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-   -   Connect Installation 4.1.10 (https://forum.x-cart.com/showthread.php?t=64024)

gblair 06-19-2012 04:36 AM

XPayments_Connector Installation
This is the first time I've installed a module. We've had third parties do it before.

I've copied all the files from the archive to the store directory.

I half expected the module to show up in the admin list, but it doesn't so I'm assuming I have to run an installation?

For the life of me, I can't find which file to run.

I tried /store/modules/XPayments_Connector/admin.php and config.php admin_config.php and all say I don't have access to this domain.

Anyone give me a pointer?

Toora Designs 06-19-2012 06:49 PM

Re: XPayments_Connector Installation
You should read installation guide and it will direct you right direction.

gblair 06-20-2012 05:33 AM

Re: XPayments_Connector Installation
Thank you for taking the time to respond.

The manual says:

3. In a web browser, run the installation script http://example.com/install-xpaymentscon.php replacing example.com with the true domain name of your X-Cart installation.
Although later revisions of this page remove that line and just go straight into configuring the x-payment connector

The archive that I downloaded, unzipped, uploaded to my store via FTP does not have the file install-xpaymentscon.php

Therefore I am having trouble working out how to run a file that doesn't exist.

gblair 06-20-2012 05:57 AM

Connect Installation 4.1.10
I posted this in the main forum, but figured I would repost here too to keep things in the right place.

I've unzipped connect and uploaded the 5 folders to my xcart installation.

The manual says:

3. In a web browser, run the installation script http://example.com/install-xpaymentscon.php replacing example.com with the true domain name of your X-Cart installation.

Pretty straight forward except that I can't find install-xpaymentscon.php anywhere.

What am I missing? And where can I find it?

ambal 06-20-2012 06:14 AM

Re: XPayments_Connector Installation
Moved to X-Payments issues&questions

joss 06-20-2012 06:38 AM

Re: Connect Installation 4.1.10
1) Could you specify those five directories you've uploaded on server?

2) Check, whether there are the patch files:
- patch_4_1_12.diff
- patch_4_1_12.sql

if so, try to apply them as the regular X-Cart patches:
- http://help.x-cart.com/index.php?title=X-Cart:Applying_Patches#Applying_File_Patches
- http://help.x-cart.com/index.php?title=X-Cart:Applying_Patches#Applying_SQL_Patches

Note: the other X-Payments Connector files must be on the serve before applying the patches.

gblair 06-20-2012 07:10 AM

Re: Connect Installation 4.1.10
Sure can:


As for patches, they are both there So I will run them as you suggest.

Just curious, is it obvious (ie written down somewhere) to do this? I'm having a really hard time getting xpayments and connect to work and starting to feel like a frustrated dummy.

Thank you for taking the time to reply, I really do appreciate it.

gblair 06-20-2012 07:17 AM

Re: Connect Installation 4.1.10
I'm assuming that the 4_1_12 is the version number. Is it OK to run these patches on my version 4.1.10?

cflsystems 06-20-2012 07:22 AM

Re: Connect Installation 4.1.10
Most likely you will have to modify them a little to fit on 4.1.10 but in general yes

gblair 06-20-2012 07:26 AM

Re: Connect Installation 4.1.10
OK, I bit the bullet and ran the diff patch and it thinks that all the files are already patched.

top.inc.php already patched
admin/cc_processing.php already patched
admin/configuration.php already patched
admin/payment_methods.php already patched
include/process_order.php already patched
skin1/admin/main/configuration.tpl already patched
skin1/main/history_order.tpl already patched

So I didn't follow through and apply the patch.
Do you think that it's saying this because I've had other third party modules installed in the past?
Or is it clever enough to see that the patch doesn't need to be applied?

joss 06-20-2012 07:29 AM

Re: Connect Installation 4.1.10

Just curious, is it obvious (ie written down somewhere) to do this? I'm having a really hard time getting xpayments and connect to work and starting to feel like a frustrated dummy.

Could you specify the exact name of the conector package you've used, and the path where you've downloaded it? We'll correct it.


I'm assuming that the 4_1_12 is the version number. Is it OK to run these patches on my version 4.1.10?

Patches for 4.1.12 should work for "blank" 4.1.10.

joss 06-20-2012 07:30 AM

Re: Connect Installation 4.1.10

Originally Posted by gblair
OK, I bit the bullet and ran the diff patch and it thinks that all the files are already patched.

top.inc.php already patched
admin/cc_processing.php already patched
admin/configuration.php already patched
admin/payment_methods.php already patched
include/process_order.php already patched
skin1/admin/main/configuration.tpl already patched
skin1/main/history_order.tpl already patched

So I didn't follow through and apply the patch.
Do you think that it's saying this because I've had other third party modules installed in the past?
Or is it clever enough to see that the patch doesn't need to be applied?

"Already pathed" means, that indeed the changes were already applied. So, you should run the SQL patch and the X-Payments connector module will appear at the Modules page.

gblair 06-20-2012 07:35 AM

Re: Connect Installation 4.1.10
I got them from my qtmsoft.com file area


and x-payments was

If there is a generic place to download them, I can try again.

When you say "blank" you mean a default 4.1.10 system?
I have had other modules installed by third parties. Is it possible these could cause me issues with x-payments or applying patches then?

gblair 06-20-2012 07:36 AM

Re: Connect Installation 4.1.10
Sorry, cross posting. I'll try the SQL patch.

Thanks again for you help.

gblair 06-20-2012 07:44 AM

Re: Connect Installation 4.1.10

Originally Posted by joss
"Already pathed" means, that indeed the changes were already applied. So, you should run the SQL patch and the X-Payments connector module will appear at the Modules page.

IT WORKED!!!! Or at least I can see the module in the list now.

I noticed you replied to my regen question, so I'll try your suggestions with that next.

I can't thank you enough. You've helped me more in the last hour than everyone else in the past 3 days.

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