-Payments Connector' page I have already set the IP address of the new server. Also, I have updated the 'config.ini.php' file with the new database name, database user and database password (the database is the same as the one in the old server).

There are 3 issues:
1) I cannot login in the migrated x-payments back-end (https://<new x-payments hosting domain>/xpayments/admin.php), getting the usual page:

Internal error The requested action cannot be performed. See logs for detail
The log error is:

ERROR [2014-28-10 06:30:49] User: unknown; IP: Zone: Core Code: DATABASE_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT ( 238 ) Unable to connect to the database. Affected systems: Core/Database.php file (143:assert); Core/Base/Singleton.php file (138:__construct); Core/RequirementsChecker.php file (108:getInstance); Application.php file (136:check); /home/<user>/public_html/xpayments/admin.php file (26:run)
2) In the X-Payments Connector page of the upgraded store I get the message:


Failed to meet environment requirements

X-Payments Connector callback script https://<new store IP address>/shop/payment/cc_xpc.php is not reachable by X-Payments (check X-Cart logs for details). Your checkout will not work untill you make it accessible by X-Payments. See Troubleshooting for more information. Once you've fixed this issue click here to perform check again.

3) In the 'Payment methods' tab of the migrated X-Payments Connector page, in the text:

Configuring of the payment methods presented possible in the X-Payments backoffice only. In case of any problems you need to review the X-Payments Connector module settings and if it's ok, review payment configurations settings on the X-Payments side.
, the X-Payments backoffice link points to the x-payments old domain, instead of pointing to the new domain.

I guess, all these 3 issues are caused by the same culprit.

Have I missed some setting (for example, would I need to enter in the payment gateway account settings that is linked with x-payments and change the server path there?).
Do I need to do anything additional? I haven't upgraded x-payments, it is the original version (1.0.4) and trying to make it work with the upgraded store in the new server (as I have described in my previous posts).

Appreciate any help.

ambal 10-28-2014 03:32 AM

Re: X-Payments transfer to other server with upgraded store
Vasilis, it is really hard to say what it is wrong after you moved everything. I recommend you to get in touch with our techs via your HelpDesk account as investigation at your server is needed.

vasilis 10-28-2014 03:58 AM

Re: X-Payments transfer to other server with upgraded store
I can imagine that, but is there any X-Payments migration documentation that refers to settings that need to be changed, in case the same X-Payments version is transferred to a different server? The x-cart store also is upgraded.

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