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-   -   Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=69505)

ambal 07-07-2014 04:47 AM

Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
Hi Everyone,

Recently we released X-Cart 4.6.4 - see http://blog.x-cart.com/x-cart-464-released.html

I want to comment on this improvement a bit

X-Payments connector has got lots of improvements for better usability.

This update addresses many X-Payments known issues and troubles with X-Cart 4.x like too many technical DB entries about started orders at X-Cart side, saving customer notes, cc_xpc_iframe.php called twice to display CC form, Product inventory levels are not getting decreased when a Pre-Authorized order is paid via X-Payments (lite interface) and others. I would say this is quite serious update of X-Cart 4 connector. Besides it comes with much improved and easier X-Payments connection procedure.

IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to enable all the usability improvements you need to
1) upgrade your X-Payments to 2.1.1 (users of X-Payments Hosted accounts just need to post us a request to make such upgrade for them for free)
2) re-deploy X-Payments configuration bundle (re-import of X-Payments payment methods will happen automatically) in X-Cart after upgrading X-Cart to 4.6.4 or installing new X-Payments connector module (see below about that).

Next step is to release adapted versions of 4.6.4 connector for old X-Cart 4.x versions and to implement iFrame and PCI compliant credit card saving support for all of them. ETA for this step is August-September, but first updates should come this week. I'll keep you posted.


New connector modules for various X-Cart 4.x versions can be downloaded at
https://drive.google.com/a/x-cart.com/folderview?id=0B6p7sehSZL8_akhxR0VwQ0dta2M&usp=dri ve_web

Online Michael 07-08-2014 02:31 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
We had our store upgraded from 4.6.3 to 4.6.4 and I have to say the new "improvements" are causing us major headaches. This is what we discovered this morning:

A customer wanted to buy two products. One of the products they had in their cart was the last one we had in stock so while they were at the checkout, X-Payments created a "Not Finished" order. Then it created another order and all of the sudden there were two. However, after a short while the second "Not Finished" order had its status changed to "Processed/Paid".

At this point we had a "Not Finished" order and a "Processed" order for the same customer and for exactly the same amount. Nothing strange so far, right? What happened next was very concerning.

The customer emailed us because they were confused as to how she ended up with just one product in her order but ended up paying for two? As it turns out, due to the stock adjustments being done in the background, the allocation of stock with the first "Not Finished" order meant there was no stock left for the second order, which explains why only one product appeared on the processed order!

Not only was the product missing from the processed/paid order, the amount charged was never adjusted to reflect the change. In other words, the customer ended up paying for the missing product as well. And if it wasn't for her email, our staff would have packed and despatched her order with just the one single product.

Later, several more "Not Finished" orders appeared and after checking actual stock levels in our store, we quickly discovered that they were all holding stock as well! Changing the status to"Failed" fixed the problem and stock was released back.

In my opinion, this should never be allowed to happen. Why? Because we just lost a $180 order directly as a result of the way the connector/x-payments process orders/payments. We believe that the customer had more than likely abandoned the cart because one of the items they were purchasing was no longer in their cart.

I'll take everything I said back if I am doing something wrong, but I don't believe I am. Personally, I think Qualiteam may have solved one problem, to only created another... And we're losing sales because of it. Not happy.

ambal 07-08-2014 05:12 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
Hi Michael,

Let us follow up with you regarding this via your HelpDesk account. Some investigation is needed as new connector relies on using latest X-Payments v2.1.1

cflsystems 07-08-2014 06:15 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
Hi Alex

Since I was the one to upgrade the cart and worked with Michael through this at night I guess I should say something. I don't think I saw anywhere what you have just mentioned (did I miss it?) - "new connector relies on using latest X-Payments v2.1.1". So their X-Payments installation is not yet upgraded (it will be though) but to release changes to the Connector like this that depend on another piece of software and not mention this anywhere is not good practice. What about all the carts now that may have already upgraded to 4.6.4 and using X-Payments 1.0? They are screwed big time right.

If this was known up front their X-Payments would have been the first to upgrade. This is critical to active shops. I am not happy about this, you can imagine how Michael feels....

