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Cameron 02-03-2003 09:39 PM

HELP!! Webmaster Mode - Can't fix accidental change!
Firstly, webmaster mode is COOL. Second, I just KILLED my "Choose your shipping option" while changing its font color and I can't fix it! I was typing in front of it <FONT COLOR="00000

when I accidentially hit enter and it took the change. Unfortunately, even IE isn't forgiving enough of sloppy code to let this one by. This has made the text totally disappear so I can't re-highlight and edit it with webmaster mode, AND the drop down menu that lists shipping options is also gone. Moreover, I can't find where the change has been put into effect! I've scoured my xcart_data.sql file, but there's no sign of it in there.

Can anyone tell me where the webmaster mode changes get logged so I can go in and manually fix the code?


deb 02-03-2003 10:34 PM

It should be in your languages area, did you search there?

shan 02-04-2003 01:51 AM

turn on debugger, go to the place where the problem is. find out which tpl file you changed, go to edit templates find that tpl and choose restore file

Cameron 02-04-2003 09:28 AM

Hi Deb and Shan. Thank you for the replies. I know I'm close to the solution, but need a little more help. The .tpl file in question is /customer/main/cart_totals.tpl However, restoring the file doesn't fix the problem. Here is the {if} statement in cart_totals.tpl that displays the delivery option:

{if $shipping ne ""}
<font class=FormButton>{$lng.lbl_delivery}: </font>
<select name=shippingid onchange="document.cartform.submit()">
{section name=ship_num loop=$shipping}
<option value="{$shipping[ship_num].shippingid}" {if $shipping[ship_num].shippingid eq $cart.shippingid}selected{/if}>{$shipping[ship_num].shipping|escape}</option>

<input type=hidden name=shippingid value=0>

So it looks like I'm looking for $lng.lbl_delivery but when I search all my x-cart files for lbl_delivery I get serveral .tpl files that are all just referring to that string. If I search for just lbl_delivery I also get xcart_data.sql but when I search that file the only line that refers to lbl_delivery is this:

INSERT INTO xcart_languages VALUES ('US','Delivery','lbl_delivery','Delivery','Labels ');

I'm pretty stumped at this point, so if anybody can shed light on where I need to go to correct this accidential change, I would be most grateful.


FishBookStore 02-04-2003 09:49 AM

It is in your langage settings.

Go to http://www.yourdomain.com/xcart/admin/languages.php?language=US&topic=Labels&filter=deli very

Cameron 02-04-2003 12:35 PM

Thank you fishbookstore! Here I was making life hard on myself all that time. I just logged in, went to languages, chose english and on the 4th page there was my botched <font> argument. I just took out the font argument all together.

However, I still have one small problem. The "Choose your preferred shipping method" line with drop down box *still* doesn't appear for non-logged in customers. I've triple checked my "general settings/shipping options" and the box for "Enable all shpping methods while customer not logged in" box IS checked. I unchecked it, hit apply, re-checked it, applied it. Applied it over and over and over. Just can't it to come back. I reset all of my cart.tpl and cart_totals files.

Anybody know why this might be happening?


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