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-   -   Subscription payments based on initial pay date: DONE (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=24391)

costrevs 08-31-2006 01:23 PM

Re: Subscription payments based on initial pay date: DONE
I just sent you a PM. Might be off-topic for this thread.

metinex 10-01-2006 03:04 AM

Re: Subscription payments based on initial pay date: DONE
I had just subscribed to Paypal's Website Payments Pro service, but I am disappointed that Subscriptions module does not support it.

I have a question as you guys more into this module:

I don't want charge customers when they subscribe, but the next billing cycle which is the beginning of each month. So if I set "Cost of one day" to 0 would work?

There is a problem though. As checkout total is zero, order is being completed with no payment info entry. So there won't be any credit card info available for billing.

What do you think?

RobinBraves 07-16-2007 09:16 PM

Re: Subscription payments based on initial pay date: DONE
Does anyone know if this Mod works in my version ( 4.1.8 )

telimon 08-22-2007 03:18 AM

Re: Subscription payments based on initial pay date: DONE
This is great. Do you know if anyone has setp up xcart to do reference transactions with Paypal. For recurring billing with reference transactions, there is no need to store CC#s in xcart. Paypal does it by referring to the last trans for that customer.

agent9 04-30-2008 10:05 PM

Re: Subscription payments based on initial pay date: DONE
Anyone know if this mod works with gold version 4.1.9?

jazzerman 10-28-2008 07:06 PM

Re: Subscription payments based on initial pay date:
I too get the error message;

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/paultobey/store/admin/autopay_subscriptions_test.php on line 77

When using the url;

www.yourdomain.com/xcart/admin/autopay_subscriptions.php?key=<your key here>&charge=1

The mod file is;

76. if($charge){
77. foreach($pending as $p){


When using URL;

www.yourdomain.com/xcart/admin/autopay_subscriptions.php?key=<your key here>

(without key=<you key here>)


Date: 10.28.2008
Pending Charges...
Last Charge Next Charge Login ProductID Price
10.28.2008 11.28.2008 jazzerman test recurring piano lessons 0.01

So, does that mean the mod worked or not?


Even if the mod is working, how to I modify it to do recurring billing on a weekly basis from initial pay date? Currently it looks like this mod will only work on a monthly basis.

I'm not much of a programmer as you can tell, but any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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