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Vacman 03-15-2013 04:38 PM

Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
1 Attachment(s)
In X-Payments I have Lite Interface enabled for my Payment Gateway.

When I go to do a sample order and get the Submit order part (from Order Summary), the screen is cleared and in the upper left hand corner I get just what you see in the image...

Just that and only that, no cute little box, no separate page still showing my company info etc...

SignTorch 03-17-2013 12:08 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
it's confusing but I think:

that's the lite template selected in xpayments

if the lite interface is enabled in the x-payments connector in x-cart

then it will display and fit inline on the checkout page

if lite interface is not enabled in x-cart

then the selected x-payment template will appear on a separate page in checkout

in that case the lite template appears like in your picture

you would set (and you can generate and edit) other templates to look better on a separate page

jasonjaques 03-17-2013 01:44 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Vacman
In X-Payments I have Lite Interface enabled for my Payment Gateway.

When I go to do a sample order and get the Submit order part (from Order Summary), the screen is cleared and in the upper left hand corner I get just what you see in the image...

Just that and only that, no cute little box, no separate page still showing my company info etc...

As well as in X-Payments settings, you also in X-Cart need to select the "use lite interface" checkbox in Settings -> X-Payments Connector and be using One Page Checkout

The One page checkout will then load that little box in an iFrame all on the same page instead of on its own on the next page. see attached image

Vacman 03-17-2013 06:41 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
No such luck.
1. Lite is selected in X-Payments Back-End.
2. Lite is selected in General Settings -> Settings -> X-Payments Connector.
3. I have tried both the AJAX One page checkout option as well as the Fast Lane option and they both upon Submit send to a new, blank screen as shown in my first post.

SignTorch 03-17-2013 09:04 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
I'm still half confused and experimenting, but it seemed to help a lot to define a separate store in xp for each xc test install, clear the cache a lot, and remember to approve in xp any changes to any payment template files, I got from not working to apparently working, but now I got altered cart's checkout one and I already like it more even though I forgot to order the xp connector for it, it auto submits on return from paypal express orders and seems less confusing all around for me and customers

Vacman 03-17-2013 09:48 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Yep - Been clearing cache as well as temp files as well. I should mention that I am NOT using PayPal. I am using a standard Merchant Credit Card Processor.

I also currently only have my test/dev store running through X-Payments as my live store is fully functional and running on a different db, etc.

jasonjaques 03-17-2013 11:20 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Vacman
No such luck.
1. Lite is selected in X-Payments Back-End.
2. Lite is selected in General Settings -> Settings -> X-Payments Connector.
3. I have tried both the AJAX One page checkout option as well as the Fast Lane option and they both upon Submit send to a new, blank screen as shown in my first post.

Well thats not good... i have attached a screen shot of my dev x-payments page

I had a little bit of an experiment in my dev store X-Cart 4.5.5 with Xpayments 1.0.6 with a normal credit card gateway and the "switching point" between it being loaded correctly in the iFrame OR loading on the blank next page in the upper left corner like in your first is definitely the little checkbox in the X-Payments Connector Settings in X-Cart that says "Use lite interface".

If i check the "use lite interface", hit APPLY, go and restart a customer checkout, as soon as i sign in as a customer there is a hover box that says PLEASE WAIT over the payment options, then loads the (lite) template credit card form input fields in the payment section.

If i uncheck the "use lite interface" hit APPLY, restart a new checkout process, sign in, it does NOT load the iFrame or input fields and only displays the available payment options to select by radio checkbox. If you then Hit Submit order, it will then take you to the next page blank screen with credit card form fields in the upper left corner. (Not what you want)

Even more to this, if you go login into X-Payments and toggle the templates to xcart or default from lite, the blank page you are talking about will be formatted correctly with the logo (you have to change it from x-carts logo in your x-payemts) OR

if you want it to load correctly in the Ajax One page Checkout iFrame you MUST:

1. select template = lite in X-Payments Backend -> Settings -> Online Stores -> Your Store -> Template - HIT SAVE

2. must select checkbox "use lite interface" - HIT APPLY CHANGES

failing this, something must not be sticking and suggest re-installing your dev store and re-importing your x-payments methods

My dev/test store is using:
PHP 5.3.21
X-Cart 4.5.5
X-Payments 1.06

hope this helps

Vacman 03-18-2013 10:38 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Update: Very strange behavior going on.
I checked to make sure that Lite was checked both in Store (X-Payments) as well as in the X-Payment Connector.

