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-   -   CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!) (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=69618)

Jon 07-18-2014 11:49 AM

CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
CDSEO Pro v2.0 is nearing it's release date of July 21st.

It will be made available for XC 4.1-4.6.

Here's a sneak peek.


Kman 07-18-2014 05:00 PM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Alright Jon, you have wet our appetites. Can hardly wait!

ITVV 07-18-2014 11:16 PM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Wow. Looking forward to the release.

I am sure it will be another first class product from a first class developer.

All the best

Vacman 07-20-2014 11:13 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Other than the cool interface what changes/updates/upgrades will the new version have in store for us?

Also, pricing for previous owners?

Jon 07-20-2014 11:16 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
I'm currently putting together a list of all the advancements.

The upgrade cost will be the standard $35.

Advanced modules will be available separately.

ITVV 07-20-2014 12:16 PM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)

Originally Posted by Vacman
Other than the cool interface what changes/updates/upgrades will the new version have in store for us?

Also, pricing for previous owners?

I think that Jon will delivery great value at amazing prices - as he always does.

Why so cynical of a company that delivers products that work and add value?

Looking forward to being a "new" customer of SmackDigital.com

Good luck Jon and thanks you for great mods and service over the years.

All the best

cflsystems 07-20-2014 12:51 PM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
I think we have to say goodbye to WebsiteCM..... and welcome SmackDigital ;) Right?

Jon 07-20-2014 06:08 PM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)

Originally Posted by cflsystems
I think we have to say goodbye to WebsiteCM..... and welcome SmackDigital ;) Right?

Yes sir!

Kman 07-20-2014 06:44 PM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Should I stay up till midnight to see the new site, Jon. Or is the 21st going to be a long day?

Jon 07-20-2014 06:46 PM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Will be launching about noon PST tomorrow :)

Jon 07-20-2014 06:53 PM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
If anyone is up at midnight PST and wants to see the site they can PM me and I'll send over the link with shopkey but won't be able to purchase CDSEO v2.0 until tomorrow at noon :)

BBM_ 07-21-2014 04:22 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Congratulates Jon on the update and the new site / branding.

Look forward to seeing the list of updates in CDSEO V2

If it is a good as V1 we are in for a treat!

just to sneak in a question will there be a feature where product / category updates will be automatically re-written in the new version?

Jon 07-21-2014 06:17 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)

Originally Posted by BBM_
just to sneak in a question will there be a feature where product / category updates will be automatically re-written in the new version?

For items without CDSEO values yes, with some quick file changes users will be able to auto-populate an item automatically as soon as the item is updated/added. Once a CDSEO value is added though it stays the same unless manually updated as SEO information - especially urls - shouldn't be changing all the time.

ITVV 07-21-2014 06:46 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Hi Jon,

Many thanks for the "key".

The new site is really really cool - I love it :-)

I look forward to "upgrading" to CDSEO V2.

Once again well done on a great site and all the best for CDSEO V2.

With kind regards from the UK


ITVV 07-21-2014 10:05 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)


is now live - hurray!

Take a look - it's as cool as.

Looking forward to CDSEO V2

Good luck Jon.

Kind regards to all from the UK

Jon 07-21-2014 10:06 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Not quite Nick, just updating screenshots etc. - you must be using the shop key still ;)

ITVV 07-21-2014 10:08 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Opps :oops: - Sorry Jon - you are right!

Looking fab - love the layout and graphics.



Jon 07-21-2014 03:23 PM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Always seems to take longer than anticipated no matter how prepared!!

SmackDigital.com is now open and CDSEO v2.0 is now available: https://www.smackdigital.com/x-cart-mods/

I've made a separate thread about the website as opposed to CDSEO:

elmirage001 07-22-2014 11:00 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Hi Jon,

Cool redesign!

Was v2.0 upgraded so we can modify CDSEO values from X-Cart add/modify pages or do we still have to download the zip and modify? If we have to download the zip and do the mod are the instructions the same or do we need updated install instructions for v2.0?



