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kevinrm 03-21-2007 05:12 AM

Barcode Mod...
My first mod: 3 of 9 barcode insertion into the html invoices. I didn't write the actual barcode script, I found that on the web. Somehow I managed to piece it all together and make it print out the SKU barcode on the html invoice. This should save a lot of time on data entry.

1) Copy the barcode script found here: http://www.sid6581.net/cs/php-scripts/barcode/ and paste into your root directory. Here is the actual code:

/*================================================= ==========================*/
/* PHP Barcode Image Generator v1.0 [9/28/2000]
Copyright (C)2000 by Charles J. Scheffold - cs@sid6581.net

UPDATE 5/10/2005 by C.Scheffold
Changed FontHeight to -2 if no text is to be displayed (this eliminates
the whitespace at the bottom of the image)
UPDATE 03/12/2005 by C.Scheffold
Added '-' character to translation table
UPDATE 09/21/2002 by Laurent NAVARRO - ln@altidev.com - http://www.altidev.com
Updated to be compatible with register_globals = off and on
UPDATE 4/6/2001 - Important Note! This script was written with the assumption
that "register_globals = On" is defined in your PHP.INI file! It will not
work as-is and as described unless this is set. My PHP came with this
enabled by default, but apparently many people have turned it off. Either
turn it on or modify the startup code to pull the CGI variables in the old
fashioned way (from the HTTP* arrays). If you just want to use the functions
and pass the variables yourself, well then go on with your bad self.

This code is hereby released into the public domain.
Use it, abuse it, just don't get caught using it for something stupid.

The only barcode type currently supported is Code 3 of 9. Don't ask about
adding support for others! This is a script I wrote for my own use. I do
plan to add more types as time permits but currently I only require
Code 3 of 9 for my purposes. Just about every scanner on the market today
can read it.

$barcode = [required] The barcode you want to generate

$type = (default=0) It's 0 for Code 3 of 9 (the only one supported)

$width = (default=160) Width of image in pixels. The image MUST be wide
enough to handle the length of the given value. The default
value will probably be able to display about 6 digits. If you
get an error message, make it wider!

$height = (default=80) Height of image in pixels

$format = (default=jpeg) Can be "jpeg", "png", or "gif"

$quality = (default=100) For JPEG only: ranges from 0-100

$text = (default=1) 0 to disable text below barcode, >=1 to enable

NOTE: You must have GD-1.8 or higher compiled into PHP
in order to use PNG and JPEG. GIF images only work with
GD-1.5 and lower. (http://www.boutell.com)

ANOTHER NOTE: If you actually intend to print the barcodes
and scan them with a scanner, I highly recommend choosing
JPEG with a quality of 100. Most browsers can't seem to print
a PNG without mangling it beyond recognition.


<IMG SRC="barcode.php?barcode=HELLO&quality=75">

<IMG SRC="barcode.php?barcode=123456&width=320&height=2 00">

/*================================================= ============================*/

// Startup code

if(isset($_GET["text"])) $text=$_GET["text"];
if(isset($_GET["format"])) $format=$_GET["format"];
if(isset($_GET["quality"])) $quality=$_GET["quality"];
if(isset($_GET["width"])) $width=$_GET["width"];
if(isset($_GET["height"])) $height=$_GET["height"];
if(isset($_GET["type"])) $type=$_GET["type"];
if(isset($_GET["barcode"])) $barcode=$_GET["barcode"];

if (!isset ($text)) $text = 1;
if (!isset ($type)) $type = 1;
if (empty ($quality)) $quality = 100;
if (empty ($width)) $width = 160;
if (empty ($height)) $height = 80;
if (!empty ($format)) $format = strtoupper ($format);
else $format="PNG";

switch ($type)
$type = 1;
case 1:
Barcode39 ($barcode, $width, $height, $quality, $format, $text);

// Generate a Code 3 of 9 barcode
function Barcode39 ($barcode, $width, $height, $quality, $format, $text)
switch ($format)
$format = "JPEG";
case "JPEG":
header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");
case "PNG":
header ("Content-type: image/png");
case "GIF":
header ("Content-type: image/gif");

$im = ImageCreate ($width, $height)
or die ("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
$White = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 255, 255);
$Black = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 0);
//ImageColorTransparent ($im, $White);
ImageInterLace ($im, 1);

$NarrowRatio = 20;
$WideRatio = 55;
$QuietRatio = 35;

$nChars = (strlen($barcode)+2) * ((6 * $NarrowRatio) + (3 * $WideRatio) + ($QuietRatio));
$Pixels = $width / $nChars;
$NarrowBar = (int)(20 * $Pixels);
$WideBar = (int)(55 * $Pixels);
$QuietBar = (int)(35 * $Pixels);