When I go to place a sample order and get to the checkout screen, I get a message in the upper right corner stating that one of my products (in my cart) is out of stock. Bear in mind that I have my shop set up so that it still show products that are out of stock and on this item it shows that I have about 30 on hand - so this should not be an issue.

If I then click once again on the Submit button, then the order goes through, but to the blank page that I started with with the prompts for credit card info etc.

@jasonjaques - yep - generated the template from "my store" within X-Payments and uploaded the files to their proper home.

Related to this strange behavior is if I (after going through the above mentioned observation) now go back to my X-Payments Connector page - the Lite Checkbox is now UNCHECKED! I can duplicate and repeat the bahavior....

jasonjaques 03-18-2013 05:57 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue

Originally Posted by Vacman

@jasonjaques - yep - generated the template from "my store" within X-Payments and uploaded the files to their proper home.

In my dev installation, i did not touch the generate template in x-payments or upload any templates, just used the stock standard supplied "lite" template supplied and it worked out of the box. Maybe your problem lies there with X-Payments with a broken generated template being supplied to X-Cart? (suggest full re-install x-payments since yours is only dev too)

On a side note - For this all to work and mesh correctly as far as i have read, you have to be using only the latest versions of both x-cart 4.5.5 and x-payments 1.0.6 (currently at the moment)


Vacman 03-18-2013 10:10 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Yeah - I actually started out with this problem using the stock templates with the same results. Unfortunately, we can outrule that possibility. I am using the latest on both, but I might delete the whole X-Payment thing and start over. Getting very frustrated as everything looks like it should be working...

The two strange things that are occurring are that the cart will sometimes decline the order because it says that item I selected is out of stock. This should not be happening. The other strange thing is that after this happens, if I go into the XC Admin and check out the X-Payment Connector it will have changed from Lite to unchecked (for Lite). In X=Payments (The back end) it will still show that in my Online Stores Lite has been enabled, but in the Connector it gets disabled.

Nishant 03-19-2013 06:29 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
I was having same issue as described.

Just Change setting in X-Payments.

Change the Interface from Lite -> Xcart, then save.

Then again, Change it from Xcart -> Lite.

Clean your X-cart cache & test. IT works..!!:-)

Vacman 03-19-2013 08:09 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Unfortunately that didn't work either. "IF" I get it to get past the Submit point, it will still go to the blank screen with the CC prompts in the upper left hand corner. And when I check on the X-Payments connector, it unchecks the Lite checkbox.

At this point I am going to wipe the directory and reinstall X-Payments. I will report back.

Vacman 03-19-2013 09:14 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Well, I reinstalled X-Payments to no avail. The good news is that the error of "Out of stock" seems to have resolved itself.

Still takes me to blank screen with CC input boxes in upper left corner.

Toora Designs 03-19-2013 10:22 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Check your error logs maybe you can get a clue there...

Vacman 03-19-2013 03:02 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
1 Attachment(s)
Error logs are all clear - no clues there. They show the logs being created but no entries after that. Just the same screen. I really am puzzled with this one.

I should mention that if I select the XCart or Default Template that it all does function, I just am trying to get away from leaving the checkout page. All I want it to do is to stay on the same page through the whole checkout process.

Nishant 03-19-2013 09:37 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
1. Delete all payment methods/ Online stores in X-Payments.
2. Create new Payments methods & Online Stores.

Redeploy the X-Payments Connector in X-cart.

This worked for me.

Vacman 03-19-2013 09:41 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Yeah - That is what I did earlier today. Completely deleted X-Payments - files and directory. Re-download it and did a complete reinstall. The issue with the "Out of stock" problem is not showing up anymore.

In the morning (10:41 PM here in Los Angeles) I am going to uninstall it again and disable X-Payments Connector and try it again.

jasonjaques 04-01-2013 04:13 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
@Vacman Hey I did manage to replicate (i dont know how) your fault through one of my various adventures of re-installations of my dev store. I managed to get it going again by selecting down the bottom of Payment Methods Use this payment method for orders with zero total cost. and choosing a different option and hit SET. Also changed the XPayments Position to 0 (Zero) and disabled all other payment methods. and hit APPLY. I dont know which fixed it but then the IFRAME loaded correctly in the OPC (not just saying Xpayments: Method and loading the payment window in the OPC, and and the problem went away. Worth a try, i wasnt expecting to run into the problem, but did so though i would give you and update for something else to try. Sorry writting a bit random, in a hurry.