Kman 07-23-2014 07:41 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Installed the upgrade and most everything is smooth. Great look & feel, Jon. Question: I had been using a custom 404 file: skin/common_files/404/404_en.html. It no longer is the default - a page CDSEO Pro generates is presented. How do I disable this? What am I missing?

Jon 07-23-2014 09:25 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)

Originally Posted by elmirage001
Hi Jon,

Cool redesign!

Was v2.0 upgraded so we can modify CDSEO values from X-Cart add/modify pages or do we still have to download the zip and modify? If we have to download the zip and do the mod are the instructions the same or do we need updated install instructions for v2.0?



Hi Paul, every CDSEO version will only have the ability to modify via the X-Cart admin section with the CDSEO Admin addon. The instructions are the same.

Jon 07-23-2014 09:31 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)

Originally Posted by Kman
Installed the upgrade and most everything is smooth. Great look & feel, Jon. Question: I had been using a custom 404 file: skin/common_files/404/404_en.html. It no longer is the default - a page CDSEO Pro generates is presented. How do I disable this? What am I missing?

I'm not sure what version you upgraded from, but older CDSEO versions allowed you to specify a URL as a 404 and then redirected to that URL. This became problematic when PHP stopped registering the 404 header prior to the redirect, so CDSEO was updated so that a static page could be specified and that functionality remains.

Your options are as follows:

1. Create a static page in the X-Cart Admin Static Pages section, and configure your CDSEO settings to use that page.

2. Open modules/cdseolinks/cdseo_errorpage.php and put whatever content you want in place of the existing content starting with:



I recommend options #1 to keep the person on your store layout.

Kman 07-23-2014 11:09 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Perfect. Thank,s Jon. #2 works like a charm.

Again, nice upgrade. (Our version was the highest available prior to upgrade).

ADDISON 08-03-2014 12:05 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Is this working with Nginx?

Jon 08-03-2014 09:48 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)

Originally Posted by ADDISON
Is this working with Nginx?

NGINX isn't yet official supported, but the rule should be:


location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /cdseopro.php;

If you provide an NGINX test environment we'd be happy to evaluate compatibility.

peggyr 09-08-2014 08:17 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
I just migrated (complete new install) from 4.4.5 Gold w/ CDSEO 1.8 to 4.6.4 Gold with CDSEO 2.0. New orders tested out fine, but I have had no activity on my site since the migration.

I just realized, that the new 4.6.4 CDSEO settings for my products (keywords, metatags) were different than my 4.4.5. I had exported my 4.4.5 settings prior to the upgrade, and just imported those to my CDSEO Pro 2.0 on 4.6.4. and regenerated my sitemap and submitted to Google webmaster

My question. My upgrade was done 48 hrs ago. Have I totally lost my previous rankings, or have to start over? I don't see any unexpected robots.txt activity (I use the info generated by CDSEO modules plus a few other things), and my .htaccess appears fine. Is there anything else I can do other than 'wait' to see traffic?

Thanks for any ideas

Jon 09-08-2014 09:31 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
It takes Google 2-3 weeks typically to index so definitely you wouldn't have lost your rankings. This also wouldn't be the reason for a lack of traffic.

peggyr 09-20-2014 09:09 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
I am 'trying' to upgrade to PHP 5.5, with a new encrypted CDSEO Pro 2.07 module and my IONCUBE upgrade failed, and I can't make the 'old' IONCUBE install work, and I can't get the new IONCUBE for 5.5 work.

Currently my store is closed, and I either need to 'uninstall' CDSEO and use Xcart catalog and sitemap, and create a lot of 301 redirects in my .htaccess, or keep my store closed (now been over 2 hrs) while I hopefully get IONCUBE working.

I understand the reason for encryption. Maybe, a 'backdoor' with a week expiration on the code that is 'unencrypted' could be made available.