$ActualWidth = (($NarrowBar * 6) + ($WideBar*3) + $QuietBar) * (strlen ($barcode)+2);

if (($NarrowBar == 0) || ($NarrowBar == $WideBar) || ($NarrowBar == $QuietBar) || ($WideBar == 0) || ($WideBar == $QuietBar) || ($QuietBar == 0))
ImageString ($im, 1, 0, 0, "Image is too small!", $Black);
OutputImage ($im, $format, $quality);

$CurrentBarX = (int)(($width - $ActualWidth) / 2);
$Color = $White;
$BarcodeFull = "*".strtoupper ($barcode)."*";
settype ($BarcodeFull, "string");

$FontNum = 3;
$FontHeight = ImageFontHeight ($FontNum);
$FontWidth = ImageFontWidth ($FontNum);
if ($text != 0)
$CenterLoc = (int)(($width-1) / 2) - (int)(($FontWidth * strlen($BarcodeFull)) / 2);
ImageString ($im, $FontNum, $CenterLoc, $height-$FontHeight, "$BarcodeFull", $Black);

2) In /mail/html/order_data.tpl, replace:

<td align="center">{$product.productcode}</td>
<td><font style="FONT-SIZE: 11px">{$product.product}</font>


{* Mod Begin *}
<td align="center">{$product.productcode}</td>
<td><font style="FONT-SIZE: 11px">{$product.product}<br><IMG SRC="../../barcode.php?barcode={$product.productcode}&width=2 00&height=20&quality=100&text=0"></font>
{* mod end *}


1) This works in 4.1.6.

2) My xcart is in my root directory. You may need to adjust the "../../barcode.php?....." part of the file to match your structure.

3) If you get an "image too small" error in the invoice, increase the width of the image.

RKs 06-16-2009 11:49 AM

Re: Barcode Mod...
I installed everything according to what you suggested , when I print the
invoice I get an x image instead of the barcode.

Blank Clothing 11-22-2011 03:36 AM

Re: Barcode Mod...
Thanks kevinrm

I followed the instruction below to barcode the order number for each invoice customer's invoice. :D



pauldodman 04-22-2016 07:22 AM

Re: Barcode Mod...
Would you believe this still works!!!
Just added it to a 4.7.5 site, with order ID as well as products!

GMarler 06-29-2017 05:19 AM

Re: Barcode Mod...

Originally Posted by kevinrm
My first mod: 3 of 9 barcode insertion into the html invoices. I didn't write the actual barcode script, I found that on the web. Somehow I managed to piece it all together and make it print out the SKU barcode on the html invoice. This should save a lot of time on data entry.

1) Copy the barcode script found here: http://www.sid6581.net/cs/php-scripts/barcode/ and paste into your root directory. Here is the actual code:

/*================================================= ==========================*/
/* PHP Barcode Image Generator v1.0 [9/28/2000]
Copyright (C)2000 by Charles J. Scheffold - cs@sid6581.net

UPDATE 5/10/2005 by C.Scheffold
Changed FontHeight to -2 if no text is to be displayed (this eliminates
the whitespace at the bottom of the image)
UPDATE 03/12/2005 by C.Scheffold
Added '-' character to translation table
UPDATE 09/21/2002 by Laurent NAVARRO - ln@altidev.com - http://www.altidev.com
Updated to be compatible with register_globals = off and on
UPDATE 4/6/2001 - Important Note! This script was written with the assumption
that "register_globals = On" is defined in your PHP.INI file! It will not
work as-is and as described unless this is set. My PHP came with this
enabled by default, but apparently many people have turned it off. Either
turn it on or modify the startup code to pull the CGI variables in the old
fashioned way (from the HTTP* arrays). If you just want to use the functions
and pass the variables yourself, well then go on with your bad self.

This code is hereby released into the public domain.
Use it, abuse it, just don't get caught using it for something stupid.

The only barcode type currently supported is Code 3 of 9. Don't ask about
adding support for others! This is a script I wrote for my own use. I do
plan to add more types as time permits but currently I only require
Code 3 of 9 for my purposes. Just about every scanner on the market today
can read it.

$barcode = [required] The barcode you want to generate

$type = (default=0) It's 0 for Code 3 of 9 (the only one supported)

$width = (default=160) Width of image in pixels. The image MUST be wide
enough to handle the length of the given value. The default
value will probably be able to display about 6 digits. If you
get an error message, make it wider!

$height = (default=80) Height of image in pixels

$format = (default=jpeg) Can be "jpeg", "png", or "gif"

$quality = (default=100) For JPEG only: ranges from 0-100

$text = (default=1) 0 to disable text below barcode, >=1 to enable

NOTE: You must have GD-1.8 or higher compiled into PHP
in order to use PNG and JPEG. GIF images only work with
GD-1.5 and lower. (http://www.boutell.com)

ANOTHER NOTE: If you actually intend to print the barcodes
and scan them with a scanner, I highly recommend choosing
JPEG with a quality of 100. Most browsers can't seem to print
a PNG without mangling it beyond recognition.