This is all that shows on the upgrade screen in admin before launch, not a word about the X-Payments Connector

11. After the upgrade is completed, check the following features (Enable and configure the ones you will use and disable the ones you won't):
-Pay with Amazon/Checkout by Amazon modules settings
-XPayments_Connector module settings
-iDEAL - Rabobank Professional payment settings
-ePDQ - Essential payment settings
-CyberSource - Secure Acceptance Web/Mobile payment settings
12. After the upgrade your store will be able to generate anonymous profiles from orders placed by anonymous users. Since after the upgrade your store's database may already contain previously created anonymous orders, you should use a special utility to generate anonymous profiles from them. <br />To launch the utility, open the link
http://YOUR_XCART_STORE/admin/tools.php?start_generate_anonymous=Y in your web browser, or go to the Tools > Maintenance section of your store's Admin area (http://YOUR_XCART_STORE/admin/tools.php) and click the button "Generate anonymous customers from orders" (The button is not displayed if there are no anonymous orders that have not been converted to anonymous profiles.). This will start the generation of anonymous profiles. Please note that this operation may be time consuming.
13. This upgrade pack does not include changes for vivid*/fashion* skins. If your store uses any of these skins, you will need to upgrade the skin separately using a helpfull patch upgrade/4.6.x-4.6.4/patch_to_check_fashion_mosaic_vivid_dreams_changes .4.6.3-4.6.4.diff and the diff files from the upgrade/4.6.x-4.6.4/skin/common_files directory.

(If all this is due to the XC/XP and not some 3rd party software).

cflsystems 07-08-2014 09:19 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
After upgrading X-Payments to latest it seems to have resolved the multiple orders and the stock issues.
I had to also delete X-Payments payment methods in XC and re-deploy them in order to make this work.
It does seem though the configuration "key" for deploy hold http instead of https for X-Payments url which results in the automatic deployment to fail - had to do it manually, that's where I saw the url being http://

So for everyone upgrading to 4.6.4 and using X-Payments - you are forced to upgrade X-Payments to its latest version 2.1.1 otherwise the new Connector will just not work properly.

ambal 07-09-2014 03:00 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
Hi Steve and Michael,

Indeed you need to upgrade to X-Payments 2.1.1 and re-deploy X-Payments configuration bundle (re-import of payment methods will happen automatically) when you upgrade an existing X-Cart installation connected to X-Payments to 4.6.4.

We will correct our posts to reflect that.

Also, the new connector works with older X-Payments versions, too, but many of the usability improvements will take place with X-Payments 2.1.1 because changes have been made on two sides - in X-Cart and in X-Payments. Since changes in X-Payments assume releasing new versions we released 2.1.1, but unlike for X-Cart we can't release "adapted" versions of changes for older X-Payments :(

For older X-Cart versions we are preparing updated X-Payments connector modules that supports everything we've implemented in 4.6.4 and they will support 2.1.1 fully, of course.

cflsystems 07-09-2014 06:11 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
Alex also check on this

It does seem though the configuration "key" for automatic deployment holds http instead of https for X-Payments url which results in the automatic deployment to fail

ambal 07-10-2014 04:39 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
> It does seem though the configuration "key" for automatic deployment holds http
> instead of https for X-Payments url which results in the automatic deployment to
> fail

This depends on what you have on X-Payments config file. If you put X-Payments URL there as http:// you may face to this trouble. Just correct URL in X-Payments config file to https://

cflsystems 07-10-2014 06:59 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
Yes it was http:// in the config file.
Funny thing is this X-Payments was installed and connected to the XC store by QT :)

timbrrr 07-15-2014 10:28 PM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments

Originally Posted by cflsystems
Hi Alex

........... What about all the carts now that may have already upgraded to 4.6.4 and using X-Payments 1.0? They are screwed big time right.

If this was known up front their X-Payments would have been the first to upgrade. This is critical to active shops. I am not happy about this, you can imagine how Michael feels....

This is all that shows on the upgrade screen in admin before launch, not a word about the X-Payments Connector...............


Nice to find this AFTER upgrading to 4.6.4 and searching in the forum for an answer to why my shop is totally hosed right now. I can't even roll back, because the database backup is not restoring all the tables correctly.