CDSEO is my only addon (plus ezUpsell, but I can live without that for a while) -- which really impacts my store, if it doesn't work. If I go backwards to 'no CDSEO' -- it is very painful, if my store stays closed, while I create a lot of redirects, it is very painful.

Any ideas - ?


Jon 09-20-2014 09:34 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Hi Peggy, I will update you in our support desk.

peggyr 09-20-2014 09:38 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)

I got 5.4 IONCUBE working, so my site is back online --

Again, this is very painful, when it breaks -- though I do understand the reason for wanting / needing encryption.


Jon 09-20-2014 09:47 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Glad to hear! I realize Ioncube is a server component than can cause problems fortunately the majority of web-hosts take care of this for their clients. I would prefer not to encrypt code but feel it is necessary given my experiences over the last decade of selling software.

peggyr 09-29-2014 09:05 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Hi Jon,

I have installed Rich Snippets on CDSEO Pro V2.0

I understand it can take a couple weeks to be fully crawled.

My question is, if I have 191 Products and 8 categories (I don't have any manufacturers) -- how many entries should I expect on the Google WebMaster Tools screen, under Search Appearance->Structured Data


to know things are working as expected? Should I ultimately have 191 entries in "Product" category?

I can enter each of my generated urls from CDSEOPro into the "Structured Data Testing Tool.", and they appear to be generating the correct result.


Jon 09-29-2014 09:51 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Hi Peggy,

It depends how many applicable snippets you have, but you should end up with over 800 entries on 200 pages.

The crawl will take place over time and you should see the results steadily increase.

peggyr 09-29-2014 09:55 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Thanks Jon,

One more thing -- On the Google Webmaster Tools,

Structured Data > Product (markup: schema.org)

The Brand and Model fields are empty for all my products.

I can't see where I set these in CDSEO or in X-cart - am I missing something, or do I need to manually add these somehow on Google webmaster tools?

Structured Data > Product (markup: schema.org)

zebu 10-06-2014 11:31 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Hi Jon,

We recently upgraded to version 2.0.7 and added Rich snippets. Snippets module is all set up and tests out ok - however it seems to somehow disable itself every couple of days.

ie: we Tick the box to enable the module. Log out and log back in - still checked. Then if a come back in a day or two and check, the module is disabled (ie box no longer ticked)

Very bizarre indeed! Any ideas as to whats going on here?

Cheers Zane
Version 4.4.5.

Jon 10-06-2014 01:14 PM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Hi Zane,

Can you please submit a support ticket to https://www.smackdigital.com/support/ with your domain name and/or order number.




Originally Posted by zebu
Hi Jon,

We recently upgraded to version 2.0.7 and added Rich snippets. Snippets module is all set up and tests out ok - however it seems to somehow disable itself every couple of days.

ie: we Tick the box to enable the module. Log out and log back in - still checked. Then if a come back in a day or two and check, the module is disabled (ie box no longer ticked)

Very bizarre indeed! Any ideas as to whats going on here?

Cheers Zane
Version 4.4.5.

Jon 10-06-2014 01:16 PM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
Hi Peggy,

Please submit a support ticket and Erin can have a look for you.



Originally Posted by peggyr
Thanks Jon,

One more thing -- On the Google Webmaster Tools,

Structured Data > Product (markup: schema.org)

The Brand and Model fields are empty for all my products.

I can't see where I set these in CDSEO or in X-cart - am I missing something, or do I need to manually add these somehow on Google webmaster tools?

Structured Data > Product (markup: schema.org)

sinobest 10-26-2014 06:36 PM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
deos cdseo supports x-cart gold plus v4.65?
reviews.php multi sub pages

Jon 10-26-2014 10:17 PM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
CDSEO supports X-Cart all versions 4.1 through 4.6.

It does not modify reviews pages. I personally don't like the way X-Cart does the reviews and recommend third-party solutions.

sinobest 10-27-2014 12:08 AM

Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)
pls recommend a third-party solution for product reviews, and tell us its advantages.


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