Xcart Dev 4.55

Vacman 04-01-2013 08:27 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Thanks, but unfortunately that didn't work either. I have now opened a ticket and I WILL keep everyone here posted. Feel free to contribute if anyone else has ideas.

jasonjaques 04-03-2013 05:48 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
@Vacman i can replicate your problem with a clean install of 4.5.5, can get it working too, it is something fishy to do with enabling shipping and enabling real time shipping (even if you dont use it) Once enabled i can disable and doesn't break it. Not sure exactly what it is, but it is somehow related to Shipping, I am trying to narrow down what it is and lodge it in the Issue Tracker.
I feel your pain!!!!

X-Cart 4.5.5 (Testing)
X-Payments 1.0.6
X-Mobile 1.3.1 (Testing)

ambal 04-04-2013 12:54 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
I just want to add that Jase is having the issue with X-Cart Mobile extension. So it may be different case.

jasonjaques 04-04-2013 01:36 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue

Originally Posted by ambal
I just want to add that Jase is having the issue with X-Cart Mobile extension. So it may be different case.

Yes, two separate issues, Konstantin seems to have done a great job fixing up the x-payments lite for x-mobile display issues. I just happened to notice this issue (x-payments lite not loading iFrame on OPC) and ran into it a couple of times when re-installing and testing X-Cart 4.5.5 . It didn't bother me, because if you enable shipping and realtime shipping it seems to go away and work properly. But it seems to be getting a lot of other people stumped, so i will help out and try isolate the fault.

I will re-install another fresh test store shortly and document and screen capture the fault.

There is a good episode of TOPGEAR on here tonight in Australia, so it is essential i go watch that first.

ambal 04-04-2013 05:01 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Patch for the issue with X-Cart Mobile and X-Payments is available at https://bugtracker.qtmsoft.com/view.php?id=42808

Jase, are you going to watch UK Top Gear 19th season?

jasonjaques 04-04-2013 07:28 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue

Originally Posted by ambal
Patch for the issue with X-Cart Mobile and X-Payments is available at https://bugtracker.qtmsoft.com/view.php?id=42808

Jase, are you going to watch UK Top Gear 19th season?

X-Mobile problem was seperate bug

I have just lodged a ticket for this new OPC lite x-payments bug and how to re-produce it:

Takes a while for us to get the newer Top Gear in Aussie land, will watch when it arrives.

Vacman 04-22-2013 01:08 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue

Originally Posted by jasonjaques
@Vacman i can replicate your problem with a clean install of 4.5.5, can get it working too, it is something fishy to do with enabling shipping and enabling real time shipping (even if you dont use it) Once enabled i can disable and doesn't break it. Not sure exactly what it is, but it is somehow related to Shipping, I am trying to narrow down what it is and lodge it in the Issue Tracker.
I feel your pain!!!!

X-Cart 4.5.5 (Testing)
X-Payments 1.0.6
X-Mobile 1.3.1 (Testing)

Thanks Jase! I have opened a ticket with them on the premise that I have not made a single modification to any code and the product is not functioning right out of the "box" as advertised. And as such, I should not be required to spend any more money to get it functioning. We shall see where this goes.

Vacman 05-06-2013 09:04 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Update: They were able to tell me that the issue "seems" to be with my X-Payments install. As when I hook up to their test X-Payments install everything functions as expected.

I have decided to completely uninstall X-Payments and start over with a completely fresh DB, config, etc.

Will keep everyone posted.

Vacman 05-06-2013 09:09 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue

I get this at step #2:
Installation script could not connect to database server.
Please check all parameters in config.ini.php file and try again.

Sooo - I created a little php script and plugged in the DB, User, Password and can connect just fine to it... Which means that I have the correct DB name, password and username... but for whatever reason the X-Payments Install script won't connect.

Vacman 05-06-2013 11:44 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Success! At least it looks correct now!

In the config file where you put the quotation marks - wierdly because I was copying/pasting from a different file, the characterset quotes were not being recognized. Cross-platform troubles - my fault.