The word LIVID doesn't even touch the surface of what I am feeling right now.
I hope this wasn't an attempt to sell more copies of Xpayments 2.xx

From what I'm reading of CFL's post, I'm totally dead in the water until an updated version of 1.x is released, or I shell out the cost of upgrading to XP 2.x ?? I see the last post was five days ago, and still no updates.

Stizerg 07-23-2014 09:36 PM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments

Originally Posted by timbrrr
I hope this wasn't an attempt to sell more copies of Xpayments 2.xx

That's how small business make more money, get used to it.
I'm in the same boat with you, waiting for updated XP 1.x, not updating at all and most probably 4.6.3 is the last version of XCart we use at all.

ambal 08-06-2014 02:19 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
Updated X-Payments Connector modules for v4.6.1, 4.6.2 and 4.6.3 have been uploaded into File Area of our HelpDesk system
They are copies of the connector from 4.6.4 adapted to run with the aforementioned X-Cart versions.

Mish 08-06-2014 04:34 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
I paid for my X-Payment connector to be installed. It hasn't worked as you said it would.
Will you have your staff update my connector, or do you expect me to pay for your bug? Apologies if I sound angry, I am. This bug (that's what it is) has screwed my tax accounting. (Seriously)

ambal 08-06-2014 06:15 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
"X-Payments Started" order entries is not a bug. That version of X-Payments connector was developed that way due to architecture of X-Cart 4.

I do agree it was not right for your integration with OneSaaS as well as for many other merchants. That's why we released all the X-Cart updates we are talking about here and provided them free of charge.

The updated connector modules are provided free of charge along with installation instructions inside the packages. If you want our techs to do the installation for you - yes, you need to buy an appropriate service. But you do not have to buy that service. The module is available for downloading in your File Area and you can install it yourself, too.

I suggest to test a fresh install of our latest X-Cart 4.6.4 connected to your X-Payments before doing any changes to a live X-Cart 4.x site as those connector modules implement the same X-Payments Connector functionality we coded in 4.6.4.

mcanitano 08-18-2014 11:08 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
Is this update only for those who have X-Payments v2.1.1+?

ambal 08-19-2014 12:58 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
> Is this update only for those who have X-Payments v2.1.1+?

No, new connectors can be used with older X-Payments versions, too, but some of the improvements can work with X-Payments 2.1.1+ only as we added new API calls there. Those who use hosted X-Payments plans can get upgrade to the latest X-Payments version absolutely free of charge by posting us a ticket about that.

ambal 08-19-2014 11:01 PM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
Updated connector modules for various X-Cart 4.x versions can be downloaded at
https://drive.google.com/a/x-cart.com/folderview?id=0B6p7sehSZL8_akhxR0VwQ0dta2M&usp=dri ve_web

Right now 4.5.4 - 4.6.4 available. Connectors for 4.0.x-4.3.x in the above folder are old (do not support iFrame integration and tokenization yet) and going to be updated within next couple of months, too.

I'll keep you posted as soon as we release new updates here.

ambal 08-25-2014 01:57 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
4.5.2,4.5.3, 4.5.4 are available for downloading at the aforementioned link.

mcanitano 08-25-2014 05:44 PM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
We installed new XPC for XC 4.5.5 and are receiving errors now.

PHP Error:


[25-Aug-2014 14:37:43] Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /.../payment/cc_xpc.php on line 120

[25-Aug-2014 14:39:08 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function func_order_data() in /.../public_html/payment/cc_xpc.php on line 121
[25-Aug-2014 18:33:52 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function func_order_data() in /.../payment/cc_xpc.php on line 121

Checkout Error:


[25-Aug-2014 14:37:42] (shop: 25-Aug-2014 15:37:42) CHECKOUT message:
    Payment processing notice.
    Login: [LOGIN HERE]
    IP: [IP HERE]
    Payment method: Credit Card (X-Payments: Authorize.Net AIM)
    bill_output = Array
        [sessid] => [SESS ID]
        {code} => 1
        [billmes] => Payment is charged
    (last 4 card numbers: XXXX);
    (card type: XX);
    original_bill_output = Array
        [sessid] => [SESS ID]
        {code} => 1
        [billmes] => Payment is charged
    (last 4 card numbers: XXXX);
    (card type: XX);
    _GET = Array
    _POST = Array
        [action] => return
        [refId] => orderid
        [txnId] => sess ID
        [last_4_cc_num] => xxxx
        [card_type] => xxx
Request URI: /payment/cc_xpc.php


Customer's are saying they complete the payment process, and the site hangs up/freezes (though the payment has already been processed, and the order is completed) and they are not redirected to completed payment page.

ambal 08-26-2014 02:30 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
1 Attachment(s)

We investigated this issue and found out a possible reason.
Please apply this patch - Attachment 3891 - to your X-Cart connector module. It is needed if X-Payments before 2.1.1 is used.