<IMG SRC="barcode.php?barcode=HELLO&quality=75">

<IMG SRC="barcode.php?barcode=123456&width=320&height=2 00">

/*================================================= ============================*/

// Startup code

if(isset($_GET["text"])) $text=$_GET["text"];
if(isset($_GET["format"])) $format=$_GET["format"];
if(isset($_GET["quality"])) $quality=$_GET["quality"];
if(isset($_GET["width"])) $width=$_GET["width"];
if(isset($_GET["height"])) $height=$_GET["height"];
if(isset($_GET["type"])) $type=$_GET["type"];
if(isset($_GET["barcode"])) $barcode=$_GET["barcode"];

if (!isset ($text)) $text = 1;
if (!isset ($type)) $type = 1;
if (empty ($quality)) $quality = 100;
if (empty ($width)) $width = 160;
if (empty ($height)) $height = 80;
if (!empty ($format)) $format = strtoupper ($format);
else $format="PNG";

switch ($type)
$type = 1;
case 1:
Barcode39 ($barcode, $width, $height, $quality, $format, $text);

// Generate a Code 3 of 9 barcode
function Barcode39 ($barcode, $width, $height, $quality, $format, $text)
switch ($format)
$format = "JPEG";
case "JPEG":
header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");
case "PNG":
header ("Content-type: image/png");
case "GIF":
header ("Content-type: image/gif");

$im = ImageCreate ($width, $height)
or die ("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
$White = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 255, 255);
$Black = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 0);
//ImageColorTransparent ($im, $White);
ImageInterLace ($im, 1);

$NarrowRatio = 20;
$WideRatio = 55;
$QuietRatio = 35;

$nChars = (strlen($barcode)+2) * ((6 * $NarrowRatio) + (3 * $WideRatio) + ($QuietRatio));
$Pixels = $width / $nChars;
$NarrowBar = (int)(20 * $Pixels);
$WideBar = (int)(55 * $Pixels);
$QuietBar = (int)(35 * $Pixels);

$ActualWidth = (($NarrowBar * 6) + ($WideBar*3) + $QuietBar) * (strlen ($barcode)+2);

if (($NarrowBar == 0) || ($NarrowBar == $WideBar) || ($NarrowBar == $QuietBar) || ($WideBar == 0) || ($WideBar == $QuietBar) || ($QuietBar == 0))
ImageString ($im, 1, 0, 0, "Image is too small!", $Black);
OutputImage ($im, $format, $quality);

$CurrentBarX = (int)(($width - $ActualWidth) / 2);
$Color = $White;
$BarcodeFull = "*".strtoupper ($barcode)."*";
settype ($BarcodeFull, "string");

$FontNum = 3;
$FontHeight = ImageFontHeight ($FontNum);
$FontWidth = ImageFontWidth ($FontNum);
if ($text != 0)
$CenterLoc = (int)(($width-1) / 2) - (int)(($FontWidth * strlen($BarcodeFull)) / 2);
ImageString ($im, $FontNum, $CenterLoc, $height-$FontHeight, "$BarcodeFull", $Black);

2) In /mail/html/order_data.tpl, replace:

<td align="center">{$product.productcode}</td>
<td><font style="FONT-SIZE: 11px">{$product.product}</font>


{* Mod Begin *}
<td align="center">{$product.productcode}</td>
<td><font style="FONT-SIZE: 11px">{$product.product}<br><IMG SRC="../../barcode.php?barcode={$product.productcode}&width=2 00&height=20&quality=100&text=0"></font>
{* mod end *}


1) This works in 4.1.6.

2) My xcart is in my root directory. You may need to adjust the "../../barcode.php?....." part of the file to match your structure.

3) If you get an "image too small" error in the invoice, increase the width of the image.

I am interested in implementing the barcode generator on my x-cart 4.4 system.
I went to the download link and got it. Could you tell me what files need to be modified in x-cart to activate the barcode.php script?

Thanks in Advance.

kevinrm 06-30-2017 02:02 AM

Re: Barcode Mod...
This was from 2007 and XC4.x It's now 10 years later and I'm on XC5.3.2.x, I can't remember that far back unfortunately. But looking at my old instructions…

2) In /mail/html/order_data.tpl, replace:

<td align="center">{$product.productcode}</td>
<td><font style="FONT-SIZE: 11px">{$product.product}</font>


{* Mod Begin *}
<td align="center">{$product.productcode}</td>
<td><font style="FONT-SIZE: 11px">{$product.product}<br><IMG SRC="../../barcode.php?barcode={$product.productcode}&width=2 00&height=20&quality=100&text=0"></font>
{* mod end *}

GMarler 06-30-2017 04:20 AM

Re: Barcode Mod...
Duh, I don't know how I missed the insertion line in your post. Thanks for taking the time to open my eyes :-)

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