Vacman 05-13-2013 10:04 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Soo.... Now I have X-Payments reinstalled and I am back to the same original trouble I had to begin with - XCart and Default display a new page for customer to enter their CC info. When I select Lite, it still opens a new screen with no Submit button. Qualiteam refuses to help until I spend money.... for something I have already paid for and have not modified.

ambal 05-13-2013 11:58 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
> Qualiteam refuses to help until I spend money.... for something I have already paid for and have not modified.

Carl, I see you are using a free NFR X-Payments license that we gifted to you in 2010. Unfortunately, we can't provide free support for free NFR licenses so I am not sure what paid service or software you are talking about. Perhaps you purchased X-Payments in some other HelpDesk account?

cflsystems 05-14-2013 08:13 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Alex, a little bit off topic, but maybe you should start new thread and explain which products gets free support and which ones not, bug fixes for free, etc. I have seen similar threads and requests few times already with users asking or complaining for having to pay QT for support, bug fixes, etc....

I myself don't think the free licenses should get free support but many do... it is confussing I guess... just a thought

P.S. Maybe you have something on x-cart.com that deals with that, I have not seen it though

Vacman 05-14-2013 10:18 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue

Originally Posted by ambal
> Qualiteam refuses to help until I spend money.... for something I have already paid for and have not modified.

Carl, I see you are using a free NFR X-Payments license that we gifted to you in 2010. Unfortunately, we can't provide free support for free NFR licenses so I am not sure what paid service or software you are talking about. Perhaps you purchased X-Payments in some other HelpDesk account?

Well then Alex, I owe you and everyone here an appology. I <ehem> assumed that I have paid for X-Payments, but now I that I put some thought into, I believe you are correct... we were grandfathered in.

Well, I will have to think about it. I have X-Payments working - it just refuses to use Lite. If I use Default or X-Cart for the checkout it works just fine.

ambal 05-14-2013 11:01 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Steve, I just thought Carl had one more HelpDesk account where he'd paid for X-Payments service and we failed to provide it for some reason. But you raised a good note I should think about.

Carl, we had reports about similar issue but almost all of them were related either to a bug in X-Cart Mobile extension (it was fixed recently and if you are using this extension you should upgrade it) or it was related to some customizations and 3rd party mods that we need to go and check in order to figure out what is wrong. This kind of service is paid, but if it turns out that there is a bug in our software your incident fee will be refunded back to you, of course.

Vacman 05-15-2013 01:34 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Not using the Mobile Extension and no 3rd party mods have been installed (at least not originally - I now have Google Feed Manager and reBoot Skin installed).

In talking with Helpdesk, they had me try pointing at the X-Payments test box - it worked just fine. So the assumption was that something must have been corrupted with my X-Pay install. I have uninstalled and deleted the database and then reinstalled the thing now so many times that I can do it in my sleep.

Like I said before, X-Cart and Default interface work, just not the Lite interface.

Alex - I like the offer if a refund if it is a defect. I believe that I will probbably take you up on that offer next week when I have some time.

loopsound 07-03-2013 01:36 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue

Was this ever resolved? I have just discovered today that my lite interface keeps becoming unchecked. I am using 4.5.5 + Xpay 1.06 on two sites and it just keeps switching off in Xpayment Connector. I can't imagine how many sales I've lost and I would appreciate any info you could give me.

Admittedly, the Xpayments install is 1.05 upgraded to 1.06 but surely these errors should not exist. My 4.5.4 sites work fine? As instructed by Qualiteam, I placed this code in the config.ini but it is still switching off.

; Version of X-Payments
; Do not change without upgrade

I am rather desperate fix this and any help would be gratefully received.

Freakmode 07-10-2013 11:27 PM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Are you are talking about getting Xpayments working with Reboot within the iframe?

Ours does not work either, QT spent some time looking at it and told me its down to Phils template. I emailed Phil but heard nothing back. In the meantime our demo for xpayments expired!!

I think its another reason to not install 3rd party mods and just stick to X-carts.

Freakmode 07-11-2013 02:51 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Sometimes you have to weigh up how much money you are losing vs paying QT the money to fix the problem.

loopsound 07-11-2013 07:13 AM

Re: Lite Interface & 4.5.5 Issue
Well actually I had a breakthrough today and it only cost my ё0.60, you may want to check out my other post.....it may help you?


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