I will re-upload v4.x connectors with this fix shortly and post a message here.

ambal 08-27-2014 05:08 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
4.5.1 connector is available at the aforementioned Google Drive link.
4.5.2-4.5.5 connectors have been updated to include the fix I wrote about at http://forum.x-cart.com/showpost.php?p=376554&postcount=20. Connectors above 4.5.5 do not need the fix.

4.5.0 and 4.4.5 connectors are being tested now and going to be published soon. I'll post a message here as soon as we roll them out.

ambal 09-01-2014 03:41 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
4.5.0 available at the above link.
4.4.x connectors are being tested now.

ambal 09-04-2014 01:16 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
4.4.x connectors are made available at the aforementioned Google Drive link.

ambal 09-10-2014 01:05 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
4.2.0-4.3.2 connectors are available now after testing.

ambal 09-30-2014 05:40 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
4.1.x branch added and all the connector modules have been updated, too.

Our official announcement of the new connectors has been published at

Also, For PayPal users: If X-Payments payment form is not displayed for PayPal payment methods on checkout, try to disable and then re-enable "Use Iframe" setting in X-Payments connector module settings.

rct 10-18-2014 08:35 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
1 Attachment(s)
we are using 4.4.5, recently upgraded the x-payment to 2.1.1 from 1.0.5.

However there is a problem when we updated our x-payment connector.

We used the latest version of the 4.4.5 connector from the google drive, and used the patch , however, there's problems:

The x-payment connector in the admin stated the keys are missing even we just copied and pasted the config bundle from the x-payment back end.

Due to the x-payment connector problem, There's 2 payment methods that we have configured , but in the x-payment connector, there's only 1 shown and also in the payment gateway, only 1 method is showing as well.

We had our hosting company restored the following files prior to the upgrade/update.


Can someone tell me if we need to restore other files before we try to reinstall the x-payment connector and x-payment upgrade again?

Or what is the suggestion?

thanks in advance

ambal 11-17-2014 02:56 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
Connectors for X-Cart 4.4.x got updated today.

https://drive.google.com/a/x-cart.com/folderview?id=0B6p7sehSZL8_akhxR0VwQ0dta2M&usp=dri ve_web

cflsystems 11-17-2014 05:16 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
What was the update about Alex? Any change log?

random 11-17-2014 05:33 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments

Originally Posted by cflsystems
What was the update about Alex? Any change log?

We have updated only the connectors for 4.4.0-4.4.4 versions.
There was a bug in them that caused empty customer information in the orders.

ambal 03-05-2015 04:44 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
Hi Everyone,

We've updated XC4 line of connectors again. See https://drive.google.com/a/x-cart.com/folderview?id=0B6p7sehSZL8_akhxR0VwQ0dta2M&usp=dri ve_web#list

Bug-fixes mostly plus made them up to date with X-Payments connector we included in the upcoming 4.7.0.

ambal 03-13-2015 12:08 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
We have a time limited offer for X-Cart 4.x merchants interested to use X-Payments.

If you use X-Cart of versions 4.1.0-4.6.6, buy a new annual X-Payments Basic, Pro or Multistore subscription before April 1st 2015, and we will update X-Payments connector in your X-Cart 4.x to the latest version free of charge.

cflsystems 03-23-2015 01:30 PM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments

Originally Posted by ambal
Hi Everyone,

We've updated XC4 line of connectors again. See https://drive.google.com/a/x-cart.com/folderview?id=0B6p7sehSZL8_akhxR0VwQ0dta2M&usp=dri ve_web#list

Bug-fixes mostly plus made them up to date with X-Payments connector we included in the upcoming 4.7.0.

Install it, it broke the store. Now client is getting "Unable to process payment because cart content has changed. Try to restart checkout."
Their subscription X-Payments has been upgraded to latest as far as I know. So something is amiss there with the connector.

EDIT: It seems the issue was in using AC OPC - looks like the new X-Payments and Connector changes break this checkout, the cart takes orders with the built-in OPC.

And found this by accident which is included in the upgrade
PHP Code:

+        // Current API version is not supported, try to downgrade it
+        $_version_array explode('.'$config['XPayments_Connector']['xpc_api_version']);
+        if (
$_version_array[1] > 0) {
+        } else {
$_version_array[1] = 9;
+        }
$config['XPayments_Connector']['xpc_api_version'] = implode('.'$_version_array); 

The "else" portion will never run, why is there like this?

ambal 03-23-2015 08:34 PM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
> It seems the issue was in using AC OPC - looks like the new X-Payments and
> Connector changes break this checkout, the cart takes orders with the built-in OPC.

Thank you for the update! Yes, we developed updates for stock X-Cart functionality, of course.

But I want to say that I will be happy to coordinate with Bill from AlteredCart regarding our changes in X-Payments connector and making his checkout extensions BFF with X-Payments. Perhaps it is good time now to re-touch base anew regarding this cooperation.

random 03-23-2015 09:54 PM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments

Originally Posted by cflsystems
The "else" portion will never run, why is there like this?

Let's imagine that we have 2.0 API version in connector that is not supported by old X-Payments.
In this case code will downgrade it to the 1.9 and so on until it find supported version.
Yes, I know that there can be versions like 1.11, but personally don't think it is a good idea to iterate through a 255+ numbers constantly calling X-Payments server :-)

cflsystems 03-24-2015 04:46 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
I see where I get confused...

cflsystems 03-24-2015 07:39 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments

Originally Posted by ambal

Thank you for the update! Yes, we developed updates for stock X-Cart functionality, of course.

But I want to say that I will be happy to coordinate with Bill from AlteredCart regarding our changes in X-Payments connector and making his checkout extensions BFF with X-Payments. Perhaps it is good time now to re-touch base anew regarding this cooperation.

That's fine, I just didn't expect this upgrade to break OPC so bad...
I believe the client is in touch with Bill already but you may try as well as there are tons of XC using his OPC

ambal 03-27-2015 04:42 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
Hi Everyone,

Just want to place it here so you know.

We found and fixed a bug -
Invoices for orders placed via X-Payments using Multicurrency show prices in primary currency regardless of customer selection

Patch is published at https://bt.x-cart.com/view.php?id=44506

4.7.1 will have this patch included out of the box, but older connectors will be updated as soon as we collect a bit more updates.

And yeah, you do not need to apply this patch if you do not see similar issue in your X-Cart 4.x integrated with X-Payments. If you do not know how to apply patches or afraid of doing it - contact our techs at helpdesk@x-cart.com

BBM_ 04-01-2015 09:01 PM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments

Originally Posted by ambal
> It seems the issue was in using AC OPC - looks like the new X-Payments and
> Connector changes break this checkout, the cart takes orders with the built-in OPC.

Thank you for the update! Yes, we developed updates for stock X-Cart functionality, of course.

But I want to say that I will be happy to coordinate with Bill from AlteredCart regarding our changes in X-Payments connector and making his checkout extensions BFF with X-Payments. Perhaps it is good time now to re-touch base anew regarding this cooperation.

Has there been any news on this front as I am about to install the latest version of X-Payments onto a site that has Altered carts One Page Checkout installed.

I've reached out to Bill as well, but thought I would check here.

Many thanks.

ambal 04-02-2015 12:11 AM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments
> Has there been any news on this front as I am about to install the latest version of
> X-Payments onto a site that has Altered carts One Page Checkout installed.

Not yet. I've just sent a message to Bill.

BBM_ 04-10-2015 10:09 PM

Re: Updated X-Cart 4.x connector for X-Payments

Originally Posted by ambal
> Not yet. I've just sent a message to Bill.

Have you received any response as I'm still awaiting one (which is strange for Bill)

Many thanks

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